Category Archives: Old Boys’ General News

A Rewarding Career: Michael Pinder and the Bank of England

A Rewarding Career: Michael Pinder and the Bank of England Michael Pinder with Head of Economics Mr Farrell and Mr Kay I have worked at the Bank of England since September 2013. As the central bank, the Bank is a
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Barrie Wells Trust | Box4Kids Initiative

Old Boy Barrie Wells was a highly successful entrepreneur within the financial services sector before finding his true vocation as a philanthropist. His first major charitable venture was in 2008 when he set out to nurture home-grown sporting talent whom
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Old Boy Joe Hinds – a cappella star joins Gareth Malone’s BBC2 show “The Naked Choir”

Old Boy and star of many MTS productions Joe Hinds is through to the next stage of Gareth Malone’s “The Naked Choir” competition on BBC2. Joe’s group “The Sons of Pitches” were up against tough opposition but gave a fantastic
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