Category Archives: Primary School News

The School Shop Summer Opening Hours

The School Shop The School Shop is situated at 138 College Road, Crosby, Liverpool L23 3DP. Telephone number: 0151 924 0975 Summer opening hours are; closed Saturday 9th July 12:30pm – Tuesday 19th July 10:00am. Tuesday to Friday 10:00am –
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Stanfield’s Road to Rio Carnival

Stanfield’s Road to Rio carnival took place on Friday 1st July 2016 as a way to celebrate the end of term and also the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio. In the week leading up to the Carnival, the children found
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Reception Careers Day 2016

Reception have been reflecting on their first year in school and getting ready for moving into Year 1. They didn’t stop there though… they even planned their future careers! From doctors to zoo keepers, a fabulous day was had by all!

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MTGS Year 6 and 7’s Road to Rio

MTGS Year 6 and 7’s Road to Rio Years 6 & 7 joined together to learn about Olympic traditions and celebrate this year’s Olympic Games taking place in Rio. Throughout the day the girls have experienced a variety of activities
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Year 4 Pupils Travel Back in Time for an Aztec Day

Year 4 Pupils Travel Back in Time for an Aztec Day The Year 4 girls were lucky enough to travel through time to attend the Aztec Calmecac school this week, to learn how to become an Aztec priestess! A fun
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French Play

On Wednesday, years 5,6 and 7 had the chance to watch a fun an interactive French Play. The girls were treated to a wonderful show depicting what to do and how to deal with a real life situation if they
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MTPS Year 5 Cycling Proficiency

The year 5 class at MTPS have recently been practising their cycling skills in order to pass their cycling proficiency.

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English Schools Swimming Finals – Junior Results

Congratulations to the Junior Swimming Team, who competed in the English Schools Swimming Finals, in Sheffield on Saturday. The girls swam exceptionally well, reaching the finals in both the medley and freestyle relays and coming 15th overall in both events.
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Year 5 French Day 2016

On Tuesday, Year 5 had some fun with French. They were put into real life situations, having to present the weather, describe what they had lost at an airport and ordering pain au chocolat in a café.

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Year One’s Castle and Knights Workshop

‘The Year 1 children thoroughly enjoyed their Castle and Knights workshop. The children dressed up in traditional costumes and were invited to the King and Queen’s wedding. They performed a medieval dance, juggled with the jester, balanced feathers, had a
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