Category Archives: Primary School News

Mad Science at Stanfield

This term our Junior Mad Scientists have had lots of fun investigating physics, chemistry and biology topics. The pupils explored the senses and in particular how the others can affect our sense of taste.  We carried out blind taste tests,
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Charity Duathlon 2016

Our two Junior Schools and Waterloo Primary took part in a sponsored duathlon last week and raised over £900 for the Good Life Orphanage in Mombasa. Well done to all who participated and thank you to those who sponsored the
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Amber Becomes Double British Champion

Congratulations to Double British Champion Amber Gregson who won two golds at the WKKC British Championships yesterday and will represent England at the World Championships in Dublin later this year.

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Year 2 Have a Smashing Time at the Glass Museum

Year 2 visited The World of Glass as part of our Materials topic for Science. We learned about the properties of glass while exploring some of the museum’s artefacts. We also toured the original Cone Building where the glass used to
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Vikings Day with Year 3

On Thursday it was Viking Day for Year 3. We all went downstairs to the Year 4 classrooms and met a Viking called Wayland. Firstly, he said hello by saying ‘goodar’ which is Viking for hello. Next we got Viking
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World Book Day 2016

Some ‘novel’ outfits were on display yesterday when the children dressed up as their favourite book characters for World Book Day. We think they look fantastic.

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New Library for Stanfield Children

We are pleased to announce that MTPS Stanfield now has a new library. We would like to thank the PTA for their generous donation, which has enabled us to buy some specialist library furniture. The children are all looking forward
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Harry Potter Book Night

Children in Years 3 & 4 from around the area arrived for a thrilling Harry Potter themed night last week. MTGS was transformed into Hogwarts for the evening with classes in Herbology, Divination, Astronomy, Potions, Quiddich and much more! We
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KidzFit Health and Fitness Workshop

Stanfield pupils enjoyed a day of Olympic-inspired fitness workshops where they learned about the importance of exercise and healthy eating whilst taking part in some fun activities.    

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Superheroes for a Day

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