Category Archives: Senior Girls News

Cadets Put on Outstanding Inspection

We were delighted to welcome Old Boy, Brigadier Matthew Lowe MBE to return to School as the Inspecting and Review Officer of the Combined Cadet Force for Inspection Day this year. After leaving in 1981 and following a career in
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BAE Apprenticeship for Samantha

Congratulations to Upper Sixth student Samantha Jones who has been awarded a three year Aerospace Engineering Apprenticeship with BAE Systems subject to her achieving the requisite A level grades. Having made it through the highly competitive application process, consisting of
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Outstanding Result for Charity Appeal

Merchant Taylors’ Schools recently contributed to the efforts of many participants to promote the charity Vision Aid Overseas. The initial aim was to collect in 500 pairs of glasses in the “Every Pair Counts Appeal” during Lent. The appeal was
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Success for MTS Chess Teams at UK School’s Chess Challenge

On Sat 29th April Merchant Taylors’ Chess teams attended the Cumbria, Lancashire and Mersey megafinal of the Delancey UK School’s Chess Challenge. The boys played some excellent chess and five of the seven boys won a medal or a trophy for finishing
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Pippa’s Princess Dress Design makes it to the Public Vote

Several of our Y7 girls entered the recent Clothkits competition  to ‘Design a Dress for Princess Charlotte’.  Clothkits gave a special ‘Shout Out’ to Merchant Taylors’ and Pippa Burns’ (7M) design has made it through to the public vote! You
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The Head Girl Team Handover

This morning the Head Girl Team, as well as the Sports and Music Captains of 2016, handed over their badges and responsibilities to the Head Girl Team of 2017.       From left to right: Music Captain Sophie Orr,
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Easter Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

Easter Monday saw 18 Year 11 girls set off on their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition to North Wales.  Spring may have sprung but they endured all four seasons in three days.  Day One was a long slog through the rain through
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Appointment of Acting Headmaster for Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School from September 2017

The Governors of Merchant Taylors’ Schools are delighted to announce the appointment of Deiniol Williams as Acting Head of the Senior Boys’ School from September 2017. Deiniol Williams joined Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School in September 2014 as Deputy Headmaster (Pastoral)
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MTGS Supports Wear a Hat Day

Staff and pupils have been showing their support for Brain Tumour Research. Brain tumours kills more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer…yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated
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Liverpool City Drinks 2017

This year’s annual Liverpool City Drinks took place at the historic Racquet Club Hotel in Chapel Street.  Over 60 former pupils (of all ages), former staff, parents as well as current school staff attended throughout the evening.  The event was organised
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