Category Archives: Senior Girls News

Head Girls 2016-17

We are proud to introduce our new Head Girl Team 2016-17. Welcome Rosie Solomon (Head Girl), Kate Abramson (Deputy Head Girl), Milly Cadman (Deputy Head Girl), Ellie Church (Games Captain), Poppy Yip (Vice-Games Captain) and Sophie Orr (Music Captain). Good
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Eco Committee Work Hard for New Green Flag

In the summer term, the Eco-committee was put to the test when two assessors from Eco-Schools England visited MTGS to determine whether or not the school retained its green flag status. On the 14th June, the visitors met with Miss
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Old Head Girls Welcomed Back for Supper

Mrs Robinson welcomed back Old Head Girls from the past ten years to join her for the annual Head Girls’ Supper. The girls joined the Heads of School and current Head Girl team for a lovely three course meal in the
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Charity Concert in aid of Cancer Research

Year 11 pupil Chloë Ellen Jones is organising a charity concert on Friday 23rd September at the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral in memory of her Gran. The event will raise money for Cancer Research UK, The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and Live
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Celebrating 97 years of Headship

This week Mrs Robinson hosted a lunch for some of the current and former Heads of MTGS and Stanfield. Pictured from left to right Miss Julie Yardley, Mrs Margaret Mann, Mrs Louise Robinson, Mrs Janet Mills, Mrs Margaret Davies and
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Exceptional GCSE Results

Pupils at Merchant Taylors’ Schools are celebrating an outstanding year of GCSE results with over 30% of all marks attained with the top A* grade.  This is the highest percentage for 7 years. This year’s results are the outcome of a
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The SaxPac at Lytham’s Annual Wartime Festival

Saturday 13th August was a fantastic day for SaxPac! Who had been invited to play a half hour slot at Lytham’s Annual Wartime Festival. Unfortunately, 3 members out of our 6 member group could not make the event, but this
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Another Year of Outstanding A-Level Success

This year students at Merchant Taylors’ Schools have been rewarded for all their hard work and effort with an outstanding set of A Level results.  Over three quarters of the year group, at both the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools, have
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GOING FOR GOLD It’s a busy summer for our Gold DofE groups. Five U6 girls from MTGS and two U6 boys from MTBS joined forces in mid- July to complete their D of E Gold expedition in the Yorkshire Dales.
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Summer Holidays Activites Club Cinema Trip – Friday 29th July

Summer Activities Holiday Club at MTJBS will be taking a trip to the cinema, this Friday 22nd July, to watch the Finding Dory. Cinema hired out exclusively for pupils attending Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ Junior School Holiday Club.  Book in for
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