Latest News

MTJBS’ Letters to Family

22 Apr 2020

Our Junior Boys have been writing letters to their relatives who they can no longer see due to the current Coronavirus pandemic,...

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Get Connected

21 Apr 2020

We’re asking pupils of all ages to write to older alumni and local people in the Crosby community. Merchant Taylors’ is a...

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Melissa Wins Place on XMaS Scientist Experience

20 Apr 2020

Just before the Easter holidays began the Physics Department received the amazing news that Melissa Hennessy has won a place on...

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Physics Challenge

15 Apr 2020

The Physics Department have got a challenge for you!...

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Year 12 Pupil Gives Key Workers a Boost

7 Apr 2020

Year 12 student Tom Bennett and his cousin Anthony gave key workers in the NHS a boost last week as they treated them to over 40...

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Latest Guidance on External Examinations

3 Apr 2020

Ofqual has published detailed guidance relating to the grading of A Level and GCSE examinations this summer....

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U6 Create #MerchantsAtHome Video

3 Apr 2020

Our Upper Sixth girls have been getting creative whilst having to isolate by making a fantastic Tik Tok video. Well done girls!...

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#MerchantsAtHome Gallery

27 Mar 2020

We love seeing all your new classrooms and how you are learning at home. We’ve created a gallery below to share all the...

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Firefly Information

20 Mar 2020

Whilst we are learning away from school at this time, we understand that some may run into trouble or difficulty using Firefly....

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MTBS Music Competition

18 Mar 2020

On Tuesday 10th of March, the annual Music Competition took place at MTBS with our guest adjudicator, maestro of electro, Alan...

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MTGS Music Competition

18 Mar 2020

The MTGS Music Competition was held last week, providing a superb showcase of the school’s musical talent. Girls performed...

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Scott KO’s the Competition

17 Mar 2020

Congratulations to Upper Sixth student, Scott Brown who recently represented Merseyside and Cheshire against a senior London...

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