Pupils take part in Foundation Stones project

Dozens of girls took part in the Foundation Stones project to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.

Pupils decorated stones to commemorate the Jewish men, women and children killed in the Holocaust and all other victims of Nazi persecution. The project also invites participants to choose to dedicate their stone to those killed in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

Building on the Jewish custom of placing a pebble on headstones when visiting a grave, Foundation Stones from across the United Kingdom will become part of the new memorial, each one a commitment to remember and learn from the past.

Further information can be found here.

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Emily and Jacob selected for GB Climbing Squad

Congratulations to young climbers Emily and Jacob, who have both been selected for the GB National Development Squad for 2022 in their respective age groups.

For Emily, selection to the GB National Development Squad 2022 is a culmination of four years of competitive climbing, a huge acknowledgement not only of her hard work and dedication but also her achievements to date given her success in regional and national competitions.

Jacob has only been competing over the past two years and his selection for the GB National Development Squad 2022 is a deserved recognition of his success in regional competitions along with his natural enthusiasm and ability with climbing.

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Students learn about NHS Careers

Admission tutors from the University of Liverpool School of Health Sciences visited Merchant Taylors’ last week.

Boys and girls in Year 11 and 12 from Merchant Taylors’ and neighbouring high schools came together in the Williams Hall to hear details of the broad range of medical careers available.

It was a fascinating opportunity to learn about the various different options and pathways that are on offer within this field.

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Boys’ School Hosts Time & Space Event

On the 17th and 18th January, Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School was delighted to welcome Bill Jennings to address boys and their parents/mentors. Bill is the founder of Time and Space, a company working in schools around the world, to encourage open, honest, trusting conversations between boys and their parents. Bill worked with Year 7 boys and their Mums/Female Mentors on Monday and with Year 8 pupils and their Dads/Male Mentors on Tuesday.

Through a series of guided conversations, both generations were encouraged to explore their current relationship and to think about ways in which this might develop. The activities were guided by Bill but led by some outstanding members of the Sixth Form. We are also grateful to some parents, who had experienced the Time and Space evenings before and volunteered to lead groups and be members of a discussion panel this year.

These evenings leave a very positive impact and boys are reminded to have similar conversations with their parents on a regular basis – Time and Space will send a reminder email!

As part of the event, boys and their parents brought secret “treasures” – physical items which represent the strength of the relationship between them. Treasures were revealed to each other on the evening and then displayed for all to see at the climax of the event.

Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School has worked with Time and Space for three years. We recognise the importance of the relationships between parents and their sons as well as between home and school and these evenings serve to reinforce those relationships. Thank you to all the boys and parents who participated.

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Stanfield Takes Part in Christmas Appeal

Following an appeal by St Helens and Whiston Hospitals for Christmas pictures and cards our Stanfield pupils rose to the challenge in the weeks leading up to the big day. With the help of their teachers, pupils designed beautiful cards and pictures which will be distributed to patients at the hospitals to spread some Christmas cheer.

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Year 4 Visit to Chester

On Thursday 2 December, Year 4 took a step back in time to visit the Roman city of Chester. They marched through the streets led by a Roman soldier until they reached the famous amphitheatre. They followed the strict orders of the soldier to create some impressive formations ready for battle!

In the museum the children walked through a reconstructed Roman town and learnt all about Roman life. The children were commended for their knowledge and engagement in the all the activities.

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Year 3 & 4 Multi-Sports Activity Club

Year 3 and Year 4 pupils enjoyed a fun-filled Christmas session for their final after school Multi-Sports Club of the term. The pupils experienced dodgeball, basketball and festive-fun games while wearing Christmas accessories and spreading their Christmas cheer!

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Mary Chosen to Join Rushworth Young Composers & Songwriters Programme

Congratulations to Mary, who has been chosen to join the prestigious Rushworth Young Composers and Songwriters programme for this season.

Mary’s submission of her own song with original lyrics and music, has impressed the panel, and she is looking forward to developing her composition skills further.  The Rushworth Young Composers scheme offers young composers and Youth Company members the chance to develop their composing skills by writing music for performance by their peers.

The composers, aged 14 to 18, work with mentors to develop their creative and musical voice, write music for players and singers from Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Orchestra and Choir and have the chance to see their music performed in the Liverpool Philharmonic Music Room.

Well done, Mary!  We look forward to hearing your music later this year.


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Model UN – Eco Week

On Friday 12th November, a group of sixth form students at the Boys’ School gathered to debate the most significant issue of our time: climate change.

This was part of a week of activities arranged by Ms Robinson, our Biology Technician, and Mrs Croxton with the help and support of the Eco Committee, to tie in with the COP26 conference in Glasgow.

As the world powers sat down to decide their final commitments on Friday, our group of representatives did the same. Each form had been allocated a different country on Monday and asked to research their climate change issues and commitments. Delegates arrived representing countries such as Ecuador, Brazil, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Russia and the USA, to name but a few.

What followed was an impressive, well-informed debate as the boys demonstrated their superb understanding of the key issues surrounding climate change, whilst accurately representing the concerns of the countries that they had been allocated.

There were some tense exchanges between Russia and the USA, but in the end the Model UN were able to agree that they would cut carbon emissions, end deforestation, and contribute financial aid to countries affected by climate change. Well done to all the boys who took part, it was a fantastic debate.

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Year 6 Girls’ Evacuee Day

As part of their History topic on World War Two, the Year 6 girls spent the day experiencing life as an evacuee.

To start the day, the girls made their way to the ‘train station’ where they waited with anticipation to make their nerve-wracking journey to their new homes. As the journey began, the girls introduced themselves to each other with their World War 2 names and discussed how they were feeling about being evacuated.

After arriving at their destination, Billeting Officers Miss Copping and Mrs Curwen assigned the girls to their new host families. Following this, girls visited their ‘new classrooms’. The girls very much enjoyed experiencing what it would be like to have a brand-new teacher and classroom.

Following this was the most exciting part of the day: snack time! The girls sat together and enjoyed their WW2 snacks of jam sandwiches, fruit and digestive biscuits whilst listening to some wartime music.

Following this, the girls wrote some formal letters home to their parents on tea-stained paper. They told their parents all about their new host families and how they were feeling about their experiences so far.

In the afternoon, the girls enjoyed making their very own gas masks out of card, cellophane and bubble wrap. Miss Copping and Mrs Curwen were very impressed with the final products!

The day ended with an opportunity to start watching the film ‘Carrie’s War’ which is about a World War 2 evacuee, based on the novel by Nina Bawden. The girls enjoyed the day and really immersed themselves into the life of an evacuee.

Miss Copping and Mrs Curwen would like to thank parents for their support in supplying costumes and snacks – the girls looked fabulous!


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