Year 13 Visit Vibe Outdoors

Ahead of the beginning of their final year our current Year 13 pupils took part in an outdoor education day at Vibe Outdoors in Knowsley on Wednesday 1 September. Vibe run inspiring and inclusive activities and programmes that help young people to build positive relationships with themselves and others.

The aim of the day was relationship building, working as a team as well as having lots of fun as they participated in various activities. The girls faced their fears as they launched themselves through the air on the zip wire, summoned their inner Olympian as they tried their hand at Archery and worked as a team as they headed onto the water during Kayaking.

The pupils and staff involved in the day created lots of brilliant memories and were inspired to challenge their perceptions of one another. Overall lots of new teamwork skills were developed in a fun and challenging environment.

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GCSE success at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School

Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School is celebrating another year of excellent GCSE results despite disruption caused by Covid-19 restrictions.

A third of all grades across the school were at Grade 9, while more than half (52%) of all grades were at grade 8 or 9, the equivalent of an A*.

Eleven boys achieved straight Grade 9s, including Thomas Cunliffe, who scored 12 Grade 9s, Hemanth Bheemireddy, with 11 Grade 9s, and William Bannerman, Yash Hanchanale, George Johnston, David Ogundele and Ali Saeed, who each scored 10.

Hemanth Bheemireddy achieved 11 Grade 9s

Thomas Bruce and Methul Gamage both scored nine Grade 9s, while Alexander Raw and William Gillespie each achieved nine Grade 9s and a Grade 8.

Many of the boys are also involved with a range of extra-curricular activities which make a meaningful contribution to the school community, including the Eco-Club, Combined Cadet Force, sport and music.

This year, following the cancellation of examinations, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. Throughout periods of enforced lockdown and isolation, Merchant Taylors’ delivered specialist online lessons, tutorials, assessments and support to boys and girls in all year groups, every day.

William Bannerman scored 10 grade 9s

David Wickes, headmaster at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School, said: “Our boys have shown ambition and perseverance throughout a very difficult time for them and their families. The results today bear witness to their academic strength and their commitment to their studies and the efforts of our excellent teaching staff.

“With the support of their teachers and parents, the boys gave their all during periods of online education and it is especially pleasing to see that our remote learning provision has been able to support their progress so effectively in such a difficult year.

“The boys deserve huge credit for their passion and work ethic, both essential qualities as they head into their Sixth Form years with us at Merchant Taylors’, and we are excited to see what this talented group can achieve over the next two years and beyond in their academic careers.”

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Merchant Taylors’ girls make the grade at GCSE

Girls at Merchant Taylors’ School have achieved an excellent set of GCSE results despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Almost a third of all grades (30%) achieved by Year 11 students were at level 9, the equivalent of an A*, with more than 50% of all grades at 8 or 9, in line with an upward curve of results over recent years.

Harini Sethuraman achieved a remarkable 11 Grade 9s

Harini Sethuraman achieved a remarkable 11 Grade 9s, while Jessica Furlong, Maya Ravindran and Udita Singhal each scored 10 Grades 9s across a range of subjects including Physics, Biology, Maths, English, History and Modern Languages.

Sophie Ennis achieved eight grade 9s and two grade 8s

Smaya Katti, Philippa Rowlands, Lucinda Wat and Victoria Woodier all scored nine Grade 9s and an 8, while Ujjwala Singhal, Hermione Wakefield and Sophie Ennis all achieved eight Grade 9s and two Grade 8s and Priya Lal achieved eight Grade 9s and one 8.

The school also recorded a 100% pass rate across all subjects, with 86% of all results at Grade 9 to 6.

This year, following the cancellation of examinations, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. Throughout periods of enforced lockdown and isolation, Merchant Taylors’ delivered specialist online lessons, tutorials, assessments and support to boys and girls in all year groups, every day.

Pupils jump for joy after receiving their GCSE results

This year, following the cancellation of examinations, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. Throughout periods of enforced lockdown and isolation, Merchant Taylors’ delivered specialist online lessons, tutorials, assessments and support to boys and girls in all year groups, every day.

Claire Tao, headmistress at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, said: “The final grades attained by our Year 11 pupils are a real expression of how academically strong this cohort of girls is and of how much they strove to develop their intellectual curiosity with impeccable support from our staff and their parents.

Jessica Furlong, Maya Ravindran (pictured) and Udita Singhal each scored 10 Grades 9s across a range of subjects including Physics, Biology, Maths, English, History and Modern Languages.

“In difficult circumstances, they have given themselves the best foundation possible as they move on to their A Level studies and we look forward to seeing the girls again in September.”

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Merchant Taylors’ School toasts GCSE success

Merchant Taylors’ School is celebrating another year of excellent GCSE results, despite disruption caused by Covid-19 restrictions.

Almost a third (31%) of all grades across the historic Crosby school were at Grade 9, while more than half (51%) of all grades were at grade 8 or 9, the equivalent of an A*.

A total of 11 boys and girls achieved ten Grade 9s or more. Thomas Cunliffe scored 12 Grade 9s and Harini Sethuraman and Hemanth Bheemireddy both scored 11 Grade 9s.

Harini Sethuraman achieved a remarkable 11 Grade 9s

Jessica Furlong, Maya Ravindran, Udita Singhal, William Bannerman, Yash Hanchanale, George Johnston, David Ogundele and Ali Saeed each scored ten Grade 9s.

Alexander Raw, William Gillespie, Smaya Katti, Philippa Rowlands, Lucinda Wat and Victoria Woodier all scored nine Grade 9s and an 8, while Ujjwala Singhal, Hermione Wakefield, Sophie Ennis all achieved eight Grade 9s and two Grade 8s.

Hemanth Bheemireddy scored 11 Grade 9s

Thomas Bruce and Methal Gamage achieved nine Grade 9s and Priya Lal achieved eight Grade 9s and one 8.

Their successes were achieved across a range of subjects including Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Maths, English, History, Geography, Classics and Modern Languages.

This year, following the cancellation of examinations, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. Throughout periods of enforced lockdown and isolation, Merchant Taylors’ delivered specialist online lessons, tutorials, assessments and support to boys and girls in all year groups, every day.

David Wickes, headmaster at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School, said: “Our boys have shown ambition and perseverance throughout a very difficult time for them and their families. The results today bear witness to their academic strength and their commitment to their studies and the efforts of our excellent teaching staff.

“They deserve huge credit for their passion and work ethic, both essential qualities as they head into their Sixth Form years with us at Merchant Taylors’, and we are excited to see what this talented group can achieve over the next two years and beyond in their academic careers.”

William Bannerman was one of eleven pupils who achieved ten grade 9s or more

Claire Tao, headmistress at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, said: “The final grades attained by our Year 11 pupils are a real expression of how academically strong this cohort of girls is and of how much they strove to develop their intellectual curiosity with impeccable support from our staff and their parents.

“In difficult circumstances, they have given themselves the best foundation possible as they move on to their A Level studies and we look forward to seeing the girls again in September.”


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Merchant Taylors’ applauds A Level achievement

Merchant Taylors’ School has paid tribute to the hard work of its students and staff after another excellent A Level performance, despite the educational challenges created by Covid-19 restrictions this year.

Among a combined cohort of 115 pupils, almost two-thirds of all grades awarded were at A*-A, while more than three quarters were grade A*-B.

A total of fifteen boys and girls, equivalent to 13% of the collective year group, achieved straight A* grades across a range of subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, History, English, German and Latin.

Almost 95% of all students are leaving to take up university places across the UK and beyond, including two who are heading to Oxbridge colleges. Sam Roughley is studying Natural Sciences at Cambridge, while Ben Falconer is reading Ancient and Modern History at Oxford.

Sam Roughley (L) and Ben Falconer (R) both achieved four straight A* grades

The broad range of study destinations for Merchant Taylors’ students includes Archaeology & History at York University, Materials Science & Engineering at Imperial College London, Software Engineering at Lancaster University, Law at Leeds University, Aeronautics & Astronautics at Southampton University and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Warwick.

Alternative destinations include the Northern Ballet School, where Molly Dean has won a full scholarship, and Shy Shyamsunthar will take up her place on the highly competitive Art Foundation course at Central St Martins, London.

This year, following the cancellation of examinations, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. Throughout periods of enforced lockdown and isolation, Merchant Taylors’ delivered specialist online lessons, tutorials, assessments and support to boys and girls in all year groups, every day.

Among the many Merchant Taylors’ success stories is Marcus Baldwin, who achieved four straight A* grades and is leaving to study History at Durham University. He was one of six students to record this remarkable tally of grades; another, Edward Pope, is set to read Economics at the London School of Economics.

Melissa Hennessey, who achieved straight A* grades, will be reading Natural Sciences at Durham and Maisie Lavelle, a passionate tennis player who achieved the same results, is leaving to study Sport and Exercise Science with a placement year at Loughborough University.

Melissa Hennessy and Maisie Lavelle achieved straight A* grades

Claire Tao, headmistress at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, said: “Our A Level results reflect our track record of success and are testament to the girls’ hard work, motivational teaching both in school and remotely and the support they’ve received from staff and from their parents throughout the past 18 months.

“We are very proud of all that the pupils have achieved. The courage, grace and tenacity they have shown during a time where the educational goal posts were constantly changing should be applauded. There is no doubt that all of these attributes will serve them well in their future endeavours beyond School and they can now look ahead to fulfilling their ambitions, becoming the strong, capable women we know they will become and making a positive difference to the world.”

David Wickes, headmaster at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School, said: “Collectively and individually, the boys have been a huge credit to themselves and their families this year. Despite the challenges of lockdown, restrictions and remote learning, they have risen above it all to show their very best.

“The breadth of success across many subjects is especially pleasing and these results further demonstrate that with excellent teaching from specialist staff, the crucial support of parents and their own strong work ethic and positive approach, students really can achieve anything at our school.”

View all Girls’ Results Day 2021 photos HERE

View all Boys’ Results Day 2021 photos HERE

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A Level success for girls at Merchant Taylors’

Headmistress Claire Tao has paid tribute to the hard work of students and staff at Merchant Taylor’s Girls’ School following another excellent A Level performance, despite the educational challenges created by Covid-19 restrictions this year.

Almost two-thirds of all grades were A*- A, while more than 83% of all grades were A*-B. Three girls, Melissa Hennessey, Maisie Lavelle and Ciara Losty, achieved straight A* grades.

Melissa Hennessy (L), Maisie Lavelle (R) and Ciara Losty achieved straigth A* grades

Melissa will be reading Natural Sciences at Durham and Maisie, a passionate tennis player, who is leaving to study Sport and Exercise Science with a placement year at Loughborough University.

More than 95% of girls are leaving to take up university places across the UK and beyond, the range of courses being studied by girls include Archaeology and History at York, Biochemistry at Imperial College London, Law at Leeds, Geography at Newcastle and Biomedical Sciences at Warwick.

Molly Dean has won a full scholarship to the Northern Ballet School and Shy Shyamsunthar will take up her place on the highly competitive Art Foundation course at Central St Martins, London.

This year, following the cancellation of examinations, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. Throughout periods of enforced lockdown and isolation, Merchant Taylors’ delivered online lessons, tutorials, assessments and support to girls in all year groups every day.

Claire Tao, headmistress at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, said: “Our A Level results reflect our track record of success and are testament to the girls’ hard work, motivational teaching both in school and remotely and the support they’ve received from staff and from their parents throughout the past 18 months.

“We are very proud of all that the pupils have achieved. The courage, grace and tenacity they have shown during a time where the educational goal posts were constantly changing should be applauded. There is no doubt that all of these attributes will serve them well in their future endeavours beyond School and they can now look ahead to fulfilling their ambitions, becoming the strong, capable women we know they will become and making a positive difference to the world.”

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A Level success at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School

Students and staff at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School are celebrating another excellent A Level performance this year, in spite of challenges caused by Covid-19 restrictions.

More than half of all boys (56%) achieved at least one A* grade among their scores and one fifth of the year group got straight A*s. Indeed, A* was the largest single grade achieved by boys at the school.

Almost 80% of the year group achieved an A* or A, with 43% of the year group scoring straight A*or A. More than 60% of all grades awarded were at A* or A.

Marcus Baldwin was one of six boys who achieved four straight A* gradesSix boys – Marcus Baldwin, Ben Falconer, Shaun Fernando, Ed Pope, Ethan Roberts and Sam Roughley – all achieved a remarkable four A* grades across a broad range of subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Economics, Latin, German, English and History.

More than 92% of boys are leaving to take up university places across the UK and beyond, including two, Sam Roughley and Ben Falconer, heading to Oxbridge colleges.

Sam Roughley (L) & Ben Falconer (R) both achieved four A* grades and are heading to Oxbridge colleges

Three boys will now study medicine at Edinburgh, Manchester and Sheffield, while other destination courses include Materials Science & Engineering at Imperial College London, Software Engineering at Lancaster University, History at Durham, Aeronautics & Astronautics at Southampton and Economics at LSE.

STEM subjects performed particularly well, with 43% of all grades at A*, while four in every five grades in modern and classical languages were either A* or A.

This year, following the cancellation of examinations, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. Throughout periods of enforced lockdown and isolation, Merchant Taylors’ delivered online lessons, tutorials, assessments and support to boys in all year groups, every day.

Among the many Merchant Taylors’ success stories is Joseph Collins, who achieved three As and one B grade and is now looking forward to studying Genetics at the University of Leeds, and Joshua Green, who scored two A* and an A and is heading to Durham University to read Anthropology.

Josuha Green achieved two A* grades and an A grade

Head Boy James O’Sullivan, who has been playing rugby at Sale Sharks Academy U18 and Irish Exiles U19s this year, achieved three A* and a B and is leaving to study Economics at Bath.

Head Boy James O’Sullivan achieved three A* grades and a B grade

Luke Suarez, who has shown an instinct for veterinary science from a very young age, will now fulfil his ambitions at the University of Liverpool after achieving two A*s and an A. Luke is also a talented athlete, who represented Merseyside in the English Schools Championship earlier this year.

Luke Suarez achieved two A* grades and an A grade and is heading to the University of Liverpool to study Veterinary Science

Another boy following his dreams is Oliver Powell, a passionate ecologist, who is leaving to study Marine and Freshwater Biology at Aberystwyth.

David Wickes, headmaster at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School, said: “Collectively and individually, the boys have been a huge credit to themselves and their families this year. Despite the challenges of lockdown, restrictions and remote learning, they have risen above it all to show their very best.

“The breadth of success across many subjects is especially pleasing and these results further demonstrate that with excellent teaching from specialist staff, the crucial support of parents and their own strong work ethic and positive approach, students really can achieve anything at our school.”

Posted in Boys Sixth Form News, Senior Boys News | Leave a comment

Merchant Taylors’ agrees partnership with Griffiths & Armour

Merchant Taylors’ School has confirmed a new partnership with leading independent insurance broker and risk management specialist Griffiths & Armour.

This new relationship will see Griffiths & Armour provide sponsorship funding to help the school provide free professional N-Pro rugby headguards to all boys joining in Year 7.

With their Head Office based on Princes Dock in the new Liverpool Waters development,  Griffiths & Armour will also be supporting a celebration event, organised by former pupils of the school, at Anfield stadium in November to mark the school’s 400th anniversary, which has been delayed since last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Griffiths & Armour

Merchant Taylors’ is providing the N-Pro headguards in partnership with Performance Teq to be used for training and matches throughout boys’ first year at school. N-Pro’s Defentex technology reduces the energy transferred to a player’s head during a tackle by up to 75% and is accredited by World Rugby, the global governing body, for use in a trial for matches and training at all levels of rugby around the world.

Martin Hawken, director at Griffiths & Armour, said: “We have enjoyed a long and successful working relationship with Merchant Taylors’ for many years, several of our team are also former students of the school, so we are thrilled to now be able to continue our support for this important initiative and strengthen those links even further by supporting various aspects of school life.

“A cornerstone of the Griffiths & Armour philosophy is to support our clients’ businesses by providing them with peace of mind through the certainty of protection. Operating within a safety first culture and environment is vital in achieving this so when we were approached to help provide  free headguards to Year 7s we recognised this as a fantastic idea which reflects the school’s commitment to creating a safe environment for all of its pupils, a commitment which we of course share”.

“Our new partnership doesn’t end there and we will be working closely with the school to offer support in other areas wherever possible.”

David Wickes, headmaster at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School, said: “We are extremely grateful to Griffiths & Armour for their wide-ranging support and we are excited by their enthusiasm for what Merchant Taylors’ has to offer to children.

“Griffiths & Armour looks after their clients interests in the UK and internationally but with its roots very much in Merseyside and a clear history of innovation, excellence and best practice in many fields, there is a great synergy with our commitment to safety in sport and our efforts to celebrate the numerous achievements of our pupils and staff, past and present.

“Of course, Armour is also the name of a former headmaster and the name of one of our school houses, so they have a natural home here already.”


Jason McAuley, Group Marketing Manager, Griffiths & Armour Insurance Brokers

E: [email protected]


Barry Gregory, Head of Engagement & Marketing, Merchant Taylors’ School

E: [email protected]


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Girls Win Ventura Design Competition

Congratulations to the Design and Technology pupils who have been crowned as the winners of the Design Ventura 2020.

With over 15,000 students participating this year, the panel of shortlisting judges did not have an easy task, but MTGS made it into the final three of the International and Independent Category.

The girls created a board game that encourages creativity through prompt cards which tell players an object (e.g rocket ship) they have to recreate out of the provided shapes.

©Richard Heald Photography/Design Museum

The girls faced stiff competition from Haberdashers Aske’s School for Girls’ and Guildford High School who finished second and third respectively.

A huge well done to Kitty, Lily, Sadie, Olivia and Kyra on their fantastic achievement.

©Richard Heald Photography/Design Museum

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U14 Cricket Team Crowned North of England Champions

Congratulations to the U14 cricket team who defeated Sedbergh School to become the North of England champions!

Well done boys and a special mention also for all the hard work of Mr R Yates, Mr Beddard and Mr G Yates. A fantastic achievement by the whole team and onward to the national finals! Best of luck.

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