Virtual Extra-Curricular Sessions

More than 40 pupils had the chance to listen to Prof Graeme Close, who talked about Diet, Nutrition and his experiences in elite sport. Graeme is part of the England Rugby setup and gave the group an insight in to what he was tasked with doing whilst away with the side during the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Japan.

The following day, 30+ boys and girls joined GB and England Olympian Michael Hoare for a ‘Hockey at Home’ session. This gave the group a chance to train with an Olympic athlete and ask some questions about his journey from the NW to the Rio Olympics. He was so impressed with the group he has agreed to come back and do some more sessions in the coming weeks with some special guests, watch this space.

Prof Graeme Close

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Lower Sixth Physicists reach final round of Atos STEM Challenge

Lower Sixth Physicists, Leia Martin, Bibs Ball, Faye Vaughan, Emilie Walker and Drew Grimmant have progressed to the final round of the Atos STEM Challenge.

The talented quintet has made it this far by producing an essay on the how the nuclear industry can come up with strategies to cope with the demands placed on them during the COVID pandemic and national lockdown periods. The girls have worked so well together as a group and have been resourceful in the way that they have collected their research, taking part in zoom meetings and phone calls with nuclear experts.

They have received great feedback for their work so far and now have until March to develop their ideas and prepare a presentation which will be delivered before a panel of judges. We wish them the best of luck. Well done, Girls!

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School To Return to Remote Learning Following Government Announcement

Dear Parents/Guardians

Further to the Prime Minister’s announcement tonight we are writing to confirm that all Merchant Taylors’ Schools will close until further notice for all pupils except those classified as vulnerable and the children of key workers. These pupils will have access to school as planned from Wednesday 6th January 2021 and for all other pupils remote learning will commence from this date.

Over the last academic year we have made huge strides in our delivery of remote learning and we endeavour to ensure that we minimise the impact of the closure of the school sites on each of our pupils education and wellbeing.

We will now digest the full guidance in more detail, including the announcement that not all exams in the summer will go ahead as planned and we will write to you with further details on the implications of this announcement over the next couple of days.

We would like to thank you all for your ongoing support of our schools in these challenging times.

Yours faithfully

The Executive Management Team

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Merchant Taylors’ bids farewell to two long-serving staff this Christmas.

Merchant Taylors’ bids farewell to two long-serving and much valued staff this Christmas.

Helen Irwin, Head of Business and Economics at MTGS retires after 23 years at school. She has also been our first female Contingent Commander of the CCF. Helen says:

‘I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at MTS as a teacher and as a member of our fantastic CCF. It is hard to think I have spent so many years at MTS, but as many people say, ‘time flies when you are enjoying things’. I have enjoyed my time at MTS and I will naturally miss both the staff and pupils. Thank you to all who have made my time here so memorable.’

Jo Jones has been a SENCO at Stanfield for 18 years; she says:

‘I moved to the North West in 2002 with my husband’s job, and began coaching rowing at MTS Boat club in March 2002, closely followed by teaching at Stanfield in September the same year. I have many happy memories of those years. The drive to and from Chester/Southport proved too much and I took to coaching in Chester instead. I have made so many friends at Stanfield, and had so much fun teaching the pupils – I will really miss all of the laughter. I have learned so much already about dyslexia from the fabulous pupils I’ve had the privilege to teach, but always keen to take on a challenge. I am leaving to go back to university to study Dyslexia at Masters level. I am a firm believer in life-long learning and hope that I have been able to inspire others to love learning too.

David Norton also retires as Head of Finance after 9 years at Merchant Taylors’. Many thanks to all of them for their hard work and service.

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Speech Day 2020

Yesterday marked the first ever Virtual Speech Day for both the Boys’ and Girls’ schools. We have missed our annual trip to the Philharmonic this year due to Covid19 restrictions, and look forward to returning when it is safe to do so. Here we celebrate the excellent achievements of the boys and girls at Merchant Taylors’.

Despite the change in setting many of the elements remain familiar, this year we were joined by the Master of the Merchant Taylors’ Company, Jane Hall for the girls’ ceremony and Major Paul Nanson CBE following his retirement from the Army for the boys’. You can watch both ceremonies and view the electronic programme below.

Congratulations to all of our prize winners!

Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School Speech Day

Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School Speech Day

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Christmas Jumper/Lunch Day

On Thursday 10th December pupils from across the entire school enjoyed a very special Christmas Lunch. This year was extra-special as it saw pupils in the Senior Boys’ and Girls’ school have lunch in the dining room! In any other year this wouldn’t be remarkable at all, but in 2020 it was truly something to celebrate.

After careful planning to ensure everything was Covid19 safe, pupils took turns to re-enter the dining room and enjoy a delicious festive lunch prepared by our fantastic catering team at Chartwells. We had plenty of festive jumpers, hats and accessories on show too as it was also Christmas Jumper day.

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Merchant Taylors’ becomes Lancashire Cricket training hub

Merchant Taylors’ School has entered an exciting new partnership with Lancashire Cricket.

The agreement will see the school become a Regional Development Centre, designed to create a new pathway for talented young cricketers to develop their skills and learn to play ‘The Lancashire Way’.

Qualified coaches will provide graded sessions for boys and girls from Year 3 to Year 10, enabling players to engage at a level that suits their circumstances and their ambitions for development, whether they want to play socially or become first-class cricketers.

Merchant Taylors’ is one of only six schools in Lancashire to be selected for this new programme and the only one in the Liverpool City Region. It will be open to Merchant Taylors’ pupils and children from other schools.

The school’s cricket teams regularly perform well on the regional and national stage, with recent successes including last year’s Under-12s Lancashire Cup, the Under-15 national schools’ T20 tournament and northern T20 and 40-over competition in 2018 and three trophies for the first XI in 2017.

Former pupils George Lavelle and Tom Hartley recently made their professional debuts for Lancashire, while fellow Old Crosbeian Ben Aitchison played his first match for Derbyshire this summer.

David Wickes, headmaster at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School, said:

“Cricket is an integral part of life at our school; we have extensive facilities, including permanent outdoor and indoor nets and an immaculate cricket square, and our teams at all levels enjoy regular success on a regional and national level.

“Indeed, we are proud that a number of our boys have gone on to play for Lancashire and other county teams in recent years, so we are delighted to continue to strengthen this close bond.

“We are also excited to provide new opportunities, both for our own pupils and children from the wider local community, to showcase their talent, expand their love of cricket and learn from a high quality coaching team.”

The recent increase in Covid-19 restrictions has caused the start of the programme to be delayed temporarily, but it is hoped that the first sessions will get underway in January. To register your interest, please visit the following LINK.

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Stanfield Christmas Bauble Competition

Thank you for all the fabulous, inventive and creative baubles, making this a very difficult competition to judge!

Here are the winners:-

Rec – George & Amelia

Y1- Thomas & Fearne

Y2- George& Elissia

Y3 – Thomas & Lillia

Y4 – Annie & Jack

Y5 – Elisa & Caleb

Y6 – Heidi & Archie

Well done to everyone who made a bauble, we look forward to seeing them decorate our Christmas Trees!

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Popular groundsman Dave leaves school after 41 years

Head groundsman Dave Bradshaw is retiring from his role after 41 years’ service to Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School.

Having joined the school on 5 March 1979, Dave has worked diligently for four decades to maintain the school estate and prepare the playing fields and other sports facilities for use by our children and visiting teams.

His final day at work was marked with a socially-distanced celebration with his friends and colleagues, who presented him with a number of gifts to mark his departure.

Headmaster David Wickes said: “Dave has been a familiar face to generations of boys at our school, who will have regularly seen him assembling rugby posts, preparing the cricket square or riding on a lawnmower in all weather conditions, with only his woolly bobble hat for protection.

“I have had the privilege of visiting many schools and seeing many sports pitches in my career. I can safely say that the work that Dave and his team do ensures that the pitches at Merchants are up with the very best in the country. Their efforts lay the foundations for the school’s sporting success and we are incredibly grateful for all they do.

“Dave has become a highly-respected figure among his peers and a much-loved figure for everyone at our school. He will be sorely missed but we wish him well in the next stage of his life and he will always be welcome here at Merchant Taylors’.”

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New Governors Appointed

As you may recall, we wrote to you earlier in the year to outline our plans to recruit new members to the Board of Governors.

We subsequently received a large volume of high-calibre applications and we are extremely grateful to all those who put their names forward for their interest, time, and support.

Following a comprehensive selection process, I am delighted to announce the appointment of three new Governors.

Chris Green, Joseph Howe and Simon Fowler, are all parents or guardians of children currently at our school, and will join the Board with immediate effect.

Chris Green has served with Merseyside Police for 27 years, and is currently Assistant Chief Constable, leading the North West Regional Organised Crime Unit. Joe Howe is the Executive Director of the Energy Research Institute at the University of Chester, and is the North West academic lead for the UK Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre. Simon Fowler worked in the John Lewis Partnership for 34 years in numerous senior roles including as managing director of its flagship department stores in Oxford Street, and most recently as its Director of Communications, where he was responsible for the partnership’s communications strategy.

On behalf of the Board of Governors, I warmly congratulate them upon their appointment to the Board, and look forward to working with them in the future. I am confident they will each bring their extensive experience, energy and passion to bear on behalf of Merchant Taylors’ and greatly support our combined efforts to help propel the school to new heights in the continued pursuit of excellence.
With my kindest regards

As ever

Philip Marshall QC
Chair of the Board of Governors

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