Chair of Governors Retires After 4 Years

Current Chair, and Old Girl, Beverley Bell will retire from the post on 12 July, with Old Crosbeian Philip Marshall taking over.

Beverley has written the below letter to all members of the Merchant Taylors’ community:

Dear Colleagues, Parents, Alumni,

I hope you all enjoyed the half term break and had some time to relax and enjoy the glorious weather.

I am writing to inform you the time is now right for me to retire as a Governor and Chair of Governors at Merchant Taylors’ School.

Balancing the complex demands of my professional life with the demanding requirements of being Chair of Governors has become increasingly challenging. Having celebrated my 60th birthday at the end of last year and just completed a four-year term as Chair of Governors, it is the right time to pass the baton to the new Chair. Good Boards always refresh their Chair and members regularly and Merchant Taylors’ is no exception to this.

I am delighted to inform you the new Chair of Governors will be Philip Marshall QC and he will be assisted by the new Vice-Chair, Anna Gervasoni. Philip and Anna are not only current members of the Board but, by happy coincidence, are also both past Presidents and now our governor representatives from the Old Boys’ Association and Old Girls’ Association respectively.

Philip attended the Boys’ School between 1978 and 1985 before going on to study law at Liverpool University. He became a barrister in 1989. For the past thirty years he has lived and worked in central London, where he is joint head of his chambers, having been appointed as Queens Counsel in 2012. He was President of the Old Boys’ Association in 2016/2017, and became a governor in September 2019.

Anna attended the Girls’ School between 1986 and 1993. After practising as an Occupational Therapist specialising in severe and enduring mental health, Anna took over the family business, completing an MBA. Now specialising in management training and operations, Anna has re-launched a number of flagship venues within hospitality and has recently been persuaded to move to the coast to continue that work with Bourne Leisure. Anna was President of the Old Girls’ Association from 2017 to 2019 and became a governor in 2016.

My tenure will come to an end on 12 July 2020, coinciding with the four-year anniversary of my appointment as Chair and the end of the academic year. I move on in the knowledge the school is in safe hands with a very competent Board of Governors and very talented Executive team at the helm.

When I walked into MTGS with my knees knocking together on my first school day in September 1971 wearing the compulsory hat and an oversized blazer, never did I think in my wildest dreams that one day I would have the personal and professional privilege of leading the governance of the Merchant Taylors’ family of schools 45 years later. Quite simply, I have been honoured to undertake this role and I want to express my thanks to our Heads and Director of Finance and Operations and their respective teams for their unstinting support for me.

It has been wonderful to see and hear about the development of so many gifted children and watch our pupils blossom into highly able, balanced young women and men contributing so much to society in so many ways as a result of their Merchant Taylors’ education.

To my colleagues across the school, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation for your exceptional work in making our school so special. In particular, I am in awe of your dedication and commitment beyond the classroom, where you always go the extra mile to provide a broad and holistic range of co-curricular opportunities to children at Merchant Taylors’, whether it is through the arts, music, sport, CCF or any other manner of inspiring pursuits. These aspects truly set our school apart from our competitors and none of it would be possible without your dedication and skill. So please may I thank each and every one of you for all you have done – and all you will still do.

Our children are the lifeblood of our school; our very reason to exist and prosper for 400 years. To our parents, I know you are not only our education partners or our customers, you are also invariably our friends and kin within the Merchant Taylors’ family. Thank you for entrusting the incredible staff at Merchant Taylors’ with the development and wellbeing of your loved ones. Joining Merchant Taylors’ brings a lifelong connection; the future of the school is extremely bright and I hope your family will remain a part of Merchant Taylors’ for decades to come.

Last but by no means least, I would like to thank Merchant Taylors’ alumni, friends and all other supporters of the school for your invaluable support throughout my tenure. I know you will all continue to support the Chair and Board of Governors working in conjunction with the Heads, in the coming months and years. Joining Merchant Taylors’ brings a lifelong connection and you are all living proof of how powerful and special that is. I look forward to seeing many of you in the future as the alumni network continues to go from strength to strength.

I will continue to follow the school’s fortunes through the many relationships I have built during my time here and I wish each of you every great success in the future.

With my very best wishes,
Beverley Bell, CBE

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Matthew Lock appears on The Morning Show

Merchant Taylors’ Senior Boys’ student Matthew Lock recently appeared on Australian TV on ‘The Morning Show’.

Fresh from his appearance on ‘This Morning’ with Holly and Phil earlier in the year, Matthew explained all about how his vaccuum hobby began as well as discussing his large collection and how he turned it into a business. You can see a clip of the interview below.

Image and video copyright: The Morning Show

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Reception Rockets

The children in Reception were amazed to find out that a letter had arrived at school for them a couple of weeks ago.

However, it was no ordinary letter… it had an intergalactic post mark! An alien called Zig had written to the children asking for their help. He’d been on his way to Earth when his spaceship had crash landed on Neptune and he needed some help to repair it.

The children leapt into action to help Zig, writing him letters, teaching him about our planet and drawing replacement spaceship designs! Many of them even made models of their design to show Zig how to make them. We think they’re very impressive, so keep your eyes to the skies as you never know… you might just spot one!

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New Head Girl Team Announced

Congratulations to Melissa Hennessy who has been announced as the new Head Girl, and Jess Fitter and Ciara Losty who are the new Deputy Head Girls. The Head Girl team are representatives for the whole school and have the important task of leading the student voice, as well as organising a variety of events.

The selection process as always was fiercely contested and the girls took part in a slightly different process than usual. Normally the candidates give a speech in front of the school, however this year it was done via video submissions due to the current situation. As well as this the girls faced an interview before the staff and pupils then voted for the candidates. After the results were announced the girls answered a few questions about their new roles!

Q: Congratulations on becoming the new Head Girl/Deputy Head Girls, how does it feel?

Melissa: Thank you! I’m honestly still quite shocked about it all – I definitely wasn’t expecting it! It’s really exciting though, and I can’t wait to get back to school to start life as Head Girl! I really have no idea what to expect, which is both thrilling and daunting, especially when everything will be so different this year. But it’s really humbling to have been given this opportunity, it’s a massive honour and I’m really looking forward to working with the other girls next year.

Jess: Thank you. It feels great that I am in a position to have this opportunity to represent the girls in the school and to hopefully make some changes that they would like to see. I’ve loved my time at Merchants’ and I’m excited to be able to give something back to the school that has provided me with so many opportunities and amazing memories.

Ciara: Thank you! To be honest I did not at all think that I was going to get it. But, I just wanted to give it a go as I saw it as an opportunity to leave a positive mark on the school. That being said, I am really excited for when we can return back to school and I can take upon the role, alongside the Senior Team.

Q: What do you hope to achieve during your time as Head Girl/Deputy Head Girl?

Melissa: The biggest thing that I would like to focus on in the coming year would definitely be improving awareness about mental wellbeing in school, as I think this is really important. I’d love to see this sort of thing discussed in PSHE sessions so that everyone has the opportunity to learn to look after themselves. I also really want to work on strengthening the house system, whether that be through more inter-house competitions or even just more regular house assemblies, as I think this would strengthen identity and a sense of belonging.

Jess: One of the main things that I would like to achieve along with the rest of the Head Girl Team is more of an integration of the school years through things such as sport, music, drama and other extracurricular clubs. I want the girls in the lower years of the school to be able to come and speak to the older students and for them to feel comfortable to be able to make friends throughout the whole school. I know that it can be difficult, since most of your school life, both academically and outside of the classroom, is spent with your own year group, so this is something that I would like to try and change.

Ciara: I would want to be seen as someone who is approachable who you could chat and have fun with but also someone students would be comfortable enough to share their worries with. As most likely, I have been in similar situations. Similarly, if students feel that something in the school needs development, I would hope that along with the rest of the team we could improve this.

Q: How are you finding working from home at the present time?

Melissa: It’s obviously a really weird time, and it’s certainly a lot harder than actually being in school. You’ve got to motivate yourself to just get on with your work or attend Skype lessons, which is sometimes quite difficult! In other ways though it has given me the time to do things that I might not have been doing otherwise, for example research into different courses at universities and working on my EPQ. It’s also strange not seeing your friends everyday, but at least not having a long bus journey means I don’t have to be up as early!

Jess: I am definitely finding it more challenging than it would be if we were still in school. The teachers have been so helpful when setting work for us from home, so I am able to keep on top of it all. The organisational aspect of it is more challenging. You have to be organised to make sure that you join your Skype calls on time and send in the right homework every day. The whole process has definitely become easier than when we started out though, which is good.

Ciara: To be honest, it varies from day to day.
Some days I am extremely motivated, where I do all my school work and extra revision. Whilst others, I spend indulging in the newest Netflix series. This week alone, I’ve started and completed Outer banks and Tiger King – all which I very much recommend.
Despite the greater temptations of Tik Tok and Disney + at grasp, I feel that I am getting more work done than in school as in terms of frees, I now do my homework from the lesson prior or make notes. Where in school, I would take daily trips to Home Bargains for 12 crème eggs or play Chase the Ace with friends.

Q: Do you have any tips for other students?

Melissa: I would just say try your best to keep up with the work you’re being set, and if you have any questions don’t let the physical barrier prevent you from asking them, always make sure to get in contact with your teachers. I find keeping to your normal school timetable really useful, as it keeps you organised and stops you from falling behind on work. But most importantly try not to worry too much about how your learning is being impacted, as everyone in the country is in the same situation. Instead try to make the most of this weird time to learn something new, reach out to friends and family or even just enjoy the nice weather!

Jess: Something that I’ve been trying to do, which I have found very useful, is sticking to the school time table the best that I can. I know that it can be difficult because there can be many more distractions at home, but I like to write down a list each morning of the things that I have to do for that day and give each task a slot in the school timetable. I find it much easier that way to keep organised and on top of everything when I know what I have to do. I also think that it is important to take regular breaks and try and get outside when you can, because it can become difficult to concentrate when you’re sat at a desk all day.

Ciara:I would say what has helped me the most to stay on track with my school work, is by keeping to my normal school day. This could mean attending a skype call or doing work set in the normal lesson time. To prevent getting overwhelmed by school work, I would recommend trying to make notes after each lesson and doing your homework following it being set. As I know how overcoming it can be having an history essay, biology questions and chemistry test all due for the next day when I’ve left my work to last minute. It is important to balance school work with relaxation – something which I’m still trying to do! Make sure to take a time out when things seem too much – facetime a friend, play with your pet or read a book. As I know I work less effectively when I feel stressed.

Q: For those who may want to follow in your footsteps and become Head Girl/Deputy Head Girl one day, what advice would you offer?

Melissa: I’d say it’s really important to take yourself outside of your comfort zone and get involved in some of the extracurricular activities in school, as I’ve found this is not just the way I’ve made some of my closest friends, but it has allowed me to develop some of the skills necessary for being Head Girl. It can present opportunities for you to take on more responsibility and allows you to develop skills such as public speaking or leadership. Of course when I was doing these things I never anticipated it would lead me to where I am now, but in reflection I think that these experiences have given me the confidence and skill set to fulfill the role.

Jess: I would say to anyone to just go for it. I understand that the whole process can be a bit daunting and I was definitely taken out of my comfort zone, but it was certainly worth it in the end. Whatever the outcome of your application, the process is really useful. You gain the experience of writing an application, having an interview with the head mistress and the head of sixth form and delivering a speech to the whole school, even if it was by video this year! All of these things are extremely beneficial and give good experience for later life. I would encourage any girl who wants to apply for any position in the Senior Committee to do so. It’s an amazing opportunity and a chance to represent the school and make the changes that you want to see.

Ciara: For me, I know that in younger years I never would have dreamed of applying for the role of Deputy Head Girl. I was way too shy and would be too scared to even speak in lessons. With this in mind, you could be the loudest, most out-going person to the most introverted and timid – you are all capable of what you put your mind to. I think to be able to grow as a person, you must challenge yourself. This is something that I have begun to do as I’ve gone through Merchants by taking hold of everything the school offers. You don’t want to look back on all the opportunities you didn’t take and wonder ‘What if.’

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Archie and Jessica take on Challenge 26

Archie (Year 5) and Jessica (Year 3) are attempting Challenge 26, which has been set up to help those charities who have missed out on donations after the cancellation of the London Marathon.

Archie and Jessica, along with little brother Joseph have come up with 26 different challenges to complete, with all moneys raised through donations going to the Trussel Trust, which supports local food banks. The current total has just hit over £1,000!

The challenges are:

– 26 sit ups
– 26 squat jumps
– 260 pogostick jumps without stopping
– 260trampoline jumps without stopping
– Run 26 times up and down the stairs in a day
– Hit the crossbar 26 times
– 2 minute 6 second plank
– 26 cartwheels in a row
– 2.6 km run/walk
– Hold headstand for 26 seconds
– Build a 2.6 metre high tower
– 26 keepie uppies on a tennis racket
– Climb up a rope ladder 26 times
– Make a 26 Duplo block tower in 26 seconds
– 26 flips on the trapeze
– 26 netball goals
– Pot 26 snooker balls
– Put 26 items of clothing on
– Be silent for 26 minutes (2.6 minutes for Joe!)
– Bear crawl 260 meters
– 26 swings on the swing and jump off
– Make 26 words out of the letters STAY AT HOME
– Catch a ball 26 times without dropping it
– Play 26 pieces on the piano
– Draw 26 pictures
– Balance a book on our heads for 26 seconds whilst standing on one leg

Best of luck to Archie, Jessica and Joseph!

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Year 5 Time Capsules

As part of their learning the Junior Boys are currently working on creating time capsules during lockdown.

After careful consideration they have been filling them with items that symbolise important times in their lives, including newspaper stories. The current pandemic is also featuring in the time capsules, showing how much the boys’ lives have differed during this time period.

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GCSE Music Showcase

Before we left school last term, some of our GCSE music pupils recorded pieces of work for submission. These pieces are the culmination of months of careful preparation and we are delighted to showcase them.

Please take the time to listen to these fabulous performances below. Our Showcase includes a variety of different performances that we’re sure you’ll love. Thank you to all of our performers for taking the time to perform and share your beautiful music.

During difficult times, music provides joy and comfort. Even while we are apart, let’s keep making music and sharing it with each other!

Jimi Boswell

Composition One

Composition Two

Performance (Electric Guitar)

Ethan Horspool

Performance (Clarinet)

Performance (Piano)

Composition (also performed by Ethan)

George Farrar

Performance (Tenor Saxophone)

Composition (Featuring Jimi on guitar and George on Bass)

Aakash Dharmaraj

Performance One (Cornet)

Performance Two (Cornet)

Thomas Saysell


Alex Lal


Jude Anderson-Maguire

Performance (Piano)

Composition (Written and performed by Jude)

Aska Nabeshima

Performance (Piano)

Brendan Gallagher

Performance (Saxophone)

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Corinne Awarded 5th Blue Peter Badge

Congratulations to Stanfield pupil, Corrine, who has just been awarded her FIFTH Blue Peter badge.

Corinne was chosen to be an advocate for autism due to a poem she wrote about her brother, and recently featured in the Blue Peter show. Corinne submitted two original poems, an original short story (which you can read below) as well as a music piece!

Autism is a Superpower

The Environment 

The Mystery of the White Spots

Well done Corinne!


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Quinn Wins Art Competition

Well done to MTJBS pupil Quinn Mcmenamin who recently won the AIB Art competition!

Quinn entered the 10+ category and was selected as the winner – his art piece featured a lovely tribute to the NHS.

Well done Quinn!

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Lockdown Challenge: The Periodic Table

The U6 chemists have been rising to the challenge of self-isolation combining Chemistry with their creative skills to produce a patchwork Periodic Table. It involves sewing a square for each element showing its symbol and will provide the Chemistry department with a memory of ‘Life in Lockdown’. So far 14 girls have joined in the challenge and the countdown of 114 elements has begun. It isn’t the quality or quantity of the finished product but the team work, the realisation that they can sew if they put their mind to it and, above all, using mental stimulation in a different way to equations, reactions and organic mechanisms. I trust permission was sought to use a school blouse for the material for Chlorine!

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