MTBS Music Competition

On Tuesday 10th of March, the annual Music Competition took place at MTBS with our guest adjudicator, maestro of electro, Alan Keary or, as he’s better known in the underground Manchester Music scene, Shunya. Mr Keary was treated to a day of musical performance that you could only find here at Merchant Taylors’.

In our never-ending quest to challenge pupils’ and their perceptions of Music, Mr Taylor gave a spell-binding masterclass of all things electronic Music related including a live, looped rendition of songs Mr Taylor composed himself which gave tremendous insight into the ever-shifting definition of what it is to be a musician in this day and age. Pupils were then given the opportunity to utlise the equipment on show to create their own Music using a wide variety of pedals, plug-ins, triggers and synthesis.

The pupils left the masterclass with a greater appreciation of Music in the electronic world with several of them wanting to start learning straight away. We will be working with Mr Keary to ensure we continue to update our current electronic Music modules to be amongst the finest, industry-preparing standard in the country.

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MTGS Music Competition

The MTGS Music Competition was held last week, providing a superb showcase of the school’s musical talent. Girls performed on a variety of instruments, as well as voice, taking part in classes that ran throughout the day. Our adjudicator, Ian Stephens, is a composer and cellist who has worked with groups such as the Choir of King’s College Cambridge, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Chetham’s School of Music and the Hallé. Mr Stephens gave the girls helpful feedback on their performances and was impressed with both the excellent quality of music-making throughout the day as well as the supportive and encouraging environment in the room. In addition, the GCSE and ‘A’ level girls enjoyed a workshop with Mr Stephens, exploring different types of composition and sharing their work with an industry professional.

Well done to all girls who took part in this year’s competition. Mr Stephens awarded the following girls prizes for their outstanding performances:

Senior Instrumental: Victoria Woodier (flute) and Betty Bai (violin)
Lower Instrumental: Lara Bellingham (violin) and Léonie O’Tham (treble recorder)
Voice: Mary Nichols and Lydia Baldwin
Music Theatre: Ameilia Hooper and Anushka Choudhary

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Scott KO’s the Competition

Congratulations to Upper Sixth student, Scott Brown who recently represented Merseyside and Cheshire against a senior London Champion and came out victorious.

Scott, who has boxed since he was 11, fought against Marlon Walker who is the Senior London Champion, in the Leonardo Royal London City Hotel. After a tough bout which lasted the distance, Scott was given the victory via unanimous decision. Previously, Scott took part in some tough fights in the lead up, he entered the Merseyside and Cheshire Championships and won two two of his fights by unanimous decision. As the Regional Champion he represented the North West in the ‘North West v North East’ in the National Championships and once again came away victorious via unanimous decision.

Well done Scott!

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Corinne Features on Blue Peter

A huge well done to Merchant Taylors’ pupil, Corinne who was recently featured on BBC 1’s longstanding children’s programme, Blue Peter.

Corinne, wrote into Blue Peter with a poem about her brother, Brendan, who has autism. She explained all about her brother to host Richie Driss, and how she views autism as a superpower, not just a disability. Corinne hopes to raise awareness so people can understand what it is as well as making sure people are kind to those with autism.

Well done Corinne!

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Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Updates

Update 16th June 2020

We are delighted to have begun welcoming some of our children back to school.

Girls and boys in Reception and Year 6 have now returned to school and they will shortly be followed by children in Year 10 and Year 12 (in smaller groups on separate days) as well as Year 1 in the coming days.

The reopening is taking place in a phased sequence as part of a careful and considered process to ensure a safe learning and working environment.

The safety and wellbeing of children, staff and parents is paramount in our plans and we have been working diligently across school departments for many weeks to ensure that every practical precaution has been taken.

We are hoping that later this term we might be able to have other year groups back in school too, albeit not quite yet in a normal way, and we are awaiting changes in the Government guidance before we are able to do so.

In the meantime, our remote learning will continue without interruption and we are extremely grateful for all of the positive feedback our wonderful staff have received in recent weeks as children have enjoyed online classes, one-to-one tutorials, counselling sessions and examinations.

Merchant Taylors’ is well-prepared to support the needs of our pupils in any environment and we will continue to find ways to ensure this remains the case.

18th March 2020 – An update following the government announcement of school closures

We are sure that many of you will have heard the latest update from the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Education earlier today in which they announced the next steps for schools in England. In accordance with the latest advice, it is clear that Merchant Taylors’ School will close to the majority of children at the end of the school day on Friday until further notice. We will continue to be open for children of key workers.

We are expecting to receive further information this evening from the Department of Education, including the precise definition of key workers. Accordingly we will be sending out a further communication tomorrow, in which we will also explain in more detail how we intend to operate during the closure, particularly with regard to academic lessons and pastoral care. We will also be asking key workers to let us know whether or not they wish us to look after their children or whether they would prefer them to remain at home.

We are sure that many of you will also have taken note of the announcement regarding public examinations not taking place in May and June. OFQUAL has tonight said the following: “We welcome the certainty that the Secretary of State’s decision not to hold exams this summer provides in these challenging circumstances. We will now work urgently with the Department for Education to work through the detail of this decision and to provide more information as soon as possible.”

We will continue to engage with OFQUAL and will share further information with you once we receive it.

These remain uncertain times, but we are committed to working with you to continue to support your children in the best way we can.

For clarity’s sake, we can confirm that we will remain open to all pupils until the end of the week. Thank you for your continued support.

School latest:

Update – 28/02/2020
Update – 12/03/2020
Update – 16/03/2020
MTBS Event Cancellations
MTGS Event Cancellations
Cleaning Procedures

Please click HERE for the latest government advice and information.

The Department for Education has launched a Coronavirus helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education.

Staff, parents and students can contact the helpline in the following ways between 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)

Phone: 0800 046 8687
Email: [email protected]

For further information please contact:

MTGS – Mrs J Baccino: [email protected]
MTBS – Mrs D Carr: [email protected]
MTJBS – Mrs A Hodson: [email protected]
MTPS – Mrs M Langham: [email protected]

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Ogden Trust Primary Professional Physics Learning

Merchant Taylors’ School is proud to be hosting The Ogden Trust Primary Physics Professional Learning event on Friday 26th June 2020. Join us for a packed day of professional learning delivered by physics and primary science specialists. Ideal for science co-ordinators.

Magnetic mathematics

This practical problem-solving workshop demonstrates how maths skills can be developed through teaching the primary science topic of forces and magnets. Delegates will learn how the maths curriculum can be brought to life and made relevant through problem-solving in a science context, providing greater opportunities for children to become immersed in their scientific learning. We will share a number of strategies and resources that can be taken back to school.

Electrifying English

This workshop focuses on how English skills in reading and writing can be developed and practised through the primary science curriculum. Delegates will be shown strategies to support English learning while providing opportunities for children to secure and embed their ideas about electricity and working scientifically. A central theme throughout the workshop will be how different types of scientific enquiry work provide opportunity for developing skill and confidence in reading and comprehension as well as more formal, non-fiction writing styles.

Physics focus – light and sound

This interactive lecture will cover the key concepts of light and sound required by the Key Stage 2 curriculum. Easy to replicate demonstrations will provide the hooks for engaging pupils and delegates will develop skills to deepen their understanding through practical investigations and using questions to promote challenge. The workshop will model many strategies to ensure that ‘working scientifically’ skills are developed within this subject area.

Creative cosmos

This session shows how to use space as a context for cross-curricular projects. Space is a topic that fascinates our pupils and we will look at ways of incorporating art, creative writing, design & technology, ICT, English and maths in this context. Resources will be provided to help you plan a whole school ‘Space Week’.

Book your FREE place here

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William Makes a Splash in the Pool

Year 6 pupil, William Irvine has enjoyed further swimming success recently which has culminated in him being been selected by Swim England for the Lancashire Development Programme.

After three long weekends of swimming competitions, William achieved Gold in both the 200m and 100m breaststroke. He also achieved Silver in the 200m Individual Medley and 50m breaststroke, as well as bronze in the 200m and 100m backstroke.

The official rankings are now available after the completion of the County Championships across the UK, and they make for great reading for William:

  • Number 3 in the UK: 100m Backstroke
  • Number 3 in the UK: 200m Breaststroke
  • Number 4 in the UK: 200M Individual Medley
  • Number 5 in the UK: 100m Breaststroke
  • Number 6 in the UK: 200m Backstroke

His excellent performances in the pool have seen him selected for the Lancashire Development Programme by Swim England. This will help William reach his maximum potential as a swimmer by attending specialist swimming camps, receiving further coaching and education.

Congratulations William, and good luck from everyone at Merchant Taylors’!

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Year 4 Tudor Day

Last Thursday, Year 4 pupils at MTPS spent the day being Tudors! In the morning, all the girls were dressed as an important person in the time of the Tudors, from Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth, to Anne Boleyn and her executioner!

Together, they re-enacted the entire Tudor period and learned a Tudor dance in the process!
During the afternoon, they took part in a range of Tudor activities which included using quills, creating marchpane (marzipan) sweets, making beautifully scented nosegays and completing Hans Holbein paintings.

A fun and educational day was had by all!

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Success in Independent Schools Bar Mock Trial

We would like to congratulate those who participated in our first ever Bar Mock Trial Competition for Independent Schools last week.

Organised by the Citizenship Foundation, the Bar Mock Trial Competition sees students assume the roles of barristers and witnesses, presenting their case against teams of students from other schools. After having time to familiarise themselves with the case, they are expected to battle it out in real courtrooms, in front of real judges.

Our students worked together as a team, with each individual responsible for a specific role, including prosecution/defence barrister, prosecution/defence witness, court clerk and usher. At Birmingham Crown Court this weekend, five judges generously gave up their time to preside over the trials.

Our team was announced as regional finalists and we are excited to participate in the London Final in April.

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Eco-Committee Completes Local Litter Pick

The Eco-Committee at MTBS is currently working on the Marine Topic to contribute towards our Green Flag Award. We decided to carry out a litter pick as part of the ‘World Tomorrow Today’ programme.

On Wednesday morning, 19 Year 10 students plus Miss Jones and Ms Robinson went to Victoria Park to carry out our litter pick. In half an hour the students managed to collect 12kg of litter between them! We found mostly plastic bottles and food packaging although we did find some odd items such as a dog bowl and some socks! This litter was then sorted and will be sent back to the manufacturers to be disposed of.

The students have all agreed that this activity increased their awareness of litter issues in the area and have agreed that they will be less likely to both litter and use single use plastics in the future. Thank you to Jayne Rigby from Surfers Against Sewage and Angela Griffiths from Green Sefton for their provision of equipment and knowledge to help make this a success!

Well done to all students who took part!

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