Stanfield Santa Dash 2019

On Monday 2nd December, the children at Stanfield took part in a sponsored Santa Dash. The children were challenged to run, hop, skip and walk a pre-marked course around the playground.

The children looked fantastic in their Santa suits, elf costumes and Christmas jumpers. The School Council chose to support the charity Stable Lives, a charity which uses horses and ponies to provide a link to individuals who may be struggling with depression and low self-esteem.  We were delighted to welcome Carrie from the charity to run with us in our Santa Dash. 

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Young Carer Ruby Attends M&S Launch

A huge well done to Year 7 pupil, Ruby Smallman who is a Young Carer and Ambassador for the charity ‘Together for Short Lives’.

Ruby helps care for her sister, Holly, and was picked from 100s of nominations to win the ‘Most Caring Child’ at the Wellchild Awards in 2015. Ruby also received a thank you letter from Prince Harry for the way she helps her sister.

Ruby is also involved in other charities too including Strongbones, which helps families and children with scoliosis, spina bifida, brittle bone disease and other serious conditions of the bone. Ruby helps raise funds and the profile of Strongbones through all her hard work. Ruby is also a Young Ambassador for the Barrie Wells Trust #Box4Kids, and regularly hosts boxes at music or sporting events for children from local hospice Claire House and Alder Hey.

Ruby recently even found time to organise a competition for youngsters, and 10 winners are now heading to the Natural History Museum wearing dinosaur onesies!

Alongside her family, Ruby was invited to the press launch of the new partnership between Marks & Spencer’s and Together for Short Lives. The collaboration between the two will see funds raised for the charity through the sales of an exclusive Frozen tote bag.

Everyone at Merchant Taylors’ School is very proud of Ruby!

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Radio City Mission Christmas Appeal

Merchant Taylors’ Senior Boys’ School will once again be supporting the Radio City Mission Christmas Appeal this year. 1 in 3 children are living in poverty and all of the gifts are distributed locally throughout the North West. If you’d like to help, we would greatly appreciate if you are able to donate a new and unwrapped gift for a boy or girl by the 16th December.

All gifts should be dropped off with Mrs A. O’Brien in Milton House.

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Junior Boys’ Enjoy Further Chess Success

Merchant Taylors’ Junior Boys have had further success this term in Chess. Fifteen enthusiastic chess players from Years 4-6 Caleb, Simon, Isaac, Justin, Shivy, Jack, Aaron, Isaac, Abdurrahman, Zach, Bruce, Nikhil , Martin, Milo and Joshua travelled to Bolton Junior School for the annual AJIS Chess Congress.

The boys represented the U9, U10 and U11 teams. The boys demonstrated great teamwork, encouraging one another and displaying superb sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Medals were awarded to the top performing pupils in each group-

Bronze Medals – Caleb & Justin

Gold Medals – Jack & Isaac
Silver Medal – Aaron

Gold Medal – Martin
Silver Medal – Bruce
Bronze Medal – Milo & Joshua

Well done to all the boys who took part!

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Senior Girls’ Prize Giving 2019

This year the School was joined by 1987 leaver and Chief of Staff of the Army Sport Control Board Amanda Hassell.

Meeting in the Philharmonic Hall, the School gathered to award prizes and celebrate the academic, personal and sporting successes of girls for the school year 2018/19.

Chair of Governors, Beverley Bell CBE

MTGS Headmistress, Mrs Claire Tao

Chair of Governors, Beverley Bell CBE, addressed the school and offered her thoughts on the previous year’s achievements, as well as reflecting on her own life-long friendships as a result of studying at MTS. She encouraged our recent leavers to follow suit and remain in touch with each other and the School community before handing over to Headmistress, Claire Tao.

Mrs Tao’s address opened by reflecting on the staff who had either retired or departed the School over the previous academic year, including former Head of Stanfield Julie Yardley. Other long-serving members of staff either retiring or moving on included: Head of Lower School Barbara Jones, Dr Martin McWatt and School Archivist and Librarian Anita Barry.

The theme of Mrs’ Tao’s speech was ACE: Ambition, Character, and Excellence – the core principles of a Merchant Taylors’ education. Mrs Tao discussed the first of these characteristics before inviting new Head of Sixth Form, Jo Mayne, to discuss what ‘Ambition’ meant to her, with Mrs Mayne reflecting on her own journey through MTS as a bursary pupil, and how that journey had led her to be the first in her family to attend University, before coming full circle into teaching.

Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Jo Mayne

Gabby Foster

Next, Mrs Tao invited current Upper Sixth pupil Gabby Foster to discuss character. Gabby focused on the importance of courage and discussed her personal circumstances following struggles with her health during her GCSEs and A-Levels. Finally, Deputy Girls Abby Jones and Ella Burns addressed the School on Excellence, reflecting on their time at MTS and the many opportunities to extend themselves they had been offered. This was followed by a performance of “Tomorrow shall be my dancing day” by the Chamber Choir.

Amanda then addressed the School relating her experiences since leaving and offering her advice to current pupils. After moving on to Nottingham University to study Geography, Amanda joined the British Army 1992, having attended East Midlands University Officer Training Corps. In 2006 she was deployed to Basra, Iraq on Operation Telic 9 for an 8-month tour of duty. She left the Regular Army in 2016 to capitalise on her involvement with sport during her Army career and was appointed Chief of Staff of The Army Sport Control Board, a military charity responsible for the delivery of all Army level sport.

Amanda told the girls to “always remember where you started, no matter how successful you become”, to “be grateful to those who went before you or made things happen for you”, and above all, to “have the moral courage to do the right thing, on a difficult day, when no one is watching”. The ceremony closed with a vote of thanks and some reflections proposed by Head Girl Anna Losty.

Echoing Col Hassell, she advised her fellow students that “if you want to walk fast, walk alone, but if you want to walk far, walk together”, before a cast of over 100 students performed an extract from the School’s upcoming production of Hairspray. The National Anthem then concluded the morning’s celebrations.

A full gallery from the day is available on the School’s Facebook page here.

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Year Two Visit to MTBS Laboratories

Year Two were thrilled to visit MTBS science laboratories, on what has become an annual trip for the year group. Linking to our History topic of The Great Fire of London, we wanted to explore the reasons why the fire spread so easily though London and why it was so difficult to contain.  An afternoon at the Senior Boys’ School was a wonderful way to bring to life our History topic and explore practically the reasons why so much of London burned during the Great Fire.

We were invited to don our safety goggles, whilst the Senior School teachers helped the children to understand the effects of burning different materials, whilst exploring different methods to extinguish a flame. We concluded that water can be used to extinguish a fire and that flames needs oxygen to burn.  We were able to watch a super experiment showing how fire spread along a row of connected houses and how a fire break can stop this.

The children also enjoyed other exciting demonstrations. Dr Clay held out his palm filled with bubbles. He chose a child to take a lighted taper and place it in the bubbles mixture on his hand. Imagine our surprise as he held a ball of flames in his palm.  In a further experiment, the children watched in astonishment as icing sugar was made to explode. The miracle of science!

All teachers emphasised the importance of safety at all times. Whilst enjoying ourselves immensely, we were constantly reminded that these experiments were only safe to conduct, because we were in the school science laboratories, watching demonstrations by fully trained scientists, who were using the correct safety equipment.

Year Two thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon and really appreciated the time, effort and care shown by our colleagues in the Senior school – we are greatly looking forward to our next trip!

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Battle of Trafalgar Anniversary Parade

Hundreds of Sea Cadets and Royal Marine Cadets attended Horse Guards Parade on Sunday 20th October to take part in marking the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar.

Merchant Taylors’ pupils L/Cpl Callum Davidson (Yr 11) and L/Cpl Lucy Taylor (Yr 10) were selected as part of the Royal Marine Cadet National Guard. Following a parade inspection by the Commandant General Royal Marine Maj Gen Matt Holmes CBE DSO, Sea Cadets Captain Phil Russell RN and the Mayor of Westminster a wreath laying ceremony was performed. L/Cpl Taylor had the privilege of being part of the wreath laying party on behalf of the Royal Marine Cadets.

The cadets then marched on The Mall towards Buckingham Palace where L/Cpl Davidson’s Guard led the parade. Callum and Lucy said “We were extremely honoured to take part in such an important parade and the last two days of rehearsals had been really hard work but well worth it.”

The annual event marks the Battle of Trafalgar; a naval engagement fought by the Royal Navy against the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies in 1805.

Well done to both Callum and Lucy!

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Isaac gets his wish as 34th Street beckons

Congratulations to Isaac Lancel-Watkinson, who has just been cast in Miracle on 34th Street at The Liverpool Playhouse.

The talented young actor, who is in Year 7 at our Senior Boys’ School, will appear in the magical Christmas production from Saturday 7 December to Saturday 4 January.

It’s the latest acting success for Isaac, 11, who has recently been part of the critically-acclaimed Mame in Manchester. The show has received excellent reviews including critics’ choice in The Times, Sunday Times and Sunday Express.

Incredibly, among this string of theatre performances, Isaac is still keeping right on top of his school work and his musical commitments.

Break a leg, Isaac!

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Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions over half term

During the first week of half term a three day Silver and a two day Bronze expedition took place in the Clwydian range in North Wales. We were fortunate to have good weather, despite a definite autumnal feel the walking bearable. However, with recent rainfall, conditions underfoot were rather muddy.

Overnight we stopped at Fron Farm, near Mold. The groups arrived in plenty of daylight to pitch tents and cook a welcome meal on the stoves. With the sun setting early it was dark by 6.30pm and the temperatures started to fall under a clear starry sky. Early nights all round to keep warm inside tents meant that we were able to have an early start the following morning. After a clear up all the groups were able to get away and complete the route by early afternoon. Tired and muddy everyone was pleased to have made it through the expedition.

At Bronze level there were 31 boys from Year 10 and 2 boys from Year 11 who successfully completed the qualifying expedition, whilst at Silver there were 5 boys who were successful.

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Feast Your Eyes On Our New School Lunch Menu

More Halal and vegetarian dishes, a greater choice of sandwiches and a wider variety of student favourites are just some of the new features on this year’s school lunch menu at Merchant Taylors’.

Our catering partner Chartwells Independent has also introduced a new culinary calendar featuring a series of theme days, special lunches and student experiences. For the first time, the food menu is now consistent across both senior schools and our primary school, meaning that siblings of different ages can enjoy the same food and experiences on the same day.

The updates to our school lunch offer have been made in response to student and parent feedback gathered by Chartwells at the end of the last academic year and they mean there is even more nutritious, tasty food to suit every palate.

Among the main courses on the menu for this half term are Beef Burgers served with Cola Onions, Quorn Hot Dogs, Chicken and Leek Pie, Thai Green Chicken Coconut Curry, Roast Turkey Dinner and a range of pizzas. For our senior girls and boys, all of this will taste that little more delicious as they enjoy our fabulous new dining spaces, which received an impressive makeover during the summer holidays.

The best part of all? Accompaniments are unlimited and everyone is welcome to seconds.
Bon Appetit!

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