Sefton Super Reads 2019

On Tuesday 26th March sixteen boys, Joseph Bigley, Charlie Johnson, Alex Meadows, James Randall, Zac Richardson, Sulaimaan Ahmed, Raiden Swindells, Matthew Hannon, Junior Connor, Hugh Lawrence, Rajan Naidoo, Harry Wynne, Buckley Loftus, Raveen Mallawa, Hemanth Bheemireddy, and Methul Gamage, went to Crosby Library for the Sefton Super Reads award afternoon.

Pupils from several local schools gathered to hear two of the shortlisted writers, Ele Fountain, author of Boy 87, and Sylvia Bishop, author of The Secret of the Night Train, talk about the inspiration for their writing, and the background to the books. Boy 87 was written in Addis Ababa, where Ele and her family had moved. Some of the characters were based on the Ethiopian women she had met there. As she had been a publisher’s editor before she wrote her own novel, Ele decided to use a pseudonym so she was unknown to publishers, who accepted her book on its own merits. Ele’s favourite authors include Philip Reeve and Patrick Ness, while Sylvia loves John Steinbeck. As Sylvia loves to do research, she made the train journey from Paris to Istanbul, before using it in her book. She is now working on a novel about smugglers in the eighteenth century, researching in the National Maritime Museum and its library.

Pupils asked some very perceptive and searching questions, before the winners of the book review competition were announced. Rajan Naidoo won a prize for his review of Charlie and Me by Mark Lowery. The winner of Sefton Super Reads 2019 was Boy 87, the first award Ele has ever won. She said she was especially delighted, as this award is decided by the votes of children.

Mrs Rea and Mrs Coleman, and all the boys, enjoyed spending the afternoon hearing about books

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MTS pupil scores ‘genius’ MENSA mark

Twelve year old Darren Toh, who was born deaf, has been awarded the highest possible IQ score by MENSA, months after passing his GCSE Maths exam with a Grade 9. 

Darren did not speak until the age of five after being diagnosed with bilateral genetic congenital deafness and first learned to communicate by using sign language. However, it has now been confirmed he is among the 1% of MENSA applicants to record a maximum IQ score of 162, surpassing the figure reportedly held by both Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Any MENSA score above 140 is considered ‘genius’ level.

Darren received a special needs statement and enrolled in a specialist school at a young age, but his progress by the age of seven encouraged his parents to place him to MTS. Since then, he has won the academic prize every year and developed a passion for maths. Last summer, he sat a GCSE Maths exam – four years earlier than usual – and passed with a score of 92%. He has also been at the forefront of our enrichment programme and was part of the school team that reached last year’s final of the international Maths in Motion challenge.

Darren lives in Aughton with his parents, younger sister Corinne, aged eight, and 14-year-old brother Brendan, who has autism. He also plays piano at grade six, has studied saxophone to grade five and is at grade four in LAMDA drama and performing arts.

Headmaster David Wickes said: “Darren is a remarkable young man who has overcome great personal challenges and everybody at Merchant Taylors’ is extremely proud of his achievements.

“To make such incredible progress at this young age is testament to his determination and intelligence, as well as the support of his family, friends and teachers. There is no doubt he has a bright future ahead of him and we will continue to do all we can through our academic and extra-curricular programmes to help him realise his enormous potential.”

Darren’s mother, paediatrician Dr May Ng, said: “Darren was born deaf but has never let his disability stop him from doing anything. After scoring 92% in his GCSE Maths exam, he is taking GCSE Further Maths later this year.

“We have not looked back since he joined Merchant Taylors’ as the school has nurtured him through the years with fantastic teachers along the way. He surprised us by saying he wants to be a paediatrician like me when he’s older, which is great to hear, and I’m sure he can achieve whatever he sets his mind to.”

Darren appeared on BBC North West Tonight talking to David Guest about his achievements:

Credit: BBC North West Tonight

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Merchant Taylors shortlisted for Goldsmiths’ Company Award for Community Engagement

The School was shortlisted in recognition of the amazing work it does in our local community through the Merchants in the Community Project and School-wide fundraisers led by the School Council.

Five of our Upper Sixth boys were asked to give a presentation on the programme in front of a panel of five judges, before answering questions on the impact of the programme in the local area. The judges praised our team for their presentation and for their commitment to supporting the local community. The judges commented that our pupils had clearly benefitted from the learning and development opportunities provided during the programme.

The successful regional finalists will be invited to the magnificent Goldsmiths’ Hall in London for a ceremony and a chance to showcase their community engagement activities. Winning schools will also receive financial rewards to enable the continuation and expansion of existing programmes.
The Goldsmiths’ Company has launched its first award for Community Engagement. The awards, which are student-led, celebrate the positive impact schools have through charitable and voluntary initiatives within their local communities.

Well done Boys!

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Actress Eleanor Worthington-Cox returns to School to lead Drama Workshop

Last week, we welcomed current Upper Sixth pupil Eleanor Worthington-Cox back into School to run a drama workshop with our Year 8 pupils. It was an unusual day for Eleanor, as the day was both her first and last as an Upper Sixth student at MTS, owing to her professional commitments as an actress over the last year.

Eleanor led a fun session on characterisation with the girls, starting with team building games, before encouraging them to think about the different facets of their character’s lives and explaining how this might influence their performance. The session ended with the girls taking on their new personas in role play and a question and answer session.

Eleanor is best known for portraying Matilda Wormwood in Matilda the Musical, winning a Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actress, and Janet Hodgson in “The Enfield Haunting”, for which she received a British Academy Television Award nomination. She is currently portraying Cait in Sky Atlantic’s Britannia.

A full selection of photos is available here.

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Ski Trip Blog

Parents! Follow the MTGS Year 8 Ski Trip Blog to Risoul, France by clicking here:

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Cracking start to Easter at the Roy Castle Foundation Spring Trail

We are delighted to be supporting the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Spring Trail at Formby Woods on Saturday 6 April.

Spring Trail is an open-air treasure-hunt designed to make sure little chicks get the Easter season off to an egg-citing start – and with any luck they’ll be well eggs-ercised and egg-hausted by the end of it all.

The idea is to follow the trail, pick up clues and work your way through the obstacles in your path. Solve the cunning spring-themed quiz questions and crack the mystery word puzzle, and you could be a Spring Trail Champion! There’s a medal for every child who finishes the course.

The event runs between 10am and 3pm and tickets cost just £4 each.

The nearest railway station is Freshfield which just a short walk from the site. There are two car parks, at Victoria Road and Lifeboat Road – free for National Trust members.

The event is mainly aimed at children of primary school age however the whole family is welcome –they can all join in!


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World Book Day 2019 – Tom Palmer

We were delighted to welcome Tom Palmer to help us celebrate World Book Day.  In assembly he talked about the importance of reading, and how discovering new books inspires ideas for his stories.

After an hour with all the junior school boys, Tom came to the library where all year 7 boys were looking forward to meeting a real live author.  He told them how important magazines and newspapers had been when he was a reluctant reader as a teenager.  He loved reading match reports, which then inspired him to try books.  He was 21 before he did A-Levels, then became a mature student at Reading University.  He finds celebrity magazines essential when he is researching the background to his stories, as they shed light on footballers’ lifestyles.  He also does research by travelling to the countries where his books are set, and by reading biographies.

It took Tom twenty years to be published, as he had his first story accepted when he was 40.  He sent Foul Play to many different publishers, but was told that a mixture of football and crime would not sell.   He writes on a laptop, then sends his work to his publishers for editing and typesetting.  Book covers are not selected by the author. His latest book, D-Day Dog, out in May, originated in the true story of German Shepherd dogs being parachuted into Europe, to sniff out soldiers who were hiding, and to detect mines.  They were trained to detect the differences in smell of the uniforms of American, German and British soldiers.  He is working on another Second World War book about German children who were rescued from a concentration camp and sent to Windermere.

Tom enthralled the year 7s with an exciting book and magazine quiz, ending in a penalty shootout won by Adam Blagbrough, who received a trophy.  Mrs Lewis, Miss Darkes-Sutcliffe and Mrs Rea performed well in goal, but won’t be taking up the many offers from the Premier League.

Tom had lunch in the library with a group of keen creative writers from the sixth form.  They discussed many literary and sporting topics, such as the poetry of Tony Harrison, football fiction, creative inspiration, and the boys’ own work.  Tom also told them about the practicalities of getting an agent and a publisher.

Talented boys from years 7 to 10 were invited to a creative writing workshop in the afternoon.  The theme, animals in war, inspired some excellent ideas.  The groups set their ideas in the Vietnam War, where dogs were used as lookouts, the English Civil War, using King Charles spaniels as metaphors for the character of the King, cats bringing food to a besieged town, and dogs being trained to work with the military police. The Year 10 group set their story in an African war. Tom was very impressed by the standard of the writing, and told the boys to turn their good ideas into stories.

We would like to thank Tom for a day which inspired many readers and writers, and we look forward to reading his new book after Easter!


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Neophytou siblings crowned regional Fencing Champions

Last weekend, Sophia Neophytou qualified for the British nationals in the U14 Epee Fencing category.

Sophia competed with great skill and determination in a mixed age and gender pool, taking on 15-17 year olds. Her most pleasing performance was when she defeated the U18 regional Champion and Captain of the same North West team that she competes in! Sophia also defeated several boys much older than her. In doing so, she placed 3rd overall – no small feat given the opposition – and earned enough hits to be crowned U-14s North West Champion.

Her younger brother Michael also qualified for the British nationals in the U12 category. He faced a similar opposition, competing in a mixed age pool with 15-17 year olds, despite only being 10 years old. He performed extremely well and finished as U12 North West Champion.

As a result, both Sophia and Michael have been awarded a place to compete in the national finals at the English Institute of Sport in May.

Congratulations Sophia and Michael!

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Graduate recruitment guru to deliver Merchant Taylors’ lecture

A best-selling author and expert on graduate careers will be the keynote speaker at an event at Merchant Taylors’.

Dr Paul Redmond, who has written several books and spoken internationally about generational work and recruitment, will address delegates gathered at Merchants Taylors’ Girls’ School on Tuesday 30 April.

The lecture, which runs from 6pm to 7pm, is open to guests from outside the school and will see Dr Redmond cover issues such as the future of work and employment opportunities for the so-called ‘Generation Y’ and ‘Generation Z’.

A Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Dr Redmond is director of student experience and enhancement at the University of Liverpool and a frequent contributor to national newspapers, radio and TV programmes.

His books include the best-selling ‘The Graduate Jobs Formula: How to Land Your Dream Career’ and ‘A Parent’s Guide to Graduate Jobs: How to Help Your Child Get a Job After Uni.’

For ticket information, please contact [email protected] or call 0151 924 3140.

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MTS Combined Concert Band and SaxPac take part in ‘Music for Youth Festival’ in Rochdale

At an hour Mr Harrison did not know existed at the weekend, 57 pupils departed from Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School for the first competition involving the only recently formed Merchant Taylors’ Combined Concert Band and SaxPac at Rochdale Town Hall to take part in the Music For Youth Festival. The 40 boys and 17 girls played tremendously well under Mr Lock’s conducting, and received terrific feedback from the judges, who noted particularly the fine Xylophone skills of Kai Fessey and the overall musicality of the group.

Next, it was SaxPac’s turn. The saxophone sextet was the highlight of the judges’ day. Superb playing all round, but Lewis Thornley’s Baritone playing received particular commendation, as did Rachel Burnett’s lyrical Soprano Sax performance. The pupils were model representatives for the school. Both Mr Lock and Mr Harrison were extremely proud of the pupils and their conduct throughout the day. We will be informed of whether we progress further in the competition in mid-April. The finalists of the regional competitions are then invited to perform at the Royal Albert Hall.

Whether or not the groups go on to the next round, it was a fantastic experience for the pupils and is a sign of things to come in the future. We would like to thank both Miss Blagbrough and Mrs Neophytou, without them accompanying the group, the trip would not have gone so smoothly. Thank you also to the parents of the pupils. Without their support, the early drop offs, late rehearsal and concert pick-ups, none of this would be possible. An update of the groups’ progress in the competition will be posted in an April bulletin.

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