Drama and Spanish – Merchants Masterclasses

On Saturday 9th March we held a Spanish and Drama Masterclass.

The girls involved learnt some Spanish phrases and put their language skills to the test by producing and performing a cafe scene all in Spanish! Their parents were invited into school to watch the performance and they were not disappointed.

The girls were confident in their delivery and showcased the many skills that they had developed that morning whilst working with Miss Wilson in Spanish and Mrs Gregson-Burt in Drama.

Well done to all the girls involved. We hope to see you at our next Masterclass later in the year!

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Lions Young Leaders in Service awards

The following girls have been completing community service in order to achieve their Lions Young Leaders in Service Awards and we would like to congratulate them on their wonderful achievement and contribution to the community. We would also like to thank the Crosby and District Lions Club for their continued support of the school and in particular David Winsland for giving up his time to come into school to present the awards to the girls.

Freya Dodgins, Emily Storch, Ellen Jones, Shuyi Wu, Milla Kops, Harriet Oakes, Emily Woodier, Hannah Evans, Lucy Chen and Charlotte Hulme.

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Talking Minds – A Mental Health Symposium for Educators

Merchant Taylors’ is proud to be hosting “Talking Minds – A Mental Health Symposium for Educators” on Friday 24th May 2019 from 09.30 – 15.45.

Keynote speakers include:
Natasha Devon MBE
Jonny Benjamin MBE
Danny Sculthorpe
Dick Moore

The cost of the event is £100 per delegate. We are offering one FREE place for every maintained sector school in Sefton.

For more information, or if you are an educational professional interested in reserving a place, please click here: Booking Form 

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Years 3 & 4 Harry Potter Book Night

Children from Years 3 & 4 from Crosby and the surrounding areas are warmly invited to our Harry Potter themed evening.
After travelling to platform 9 3/4, the pupils will be sorted into Houses by Professor McGonagall’s Sorting Hat.
After this, there are lots of exciting sessions to look forward to including mastering French Magic and Latin spells at the Bauxbatons Academy or playing an exciting game of Quidditch in our Sports Hall.
To book your place, please visit: www.merchanttaylors.com/open-events
Be sure to book soon, places are limited!
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St Patrick’s Day Rugby Dinner

Don’t forget to book your tickets for our annual Rugby Dinner, taking place at 7pm on Saturday 16th March 2019 at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School. It is set to be a great evening consisting of raffles, actions, live music and a four course meal.

To book your place. please contact Mr J Weare on 07872932623 or email [email protected]

Tickets are £45 per individual or £400 for a table of 10. All funds raised will go towards sports tours/trips.

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Musical Bumps

A pre-school music class held at Merchant Taylors’ Primary School, Stanfield on Friday mornings (term time) 10.00am-11.00am.

Please click here for Musical Bumps Calendar Dates Jan-July 2019

To book sessions please contact Mrs Alison Turpin 07821 998 445 / [email protected]

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Maths IGCSE MTBS January 2019

The first paper is at 9am on Monday 7th January – before term starts.

Please meet in the foyer outside the Williams Hall at 8.45am at the latest. There is no need to wear school uniform but I would be sure to wear several layers of clothing just in case it is chilly.

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Karting Success for Lewis Thompson

Year 11 pupil, Lewis Thompson, has been competing in the National Karting Championship this year, which has taken him all over the country, taking part in some fantastic races.

Lewis has endured multiple doses of bad luck throughout the season due to mechanical issues, but no one could fault Lewis’ driving which has been outstanding, especially in the later rounds.

Going into the last round of the Championship in September, Lewis needed a great result to achieve 2nd but had realistic hopes of 3rd place for this year. Unfortunately for Lewis, bad luck reared its head again and in a heart wrenching last few laps of the final, Lewis (whilst running in 2nd position) had to retire from the race with only 2 laps to go.

Due to this retirement, Lewis finished in 4th position nationally for the year which is still a fantastic achievement.

Lewis is taking part in a race this month in Le Mans, France, in which he has the chance of winning a seat in a Formula 4 2019. The competition is over 2 days of intense physical, mental and driving ability.

Well done Lewis, we wish you the best of luck for your remaining races this year!
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Magical Maths Ends the Term on a Mind Boggling Puzzle

KS2 children have enjoyed another challenging and fun filled course of Magical Maths with the Professor this term. Further details about the next course will be sent out in the Spring Term.

See what the pupils got up to in their last session below:
Last week we had some Mind Boggling puzzles and super fun games. These things can be so tricky that we had more than a few students asking “is this even possible?!?!”…

They definitely are though. You just have to do a bit of ‘Magical Maths’ thinking. Here’s the lowdown…

Mind Boggling Puzzles and Games Booklet

Here’s yet another Key Stage 2 puzzle booklet. There is a VERY good reason why we call these mind boggling puzzles. The children solved problems which were capable of boggling even the most capable of minds. All of the Key Stage two children could do them before leaving, hopefully they’ve boggled you with them (sorry about that).

All students were given a booklet to take home…let us know if you want us to send you another one.

Magic Dice

Here is yet another unbelievable mind-reading trick. It is a trick featuring 7 magic dice (not the usual 1-6 dice however, these are extra special dice). A volunteer was asked to adjust all the dice so that the top faces have a different colour, and then they were asked to add up all the top numbers. Before the volunteer had chance to even organise their dice, the person doing the trick was able to give them the answer, in the matter of only a few seconds. Unbelievable!!

Puzzle Sheets

A variety of puzzle sheets matching the mathematics national curriculum (as do all of our activities) including Follow the Trails, Number Name Crossword, Footprints, Number Crosswords and Spellutator, Magical Message, Addition up to 50 and how many fingers wordsearch.  These puzzles are designed to make children think and develop their mathematical abilities while still having fun.

Our final Magical Maths session at your school is over and it really has been an incredible 5 weeks. Professor Poopenshtinken and the gang wish they could go back in time and do it all over again (the Professor’s time machine isn’t quite ready to go just yet though).

I would love to hear some feedback from yourselves and the children about the club. Would you be able to give me an email back with your thoughts about the club? Did the children enjoy it? We love to read your emails. It helps us to keep the standard of the clubs high and also let us know of any improvements that could be made.

I look forward to receiving your email,

Brian Banks
Head of taking care of sad Magical Maths helpers.



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Year 6 Pupil Qualifies for BMX World Championships

James in his GB shirt

Year 6 pupil, James Criddle, has qualified to represent Great Britain at the BMX World Championships next year and will be competing in Belgium next July.

James works very hard and trains 3 – 4 times per week and it is his commitment that has helped him to compete at the highest level in BMXing. Only the top 14 riders from the UK qualify for the ‘Worlds’, which was James’ ultimate goal at the start of this season. James’ family and we as a School are very proud of his achievements and we wish him all the best of luck in the Championship next year!

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