Year Two Visit MTBS to Learn About The Great Fire of London!

Year Two were thrilled to visit MTBS science laboratories last week, on what has become an annual trip for the year group. Linking to our History topic of The Great Fire of London, we wanted to explore the reasons why the fire spread so easily though London and why it was so difficult to contain. An afternoon at the Senior Boys’ School was a wonderful way to bring to life our History topic and explore practically the reasons why so much of London burned during the Great Fire.

We were invited to don our safety goggles, whilst the Senior School teachers helped the children to understand the effects of burning different materials, whilst exploring different methods to extinguish a flame. We concluded that water can be used to extinguish a fire and that flames needs oxygen to burn. We were able to watch a super experiment showing how fire spread along a row of connected houses and how a fire break can stop this.

The children also enjoyed other exciting demonstrations. Dr Clay held out his palm filled with bubbles. He chose a child to take a lighted taper and place it in the bubbles mixture on his hand. Imagine our surprise as he held a ball of flames in his palm. In a further experiment, the children watched in eager anticipation as she was able to make flour explode. The miracle of science!

All teachers emphasised the importance of safety at all times. Whilst enjoying ourselves immensely, we were constantly reminded that these experiments were only safe to conduct, because we were in the school science laboratories, watching demonstrations by fully trained scientists, who were using the correct safety equipment.

Year Two thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon and really appreciated the time, effort and care shown by our colleagues in the Senior school. We are greatly looking forward to our next trip!

A full album of photos can be found here on our Facebook page.

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‘Fame!’ – A Joint School Production

You are warmly invited to the Merchant Taylors’ School production of ‘Fame’, running from 28th November – 1st December 2018.

Dr Gill and Mr Holroyd directed ‘Fame’ in 2002; they are revisiting the experience in November this year but this time, with the assistance of Louise Edge, the choreographer. Rehearsals are going well and the cast of 28 are working very hard.

The show presents fame in two opposite ways: as an inspirational dream for characters like Nick (played by Cameron Avann) and Serena (Angelina Bennett), and as a dangerously intoxicating demon which tempts characters like Carmen (Charlotte Hulme) into over-reaching themselves. Other characters such as Tyrone Jackson (Daniel Naguib) face different hurdles such as learning difficulties. The show is  dominated by powerful dancing and singing as well as humour and we hope it will be a sell-out as in 2002!

Tickets are available from Pritchard’s Bookshop, the School or you can purchase them online by clicking here.

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Talking Minds – A Mental Health Symposium for Educators

Merchant Taylors’ is proud to be hosting “Talking Minds – A Mental Health Symposium for Educators” on Friday 24th May 2019 from 09.30 – 15.45.

Keynote speakers include:
Natasha Devon MBE
Jonny Benjamin MBE
Danny Sculthorpe
Dick Moore

The cost of the event is £100 per delegate. We are offering one FREE place for every maintained sector school in Sefton (only 10 free places available available).

For more information, or if you are an educational professional interested in reserving a place, please click the link below.

Talking minds conference booking form.

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Three Peaks Challenge in Memory of Old Boy John Sutcliffe

A team led by Kingsley legal and property recruitment firm, successfully completed the gruelling Three Peaks Challenge, smashing their fundraising target for Cancer Research UK, in memory of Old Boy John Sutcliffe.

3 peaks

John, a former pupil and Governor of the school, passed away in 2017 after a successful career in engineering, founding his company in 1985 and growing it to a nationally recognised technical engineering firm as well as becoming Chairman of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. John was a popular member of the Liverpool business community, and the challenge was organised by staff from Kingsley who began training in May with the aim of raising £3,500 for Cancer Research UK

In pretty terrible conditions, including temperatures of -6 degrees Celsius, 30 miles-per-hour winds, torrential rain and even sleet, the famous endurance challenge took place on Thursday 13th September. Thirteen brave and hardy souls from Kingsley, Sutcliffe Engineering, and various friends, clients and associates took on 26 miles of rough terrain to climb the three largest mountains in England, Scotland and Wales (Ben Nevis, Scarfell Pike and Snowdon).

Having left Liverpool at 7am, the team started their climb of Ben Nevis at exactly 6pm, and despite a couple of the team being forced to drop out the core group successfully negotiated the peaks and completed the descent from Snowdon at the following evening. In total, they climbed approximately 3,000m – the equivalent of walking one third of the way up Mount Everest.

Caroline Kingsley, MD at Kingsley said: “The 3 Peaks Challenge really was challenging! I expected it to be hard, but it was much harder than I ever thought, and I think it’s a real achievement by the team. I’m so proud of the team spirit, determination and sense of humour that the team showed, and obviously we’re delighted to have raised money for such a great cause and grateful to everyone who has supported us, in particular Moorcrofts Solicitors who were our main sponsor.”

The efforts of the team have so far raised more than £5000, including gift aid, all of which will be donated to Cancer Research UK.

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MTGS Pupil Merseyside Squash Champion!

Congratulations to Eleanor Sinker in Year 10 who recently competed in the Merseyside Squash Championship.

We are pleased to announce that Eleanor won the championship and is now the Under-15 Merseyside squash champion. Well done Eleanor!


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October Half Term Holiday Club

Our Holiday Club have been very busy having lots of fun this half term. We have been getting into the Halloween spirit by making and decorating chocolate covered apples for Halloween and creating autumn themed collages.

They have also had a trip to the park where the children had lots of fun on the activity trail and played some sport!

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Music Bugs

Music bugs is an award winning pre-school music group for 0-4 year olds.

Come and join us for nursery rhymes, percussion instruments, puppets, counting songs, bubbles, pom poms, parachute games and lots more. Music Bugs follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Please click here for the Music Bug Calendar Session Dates from November 2018 – July 2019

Sessions are held every Wednesday and Friday Morning 10.00-10.45am at Merchant Taylors’ Primary School (with free tea/coffee until 11.00am). Cost £5.50 per session payable in advance each half term.

To book a session, please call Debbie on:
0844 412 8185 or email [email protected]

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Follow the MTGS China Trip

32 girls and 5 members of staff started their venture to China on Friday. The group will be visiting the Terracotta Warriors, the Great Wall of China, our partnership school in Shanghai.

The group have already visited the Olympic stadium and tasted some traditional Chinese cuisine.

Follow the MTGS China Trip blog here:

We hope you have a fantastic time!

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Crescendo Chorus!

Crescendo Chorus! is an over-16 4-part mixed choir for anyone who enjoys singing. It rehearses every Wednesday (5.15 – 6.30pm) during term time and currently consists of parents, family, friends, teachers and governors. If you have a love of music, then please join us!

Come along for a free taster session at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School and bring a friend. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary.

For further details and to become a member, please visit TryBooking by clicking here.

Please click here for Crescendo Chorus! dates for 2018-2019. 

If you have any queries, please contact the Crescendo Secretary, Mrs Sue Barrington:

0151 949 2414
[email protected]

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Joint Schools Careers & Higher Education Fair

Calling all Year 10’s, 11’s and 12’s from Merchant Taylors’ and local Schools!

We have a Careers and HE Fair taking place on Wednesday 7th November at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School. The fair is open to anyone in Years 10-12 who wishes to find out more about the opportunities available to them after finishing School or College.

This is a fantastic event and one not to be missed. We look forward to seeing you!

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