William Makes a Splash!

Year 4 pupil, William Irvine, completed his first open swimming event last term and has achieved some fantastic results! William won four gold medals and one silver at the Preston Summer Meet.


50m freestyle – 1st place with a PB of 37.10

50m backstroke – 1st place with a PB of 40.19 (2nd fastest in the UK for his age group)

50m breaststroke – 2nd place with a PB of 47.02 (2nd fastest in the UK for his age group)

100m backstroke – 1st place with a time of 1.25 (fastest in the UK by 2 seconds for his age group)

100m breaststroke – 1st place with a time of 1.40 (fastest in the UK for his age group).

William should be very pleased with these outstanding results and is now working towards the 200m races. Well done William!

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MTGS Sports Tour Blog

Our Girls are currently on a sports tour of Australia and Singapore. They are keeping a blog where you can follow their exploits here: https://mtgssingaporeandaustraliasportstour2018.wordpress.com/

Best of luck from all at MTGS Girls! We hope you have a great time!

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MTBS Rugby Tour Blog

Our Boys are currently on a rugby tour of New Zealand, Fiji and Singapore. They are keeping a blog where you can follow their exploits here: www.mtbsrugbytour2018.wordpress.com

Best of luck from all at MTBS Boys! We hope you have a great time!

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MTGS Race for Life

At the end of term, Years 7 and 8 participated in a very successful Race for Life in aid of Cancer Research UK and the girls raised £339.58 and all had lots of fun participating. Well done girls!





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Saule Skates to Success!

A big congratulations to Saule Luneviciute as she is crowned Junior British Solo Dance Ice Champion.

Saule won both the short and free dance last week at the British Ice Dance Championship, held at Ice Sheffield on 12th July 2018.

The Merchants’ community are very proud of her, well done Saule for all your hard work and fantastic achievement!

Photo credit: Widnes Ice Skating Club

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Cosgrove Cycling Success

Joe Cosgrove has had another fantastic cycling success in the British National Cycle Championships. There was around 50 of the best riders from across the UK competing at Oliver’s Mount in Scarborough and Joe placed an impressive 2nd in the overall competition.

This course is particularly hilly and Joe managed to stay near the front for the majority of the race and then attacked at the last climb. He bridged the gap to Finlay Hawker from Velo Cluv Londres and they sprinted it out for the line, it was a very exciting race! Joe missed out on the win by a narrow margin and is very please with his result.

Well done Joe!


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Judo Success for MTBS Pupil

Year 9 pupil, Callum Davidson, has recently competed at the British National Judo Team Championships 2018, as part of the North West Area Judo Squad, held in Cardiff on 30th June.

Following a tremendous effort, the North West Area Cadet Squad came away as bronze medallists.

Well done Callum, what a fantastic achievement!

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MTPS Grow Potatoes

It all began back in February when we began chitting our potato seeds as part of our science topic ‘plants’. When we could see the roots begin to sprout, we planted our potato seeds in compost. We watered them, cared for them and watched them as the grew.
This term, we dug up our potato plants, we were very excited and nervous to see if any potatoes had been produced. We need not have worried, we managed to harvest 163 potatoes weighing over 2Kgs!!
Mary kindly cooked them for us in our School kitchen for the children to eat. They were definitely the best potatoes we have ever tasted!
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Gold Expedition Success!

Last term saw seven intrepid sixth-former’s foray north into the Lake District, to pit their wits and test their endurance against the Cumbrian fells. Back in March, wild camping on their practice expedition, the girls had woken to ice on both sides of the flysheet; this time the mercury soared to Mediterranean heights.

Undaunted, leggings were swiftly chopped into shorts and Factor 50 was slathered on. Burdened down by shelter and supplies for four days and three nights in the wilderness, our heroines trod the footsteps of Wainwright against the backdrop made legend by Coleridge and Wordsworth.

High o’er fell, deep into dale, round Meres, Tarns, Lakes and Waters, they conquered long, gruelling ascents, squelching bogs, turned ankles and blisters by the bunch. Concessions to the heatwave numbered after-sun, ice cream and a quick dip in Bassenthwaite Lake. By journey’s end, on the shoulder of mighty Skiddaw, our girls had racked up well over 40 miles, along with 1500 metres of ascent.


All seven girls were a credit to themselves and to the school, and they fully deserve the accolade of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award. They bonded very effectively as a team, supporting each other every step of the way, even singing as they tramped doggedly uphill. Above all they were great fun, and it was a privilege for the staff to share the experience with them. Congratulations to Ceci, Alice, Freya, Milla, Khaira, Yasmin and Emily! Enjoy your day at The Palace, girls!


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Support Adam’s Charity Bike Ride!

Tomorrow, Year 9 pupil, Adam Gladwin, is starting his cycling challenge of 1200 miles between Lands End and John O’Groats to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer Research.

Adam is cycling the length of the country in memory of his Grandfather who died two years ago, and will travel 75 miles a day over 16 days.

If you would like to support Adam in this great cycling expedition, please click here to go to his Just Giving page. Adam and his Mum have been training very hard for this great cause and would be very grateful for the support, no matter how big or small!

The family are also going to write a short blog each day so if you would like to follow their journey please click here.

We wish you all the best of luck from the Merchants’ Community!

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