Sixth Formers Unearth Historic Plaque

The plaque below has had an interesting life and quite how it came back to the School is still a mystery.

It was found by two current Lower Sixth students, Jack Bostock and Dominic Hodkinson, in a rather blackened state in an old store cupboard in the Boys’ School DT labs. The boys restored the plaque, revarnished it, and messaged us to let us know about their discovery.

It bears the School crest and the reverse of the piece has a small nameplate which notes that it was presented to Sir William Scott-Barrett, ‘by the boys of Merchant Taylors’ School, Crosby on the occasion of his golden wedding, April 15th 1919’. Sir William Scott-Barrett was the School’s first chair of governors after the School left the direct administration of the Merchant Taylors’ Company. He served as chair from 1910 – 1921.

Born in 1843, he first worked in Liverpool as a ‘clerk corn merchant’ and married his wife Julia Colvile in Walton in 1869. He is listed as the ‘Great Crosby and St Helens’ colliery owner in 1881 and seems to have ran this business until its closure in 1898, with records stating it was ‘abandoned’ due to being ‘unprofitable… seams practically exhausted’. He is later listed as the owner of a different colliery in Huyton in 1901.

Below this nameplate is a pen inscription of ‘RRR Fisher’ and a Crosby address. This is Raymond Robert Roscoe Fisher, who attended MTS 1932 – 38. The Fisher family have a had a long association with the Schools, with Raymond and his brothers Jeffrey and Leonard attending, as well as various other branches of the family. Raymond’s father, Claude, served as art master for many years, and it is possible this connection is how the piece came to be returned to the School.

The final point of interest is a small coin-sized plate to the right of these inscriptions which lists a ‘Fisher and Ludlow’ manufacturing, a car body manufacturer in Birmingham. It is unclear if Raymond and his family were related to this firm, or if they were involved in the production of the plaque itself. The date of its award suggests that it is unlikely they were involved in its production, although it is still possible they pressed the crest.

Our thanks to Jack and Dom for their discovery and hard work!

Every Friday we cover a piece from our archive on our Instagram feed. You can click here if you’d like to see any past entries, or here if you would like to see our 2020 archive.

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Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School Pupil Named Top Cadet in UK

A pupil from Merchant Taylors’ Senior Girls’ School, has been named the top cadet in the UK, at a prestigious national awards ceremony.

Charlotte Apel, who is 19, was presented with the Sir John Thomson Memorial Sword at the Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) Awards, which took place at RAF College Cranwell, in Lincolnshire, last Sunday (20th May).

CWO Apel, who serves in Merchant Taylors’ Combined Cadet Force (CCF), battled it out against 7,500 cadets from across the RAF’s 230 cadet units, to be named the winner of this prestigious national accolade.

The Sir John Thomson Memorial Sword commemorates the life of Air Chief Marshal, Sir John Thomson and is awarded each year to the highest performing CCF cadet in the UK.

This is the first time the coveted title has been won by a Merchant Taylors’ pupil and Charlotte was one of only five people to be called for interview following the nominations last November.

In honour of her win, she has been invited to Buckingham Palace for lunch with The Queen, alongside her Wing Commander Martin Larwood-Hughes.

She will also be leading the cadet parade at the Shuttleworth Air Show, on 8th July, where she will be presented with the sword officially by Lady Thompson, the wife of the late Sir John Thompson.

Speaking about her win, Charlotte, who hopes to join the University Air Squadron at Lancaster University, after completing her A-Levels, said: “I was so surprised and honoured when they called out my name and I am still in a state of shock after winning. This award is the pinnacle of success for a cadet and it is incredible to be ending my CCF career at Merchant Taylors’ on such a high.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Ma’am Dipple, who is the head of the RAF cadet contingent at the school and nominated me for the award. She really supported me with all the preparation leading up to it and I couldn’t have done it without her.”

Charlotte also said, who has an older brother, George, “It was nice to go one step further than my brother, George, who was shortlisted for the award in 2014. He was very proud when he heard the news and I will be sure to keep reminding him of it for a good while!”

Mrs Claire Tao, Headmistress of MTGS, said: “The whole school is incredibly proud of Charlotte – this is an incredible achievement which brings with it national recognition and firmly puts our school on the CCF map.

Her win is a testament to all her hard work as she has been preparing for this alongside studying for her A Levels, which shows what a successful and determined young lady she is.”

The Merchant Taylors’ Combined Cadet’s Force has over 260 cadets attending every Thursday evening which is dedicated to the armed services.

Well done Charlotte!


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Pay it Forward Challenge

Recently, Mrs Marshall at MTBS and our form tutors challenged us to be kind to our peers. This challenge would consist of picking names out of a hat to see who we would have as our partner and then try and carry out as many good deeds for our partners. As well as this, we would carry out these actions to our classmates too.

To add to our challenge Mrs Marshall gave us a chance to help people in our local community who may struggle to provide themselves with some of life’s essentials. This chance was to donate food – such as noodles and canned tuna- to the local foodbank. I feel as though this was an amazing opportunity to help people who may be less fortunate than ourselves.

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Merchant Taylors’ Pupils Celebrate DofE Success at Buckingham Palace

On Thursday 17th May 11 pupils from Merchant Taylors’ Senior Girls’ and Boys’ School attended a presentation at Buckingham Palace, London, where they received their Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards from BBC Sports Journalist, Karthi Gnanasegaram, after sharing their experiences with HRH The Earl of Wessex.

During the Gold Award Presentation, HRH took the opportunity to congratulate the group from on their successes and heard about their DofE journeys, which took each young person 12-24 months of hard work and dedication. He was particularly interested in hearing about Catherine Magennis’ expedition. She was the only one in the group who had not done an expedition on foot. Instead she had kayaked along the Caledonian Canal from Inverness to Loch Ness. He also spoke to Catherine’s father and Saoirse’s mother, who are themselves DofE Gold Award holders. The other group members had chosen to do their expeditions in various parts of the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales and Snowdonia. Karthi spoke to them about her career in journalism and also shared her own DofE experiences and indeed photographs before presenting them with their certificates.

Receiving their Gold Award certificates are (from left to right): Catherine Magennis, Saoirse McGeown, Jessica Brannan, Charlotte Cheshire, Amelia Perkins-Brown, Nia Almond, Lauren Evans, Rebecca Kemp, Michael Hillesdon, Callum Kavanagh. Rebecca Robosn was also presented with her certificate at the ceremony.

Those who achieve a Gold DofE Award will volunteer, learn a skill, get fit, take part in a week long residential and plan and undertake an expedition in wild country. Widely acknowledged as the world’s leading achievement award for young people, DofE programmes enable any young person, aged 14-24, to develop key skills for life and work, such as confidence, commitment, resilience and team working.

Mrs Christine Southworth, who is the DofE Co-ordinator at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, attended the presentation to see the group receive their Gold Awards, and said, “Having accompanied most of these young people on their DofE journey for 4 years it was very special to be able to celebrate their achievement with them this week. Every expedition has its highs and lows and, as a supervisor, you feel those with the participants. All of these young people have demonstrated a real musketeer spirit, where the team comes first, and the support and care for each other have been a joy to observe. As well as this they have contributed immensely to their local community and have developed skills which will help them in life and in work.”


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Joint Lower Schools’ Production, “A Night at the Theatre”

Dear all Parents and Friends of the School

You are warmly invited to purchase tickets for our forthcoming Joint Lower Schools’ production, “A Night at the Theatre” written by Mrs Laura Coleman, and directed by Ms Jenny Finnegan, to be performed in the Williams Hall at the Boys’ School on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th July at 7.30 pm.

The story concerns Mr Andrew Beaumont, who once loved the Crosbeian Palace Theatre and was the
Youth Theatre’s most promising star. But one fateful night, his dreams were destroyed, he left the stage for good, and now wants to demolish it. However, the new generation of Youth Theatre kids are determined to win him over and save the theatre! With a cast of twenty actors, singers and dancers who have been working hard in rehearsal, I am sure you will enjoy this production.

Tickets, priced at £5 (adults), £3 (concessions) and £12.50 for a Family Ticket (two adults and two children) are now available from

  • The Box Office at both Senior Schools
  • Completing this form
  • Buy directly from Pritchard’s Bookshop in Crosby village
  • Online by clicking here
  • At the door on performance nights

We look forward to seeing you at the show.

Best wishes,
Dr John Gill,
Director of Performing Arts


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Cycling Success for Cosgrove Brothers

On Thursday 3rd May, the Cosgrove brothers, Dan Year 5 and Joe Year 7, travelled to the Isle of Man via ferry from the Pier Head to Douglas, to take part in the Isle of Man Youth Tour Cycling Competition. This is a national event that is held annually over the Bank Holiday Weekend and attracts riders from across the UK. There was a total of three races over the weekend with a presentation on the Sunday evening.

The first event, the Prologue (time trial), started on Friday 4th May which is 1300m race along the Douglas Promenade. Joe came 3rd (out of 60 in his category), with the top three all within 1 second of each other. Dan was very focused as it is his favourite event and he won by 4 seconds in his category, picking up the Yellow Jersey.

The second race on the Saturday, the Crit Race (flat, technical race with tight corners), was held at Jurby. Joe finished safely in the bunch in 7th and didn’t lose any time on his rivals. As Dan had an advantage from the previous day, he bided his time. On the last lap, he popped out and won the sprint, picking up 10 bonus seconds and therefore retained the Yellow Jersey.

The final day was the mountain stage at Ellersie which is a very hilly course with gradients of up to 15%. Joe was in the lead group of two for the majority of the race but had a mechanical issue with his bike chain which gave his competitors chance to catch up. Joe still finished 4th in the race and therefore placed 4th overall for the weekend, what a fantastic achievement!

Dan had a great start in the final race and when he saw the finish line, he sprinted for the line for a third win. Overall he won his category by 21 seconds over the three events.

For both boys to stay focused over the three days and to be placed so highly is a huge achievement, especially due to the scale and high standard of the competition. The School Community are extremely proud of their achievements, well done boys!

(Ellen Isherwood photography)

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Year 5 Visit Terracotta Warriors

Year 5 visited the World Museum in Liverpool yesterday to see the Terracotta Warriors The exhibition spans almost 1,000 years of Chinese history; from the conflicts and chaos of the Warring States period, to the achievements and legacy of the Qin and Han dynasties.

The girls also took part in a Tiger of Qin workshop where they worked with lots of different artifacts to discover and investigate the First Emperor of China’s life (Tiger of Qin).

It was an extremely interesting day and the girls enjoyed every moment!




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Emily is Climbing to Success!

We are incredibly proud of all our students and the fantastic things they do both inside and outside the class room. This week we caught up with Emily Chan, who is a Year 3 pupil at Merchant Taylors’ Primary School. Emily recently took part in the national BMC Youth Climbing competition and came 10th in the country!

Here she talks to us about what inspired her to start climbing and how she feels about placing so high in this prestigious event.

What inspired you to start climbing?

My Mum used to climb which is why I wanted to try it.

How long have you been climbing for?

Four years.

Where is the best place you’ve been climbing?

Probably the Climbing Hanger because even though it is small, it has lots of brilliant coaches and great climbs.

What does it mean to you coming 10th in the country?

It means a lot because I thought I might come in the top twenty but not the top ten. There are lots of other girls who are great climbers – like my friend, Corinne, who came ninth and my friend Rose who came first.

Can you tell us a bit more about the competition?

It was at Edinburgh International Climbing Arena which is the biggest climbing arena in the world. They even have their own ‘Go Ape’ at the top of the very high walls!

I was in category E, so I thought there would be less people but there was actually 26. This made me a bit scared as I thought I wouldn’t do very well.

How was the competition organised?

You had to be in the top three in your region to qualify (there are ten regions). You do three boulders and three routes. You only have six minutes on each route and you get 62 points if you climb without falling on your first go, 61 if you do it on your second go and 60 if you do it on your third go.

Nobody completed all of the climbs because they were so big and difficult. I’m not sure what the actual grades were. I wasn’t warmed up enough for the first climb – so I know to do that better in future.

What would you like to be able to achieve in the future?

I would like to be in the top three in the world, like Shauna Coxsey. I did a project on her when I was in Year 2.


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Open Events

We still have some places in most year groups for September 2018 entry.

Should you be interested in a place for your child and would like to make an appointment to meet with one of our Heads, please contact our Admissions Team 0151 949 9366.

Below are a list of upcoming events for parents and pupils to visit and experience Merchant Taylors’ Schools.

  • Saturday Smarties – 9 June – 9am-12.15pm
    Fun activities for girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 – Come and see what’s happening in Spaghetti Structures and Brain Gym. £15 per ticket. To book please click here.
  • Visiting Morning – Friday 15 June – 9.15am-12pm
    An opportunity for families to visit Merchant Taylors’ Schools whilst we are in session. To book your tour please click here.
  • Year 5 Taster Day – Friday 29 June 10am-3pm
    An opportunity for Year 5 boys andgirls at any schools to spend a day at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School or Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, fun lessons and activities, with lunch provided. Free admission. To book a Taster Day, please click here.

We provide ‘The Best Education for Life’ for Boys and Girls ages 4 to 18 years.

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Cadets Welcome Wildcat for Annual Inspection

On the 27th April, we celebrated our 103rd annual Combined Cadet Force (CCF) Inspection Day and welcomed a Royal Navy Wildcat helicopter to MTBS.

The day was attended by 38 senior North West military professionals from the RAF, Army and the Royal Navy and consisted of a formal inspection of the Schools’ Guard of Honour, which this year was made up of representatives from the RAF section. This was then followed by a review of its cadet’s activities and performances.

Merchant Taylors’ Combined Cadet’s Force was founded in 1915, just a year after the outbreak of World War 1 and is one of the largest contingents in the country, which is particularly impressive given that participation in the CCF is a completely voluntary activity.

One of the main attractions on the day was the arrival of a Royal Navy Wildcat helicopter, flown in by Lt Cdr. AJ Thompson (Royal Navy Air Squadron), a former Merchants Taylors’ pupil whose younger brother, William, also attends the school and is in the CCF Guard of Honour.

The Wildcat is the latest generation of multi-role helicopters, specifically procured to operate from the frigates and destroyers of the Royal Navy. It measures 15.2 metres in length, with a nautical range of 420 miles and a top speed of 157 knots.

After its arrival, the day kicked into action with a host of activities for the cadets, including an assault course, a demonstration of a section attack and the chance to view the state of the art £35m Wildcat helicopter.

This was followed by lunch at the Boys’ School and then a review of the Schools’ CCF Guard of Honour, by Inspecting Officer, Group Captain John Lawlor, Chief of Staff for the RAF Air Cadets.

Group Captain Lawlor was accompanied throughout the inspection by the Headmaster of Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School, Deiniol Williams and the newly appointed Headmistress of the Senior Girls’ School, Claire Tao.

After the inspection, Group Captain Lawlor was escorted around the various activities by the top cadet in each of the three sections and given the chance to meet with parents and cadets before watching all 270 cadets take part in a final parade. During this parade, Group Captain Lawlor also presented the Louis Simpson Memorial Award for the outstanding cadet recruit, which was this year awarded to Cdt. Beth Edwards.

Commenting on the Inspection, Group Captain Lawlor, said: “For me, it was a fantastic day. The cadets battled through challenging weather conditions and made the most of the opportunities that were on offer. Regardless of the rain, their determination and enthusiasm shone through. The number of parents who came to support their children brought an added extra to the day, along with the helicopter which was a fantastic highlight, made even more exciting by seeing old boy Lt Cdr. AJ Thompson fly it in.”

“Having former cadets attend demonstrates the resilient loyalty they still feel towards the school, as they still wish to return to the place their military journeys began and be part of special occasions such as this.”

Lt Cdr. AJ Thompson said “It’s been 20 years since I left Merchant Taylors’, so it was a real privilege to bring an aircraft back to the school, as I spent so many years being part of its Combined Cadet Force.

“I was especially proud to be able to share this moment with my younger brother, Will, and see him in the Guard of Honour. The connections to school are so important and I hope we can continue these links in the years to come.”

To complete the day, there was a formal Dining Out dinner held at the Boys’ School for all the Non-Commissioned Officers and special guests. The guest of honour was former Merchant Taylors’ teacher and CCF Contingent Commander Col. Paul Irvine, who is now the Commandant of Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force. This dinner is a celebration of the outgoing Sixth Form cadets, to thank them for all their hard work and commitment during their time in the CCF. Col. Paul Irvine also presented the Roy Bevan Trophy to the Cadet Warrant Officer Charlotte Apel, the highest ranking cadet in the RAF section.

Special praise was also given to year eleven student and cadet, Gabrielle Foster, who presented money she had raised for the Poppy Appeal to representatives of the Royal British Legion, who were also in attendance.

Mr Deiniol Williams said “pupils opt to join the CCF from Year 9, as they can see the opportunities which are made available to them from outdoor pursuits to survival skills. Some will continue with the CCF throughout school, entering a career in the Armed Services. Inspection Day marks the culmination of all that has been achieved by the MTS Contingent since September and it has been fantastic to see the enthusiasm and professionalism of the cadets involved. Huge credit is due to Contingent Commander, Major Helen Irwin and all of her staff.”

Claire Tao, Headmistress of Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, said: “This was another highly successful annual inspection for Merchant Taylors’ Combined Cadet Force and my first as Headmistress at the Girls’ School, which was incredibly special for me.”

“To see pupils rise to the challenge of all that CCF entails and to observe the senior cadets lead with such aplomb is a real honour.”

For the full album of photos for this event, please click here

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