Junior Boys’ Year 5 Catalyst Museum Trip

Year 5 went on an exciting trip to the Catalyst Museum in Widnes at the end of April. After a few wrong turns due to Widnes’ road closures we arrived at the museum.

The day was split into two workshops; the first workshop gave our pupils an introduction to some surprising chemical reactions. They then used their investigative skills to have a go themselves at mixing some ‘potions’ and seeing how their potions behave.

The second workshop of the day was a “Find out with Forensics” session. This was a great way to combine practical science with collaborative skills. Pupils worked in small groups collecting evidence to enable them to solve ‘The Mystery at the Manor’ using a variety of forensic techniques. The session was held in the Catalyst Crime Lab and areas covered by the clues were: scene of crime observation, using simple soil analysis, using a microscope to match fibres, testing unknown powders, separating colours using chromatography, lifting and matching fingerprints, constructing an electrical circuit to create a burglar alarm, matching footprints, blood testing and DNA matching.

The day was a thoroughly enjoyable and interesting learning experience for the boys.

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Newlands Blog 2018

To follow our Year 6 Junior Girls Newlands trip please click here

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Explorers Take On Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expedition

Last week saw 5 intrepid groups of explorers take on the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze practice expedition in Denbighshire. Friday’s weather dampened most things but not the spirit of our Year 10 and 11 girls as they hiked Offa’s Dyke between Llandegla Forest and Chirk Castle. Whether striding high above the valley of the River Dee atop Telford’s mighty Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, fording the Afon Eglwyseg in the lost valley at World’s End or gaffer-taping snapped tent poles beneath the ancient citadel of Castell Dinas Bran, challenges were met with enthusiasm and fuelled by lashings of pasta heated al-fresco on the Trangia. Congratulations to our successful qualifying group of Year 11 girls and on behalf of the Year 10’s: bring on mighty Moel Famau in June – we’re ready for you!


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Magical Maths

This week was magical with games, fun & stand up bingo… Yes the Mathemagician was here again for another fun packed week of magical maths. The Mathemagician enjoyed being creative and playing magical games with the children!

The Magician Booklet

Learning objectives: The 11x table trick teaches children to multiply any 2-digit number by 11. By year 3, pupils should be able to solve missing number problems, and by year 6, pupils should be able to use simple formulae, and express missing number problems algebraically.
This booklet will train them how to perform some of the Mathemagian’s maths tricks. It features some timeless classics such as “The 11x table trick” and a couple of “Magic Square” tricks.

All students were given a booklet to take home. I’m sure they will show you the tricks tomorrow! 🙂 

Addition Dice

Learning objectives: addition, subtraction, and place value to 4-digits.
The second activity this week features our Magical Addition Dice.
Speed of calculation is of the essence in this game.
The children learned how to add five randomly-chosen three digit numbers in seconds. WOWZA! 😀

Stand up Bingo
Learning objectives: Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12.

The children work together as a team and use their multiplication skills to play this game.  They throw dice and teams take turns to multiply the numbers on the dice.  If resulting number is on their grid a child sits down.  The game continues until all of the children in one of the teams are sitting down.  This team is the winning team. Hoooray!

A magical week that’s for certain, please let us know what you thought, we love to hear from you and we do read all emails.

Brian Banks
Head of emailing schools


P.S. – Next week we have a visit from the Olympic Mathletes to do some sports and games. No P.E kit necessary, but an Olympian attitude DEFINITELY is!


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MTGS Sixth Form Students Win an All-Expenses Paid Trip to ESRF in Grenoble

Earlier in the year, Lower Sixth physicists entered the national XMaS Competition, run by the University of Warwick. This involved producing a piece of work on Rosalind Franklin, detailing in particular, her contribution to the advancement of women in science. The Physics Department are delighted to announce that three of our students, Charlotte Hulme, Milla Kops and Khaira Ashcroft are winners! This means they will be treated to an all-expenses paid four day trip, to the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble in July. Congratulations girls!

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Year 5 Pupil Amazes Audience for Performance at Epstein Theatre

Year 5 pupil, Isaac Lancel Watkinson, has recently been performing in Daniel Taylor’s acclaimed production of Romeo and Juliet, which finishes its 10 day run at the Epstein Theatre on Saturday. Isaac was cast as The Choir Boy in his first professional Shakespearean part and has received some great reviews in the press, with personal mentions in both the Liverpool Echo and ArtsCityLiverpool reviews of the show:

“…and the moving and beautifully sung requiem from Lancel-Watkinson. (Liverpool Echo)”

“Meanwhile the youngest member of the cast (younger even than the lovers themselves) Isaac Lancel-Watkinson, playing an angelic choirboy, impresses with his clear and confident prologue and epilogue and a lovely bell-like treble voice (ArtsCityLiverpool).”

The director, Daniel Taylor, also tweeted his praise for Isaac saying, “Apart from being sensational in the role he really is a smashing kid who treats his work with a great level of professionalism & fun. Much credit to him & his family.”

Isaac works hard in school on his singing, a factor which his father believes has no doubt helped with his professional work and in gaining representation with a professional agent.

Well done to Isaac for all his hard work and for his fantastic performances!


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Magical Maths is Back!

Professor Poopenshtinken wanted to come again in person when he heard that there was another club running at your school! This time the Professor left in plenty of time in order to get a parking space outside the school (apologies if he is in your spot). He was really excited to be heading back! 

He was wondering if he was going to see some of the pupils from last time or some bright new faces… it was clear that we were all ready for Magical Maths…

The Professor burst in the classroom to see all the pupils that had turned up for Magical Maths. Some were even more energetic than him! Week one of Magical Maths had begun, and here is the story of how it panned out…

After a few ground rules (like no pulling the Professor’s hair) we split the children into groups, keeping them roughly within their year groups and with children of similar ability. These groups then rotated through our three cracking activities.

Genius Training Booklet

Learning objectives: Develop recognition of patterns in the number system. Develop pupil’s confidence in their mathematical ability.Our Key Stage 2 children worked with the Professor and went through the genius training booklet. Students learned some of the Professor’s techniques for multiplying any three digit number by 7, 11 and 13 really fast. This trick is not the easiest, but is super effective when pulled off well. With a bit of practise your child will be the local genius in no time!

All students were given a booklet to take home.

Mental Logs

Learning objectives: Recognise the place value of each digit in a five-digit number (10,000s, 1,000s, 100s, 10s and 1s).This is a trick that allows the children to add up four 4-digit numbers on the ‘Mental Logs’ SUPER fast without even using a calculator, other than to check if it is correct…which it will be if done correctly!

Fizz Buzz!

Learning Objective: Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12. Use the vocabulary of prime numbers, and be able to establish whether a number up to 100 is prime and recall prime numbers up to 19.

The final activity this week was ‘Fizz Buzz’. This is where we got all the children standing in a circle, going around the circle we counted as high as we could. When a multiple of a chosen number came up the student had to say ‘Fizz!’ instead of the actual number. This was REALLY good fun and we continued until we had a WINNER! We also introduced a ‘Buzz’ word too, to make it harder!

A MAGICALLY good first week had by all. We’re all math’d out now, and the Professor’s taking a rest at the Holiday Inn before his flight home tomorrow morning.

See you next week (rumour has it our world class detective is coming to visit),

Brian Banks
Head of sorting travel arrangements for Professor Poopenshtinken

P.S. – Our detective is called Stately Holmes – Stately’s a relative of the famous Sherlock, and he has a reputation that’s really building(!!)


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Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School Welcomes New Headmistress

The start of the Summer Term has seen the exciting arrival of Claire Tao, the new Headmistress at Merchant Taylors’ Senior Girls’ School.

Prior to her new role, Claire worked as a deputy head at the City of London School for Girls, one of the top ten performing schools in the country for both A-levels and GCSE’s.

She started her career in investment banking in 1993 and holds an MSc in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations from the London School of Economics. She worked as an assistant director of HR for NatWest Markets up until 1997 and then Citibank. In 2003, after having her children, she retrained as a Biology teacher completing her PGCE qualification at Roehampton University.

Claire has 13 years extensive experience across a wide range of roles within independent schools, beginning at Old Palace of John Whitgift School in Croydon and then Dulwich College Preparatory School before joining the City of London School for Girls in 2007.

Talking about her appointment, Claire said: “It is a real honour to be joining the Merchant Taylors’ family of schools and to be taking the reins at such an exciting time.

It is a hugely successful school with a rich cultural heritage and I’m looking forward to working with the pupils, staff and parents to further build on its outstanding academic and pastoral achievements.”

Asked if she had any changes planned at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, Claire said: “I think most people will expect my focus to be on results, but it goes beyond this. I will be looking to strengthen the school’s curricula and create a collaborative and equitable learning culture that will enable our girls and staff to perform to the best of their ability.

I will also ensure that we continue to raise confident, independent women who have a passion for life-long learning, recognise the importance of being part of a team and play a valuable role in community life.”

Claire Tao


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Head Girl Team Handover

Last term, the Head Girl Team, as well as the Sports and Music Captains’ of 2017, handed over their badges and responsibilities to the Head Girl Team of 2018 and wished them the best of luck for the coming year.


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Message from Merchant Taylors’ Primary Headmistress Julie Yardley

Yesterday was National Primary Allocation Day, where parents across the UK will found out whether their children had been offered a place at their preferred primary school.

For some, this can be an incredibly uncertain time, especially for those parents whose children have not been offered a place at a school of their choosing and may be looking to secure an alternative placement.

I’d therefore like to take this opportunity to share details of our forthcoming Visiting Mornings in April and June, which will give parents and children the chance to experience our school in session, meet with myself and the team and find out what makes a Merchant Taylors’ education so special.

But don’t just take our word for it… We’ve asked some of our pupils to share what they love most about Merchant Taylors’ Primary School and have included more our favourite clips here.

The first Visiting Morning take place this Friday 20th April between 9.15 to 12 noon.  The second will be hosted on Friday 15th June.

For further details or to book a personal tour, please visit our admissions page
or call our Admissions Team on 0151 949 9366


Julie Yardley

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