Model G20 Summit Report

During lunchtime on Monday February 5th, a group of 9 of us set off on a 3,116 mile journey which took us across the Atlantic Ocean to Boston Massachusetts, in order to attend the Model G20 Youth Summit as representatives of the UK. We were the only students from the UK lucky enough to go and felt a great deal of pride not only representing our country, amongst many other international students, but also our school.

What is the MG20?

The Youth Leadership programme is hosted bi-annually by the Knovva Academy, an organisation based in Boston who ‘cater to students, K-12, from around the world. Knovva Academy utilizes a mix of online and in-person courses (blended learning) for teens in order to challenge their expectations about education.’

Knovva describes the Summit as a programme which ‘utilizes this political platform to bring students from around the world to meet new international friends.’ It not only connects international students, but also develops ‘new skill-building opportunities, career development and networking opportunities.’ Knovva describe The Model G20 as ‘an experience of a lifetime for any student’ which all 9 of us can agree it was.

What happened at the MG20?

The MG20 was run over a period of 6 days, with the actual conference itself being held on the last 3. The first of the 6 days was an international day, on which all of the international students, being those from China, Peru, Kuwait, Qatar, Canada and of course the UK, were given a sightseeing day of Boston, which included tours of Harvard University and M.I.T (Massachusetts Institute for Technology), by one of their alumni, who had also been to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and a visit to the Museum of Fine Art. The tours of Harvard and M.I.T, were the highlights for many of us, as we could not believe we were actually being shown round 2 of the World’s best universities and were standing in the grounds and walking through the buildings of these truly astonishing institutions.

After the sightseeing adventures were over the real work began. The first 2 days of the programme commenced, which started with us being assigned our different ministerial roles in different countries and followed with a series of lectures, given by world renowned professors, of which the majority were Harvard University graduates, combined with workshop classes on the topics that would later be covered at the conference, and ministry training, which helped focus each Ministers attention on the specific goals for each Ministry from their respective country.

We had lectures given by Adel Gamar (pictured), Danielle Wood Ph.D., David King Ph.D., Robert Wilkson and Moshik Temkin, Ph.D., and even more, on all different topics, including Public speaking, Strategic Negotiation Fundamentals, US History of political culture, the use of space technology and satellites in the help of global issues. These lectures were not only useful in applying to the conference, but also genuinely interesting and allowed us to develop extremely valuable skills that we were able to take away with us, that otherwise we would have never had the opportunity to obtain.

After the two-11 hour days of lectures and training, we moved from Harvard Medical Centre to the Boston Convention Centre, where the conference took place. The Summit began with an opening conference, in which each Head of State or in some cases Vice Head of State would give an opening address to convey the ambitions of their countries during the Summit. For the group of 9, of which 4 of us, including myself, were all Heads and Vice Heads of State for the USA, Thailand, Canada and Jamaica, the night before the opening conference was a long and nerve-wracking one which involved staying up into the early hours, to which jetlag worked to our advantage, trying to perfect these speeches. After the 2 hour long opening was finished, we immediately began the negotiation process in which, with no exaggeration, hundreds of deals started to be made, written up and agreed between each nation; this, we very quickly realised, really was the G20.

The topics focused on by the Summit were: food security, future of work and digitisation and infrastructure. We all, individually, had to give speeches each day on these topics as ministers within our ministries and as Heads and Vice Heads of State, which greatly improved everyone’s public speaking and speech writing skills. After these sessions between the ministries it was back to the negotiations. Although it was intense, at times chaotic, and also a lot more work than we ever could have imagined, it was one of the most enjoyable experiences each of us has ever had. It was a trip which truly shaped us as people, in our views and cultural awareness, having to negotiate with people from different cultural backgrounds and countries, who spoke different languages, and had different political ideas; although we were a diverse group of people who all had different views, this trip truly opened our minds and made us significantly more understanding of these different cultures.


What we took away from the MG20

The Summit ended with closing speeches from each nation, in which not only did the Heads of State or Vice Heads of State speak but so did each Minister, collectively as a team, which perfectly demonstrated how much more united we had all become in just 3 days. Just before this conference there was ‘open mic’ time, in which anybody wanting to, could get up on stage and take the mic to share their different experiences on the trip, during which Team UK, as we called ourselves, were given many ‘shout-outs’ and referenced by the majority of delegates, this for us was so fulfilling to know we had truly made such memorable experiences with people and above all, new friends.

We all agree, that this ‘open mic’ time was our favourite and most memorable experience during the conference. It tied together perfectly all that we had learned, the people who we had met (who we are still in-touch with now) and the memories we had made. It was a once in a lifetime trip and one which shaped us as people. We will never forget our first Model G20 Summit.

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Author Visit World Book Day

Rebecca Stevens visited Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ for World Book Day Thursday 1st March 2018.

Rebecca explained to year 7 boys that her first novel Valentine Joe, had been inspired by a collection of letters from her grandfather Fred, who was a pilot in the First World War. He had joined up when he was underage at 16, but after he caught pneumonia at training camp his age was identified and he was sent home. After he enlisted at 18 he joined the Royal Flying Corps and became a pilot. They used to fly over enemy trenches and throw bombs out. His letters home had been carefully typed out and kept by his mother. He survived the war.

Rebecca became interested in boys who signed up when they were not legally old enough, some as young as 12. They were motivated by the poverty they endured, as the army provided food, clothing and shelter. Propaganda also encouraged these boys to enlist. She was also interested in the story of Valentine Joe Strudwick, one of the youngest casualties of the war as he was only 15 when he was killed. She used her imagination to fill in details about his life, and took Rose from a present day visit to the battlefields with her grandfather, back to the time of the First World War to meet Joe. As there were no photographs of him, she kept a picture of another soldier on her desk to give life to her story. Her second novel Rose in the Blitz, also uses time travel to transport Rose back to witness real incidents from the London blitz.

Over lunch Rebecca met some of our sixth form creative writers, who are contributing to a new school literary magazine edited by Udit Mahalingam. The pupils pictured with Rebecca are Josh Usher, Tom Redpath, Udit Mahalingam, George Buxton, Bruce Davis, Callum Davies, Beau Patten, and Daniel Sims. They had a lively discussion about the inspiration for writing, different genres, how to find a publisher, and the demands of writing for television.

In the afternoon, a group of selected boys from lower school had a creative writing workshop with Rebecca and Miss Shanley. They had some valuable advice on motivating their writing and how to construct a story.

Some year 7s and staff entered into the World Book Day spirit by dressing up as war related characters. The winner was Charlie Hignett (front centre) who created a detailed costume of an evacuee. The runners up were Zac Margetts, John McCarthy and Harry Wynne.

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Magical Maths


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Sixth Form Help at Aintree Hospital World Kidney Day

We have received a big thank you from Aintree Hospital’s RGN Renal Unit for the help they received from our Sixth Form students for World Kidney Day. The team at Aintree said they were all very helpful and professional.

Well done everyone, we hope you enjoyed the experience!

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MTS Parents to Tackle Dallaglio Cycle Slam for Charity

Merchant Taylors’ parents Steve Faulkner-Atkinson and Martin Smith plan to undertake the Dallaglio Cycle Slam 2018 to raise money for a programme of rugby to transform the aspirations of young people aged 14-17 at increased risk of long-term unemployment, criminality and imprisonment.

Martin is one of only 30 riders, including Lawrence Dallaglio himself, who will tackle the whole 3 week route through the French and Swiss Alps, the Italian Lakes and finishing along the stunning Croatian coastline to Split and Steve will tackle the mountainous Alps stage.

They need our help to raise much needed funds!

Sponsor Martin here and Steve here.

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Year 5 Skier Bella Ranked 5th in UK U/10’s

Bella belongs to Ambition race team which is linked to the GBR Snow Sport England and mostly trains at the Chill Factore in Manchester on Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings at 6am.

Since October last year Bella has been training with Ambition in Austria, Leogang. Ambition has a house for the ski team to live in during training season, Haus Tirol, which is where Bella recently stayed for the first time and really enjoyed training full time with her team. Bella’s day involved starting training at 8am on the slopes and then attending school from 2-5pm.

On the 3rd of February Bella and the Ambition team left Leogang in Austria to travel to the Alpine championships in Bormio Italy. Bella and the team left very early and the journey took around 6 hours.

Ambition racing won the English Alpine Championships as a team which is fantastic. Bella had two slalom races and is now ranked 5th in the UK for the under 10’s which is an amazing achievement!







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Mandarin and Art Group Visit Terracotta Exhibition

On Wednesday 7th March, Mrs Blagbrough and Miss McWatt led a successful trip, taking the Mandarin Group and Art Group to visit the Terracotta Exhibition, held at the World Museum in Liverpool. Everyone was very excited, as this special event has come to the North West for the first time in 12 years!
The students were thoroughly amazed by the delicate displays and the fine selection of statues, armour and bronze ware dating from over 2,500 years ago. Whilst the students were given the opportunity to appreciate the fine art and craftsmanship, they were also fascinated by the rich history, philosophy and ancient Chinese beliefs. 
For a full photo album please click here.
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Merseyside Young Analyst Competition

The Merseyside Young Analyst competition was held at Liverpool University on Saturday 3rd March.

Teams of 3 Year 12 students from schools and colleges in the Merseyside area competed. The girls who represented MTGS were Milla Kops, Jasmine Black and Grace O’Malley

The girls carried out a number of different analytical techniques to analyse the calcium content in milk. Unfortunately, we narrowly missed out on the top prize however the girls were fantastic and had a great day. Well done!

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*Snow Update*

All schools are open and a partial timetable will be running for all pupils who can make it into school, although CCF this evening has been cancelled.

MTGS Year 7 Parents’ Evening will run as normal.

We have been advised that all school buses, from all schools, will run as normal tonight.

Please do not travel if unsafe to do so. If travelling to school please take care, wrap up warm and expect delays.

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PGL Trip

A great weekend was had by all, despite the freezing weather conditions, at our annual Youth Club trip to the PGL center in Shropshire. Girls and boys from year 7 and 8 who regularly attend Youth Club faced many physical challenges throughout as well as making new friends. Thank you to all the girls for your support in making the trip such a success.
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