Memorial Service for Ms Sian Tickle

Dear members of the Merchants’ community,

Our much loved and valued colleague Ms Sian Tickle passed away over the Christmas break following a long illness. Her family have asked for the funeral to be a private service for family and close friends.

Immediately following the funeral the family would like Merchant Taylors’ to host a memorial service in the Girls’ School. This will take place on Tuesday 9th January at 1.30pm in the Centenary Hall, followed by some refreshments.  Anyone who wishes pay their respects to Sian is very much welcome.

As School will be in session on that day parking will be restricted on-site. St Luke’s have kindly offered some limited parking however their car park is usually busy on weekdays.

We will be opening a book of condolences and special arrangements have been made to the school day to accommodate the service.

Many thanks

Louise Robinson

Headmistress, Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School


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Announcement from Mrs Louise Robinson

Message to the school community from Mrs Louise Robinson, Headmistress of Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School

It is with tremendous sadness that I write to inform the school community of the death of our friend and colleague, Ms Sian Tickle. Ms Tickle had been unwell for some time and she passed away peacefully on Friday 22nd December.

Sian was a much loved staff member and it is certain that all our pupils, past and present will be affected by her death. Sian was an Old Girl of the school (1976-1983) and returned in September 2004, as Head of Drama, from Ormskirk School. She was predominantly known for her work with Drama both in the curriculum and with some magnificent productions, including Midsummer Night’s Dream, My Fair Lady, Our Country’s Good and the final one, last March, She Stoops to Conquer. However, she also contributed to the life of the school in many other ways: a stalwart of Duke of Edinburgh walks, she also often accompanied school trips both at home and abroad as either a mini bus driver or the resident trip photographer. She was an exceptionally caring form tutor to many young women, listening with empathy and offering support.

It is our intention to offer pastoral care to all our pupils as they come to terms with her passing. We will be making arrangements for a service in line with the wishes of the family, and we will let you know in due course.

I know that you will join me in extending our heartfelt sympathy to Ms Tickle’s mother, Molly, her son, Ben, and her family and friends.

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Winning Poet

A pupil from Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School has been awarded ‘Commended Winner’ in the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award. Udit Mahalingam’s entry was chosen from over 11,000 entries.  It is the largest competition of its kind and its importance is widely attested.  Each year 100 winners (85 Commendations and 15 Overall Winners) are selected by a team of high profile judges, and will receive their awards at an annual prize-giving event on National Poetry Day.  Writers from 89 different countries entered the competition, from as far afield as Azerbaijan, Myanmar, Syria and Zimbabwe.

This Award is an opportunity for any young poet to accelerate their writing career. Since it was founded in 1998 the Award has kick-started the career of some of today’s most exciting new voices, such as Helen Mort, a successful poet whose first collection was recently published by Chatto & Windus.

Winners will have their poems published in the annual Foyle Anthology, 24,000 of which are distributed to poets, teachers, students, libraries, schools and arts organisations right across the UK. These winners are among the most promising young literary talent in the UK, and the ceremony is the first step in an ongoing process of developing this potential; many of our former winners have gone on to publish work with major publishing houses such as Faber & Faber and Carcanet.

Udit was thrilled, and somewhat surprised, to have achieved this Award, he said “I must admit that I didn’t fully comprehend the scale at which this competition was held, and didn’t think I stood a chance of even being accepted for submission. The fact I was selected as a Commended Winner has really given me the confidence to write more as a whole, across all types of literature, and has provided motivation for me to enter next year.

I have always loved English as a subject, and this award has taught me to appreciate all aspects of it, and made me love it even more! I’m still a bit in shocked that the judges thought my work was good enough for commendation, especially since it was one of my first attempts at writing poetry.

I honestly have to say it is one of the best things, writing wise, that has ever happened to me.”

Udit pictured with his proud family earlier this year on GCSE Results Day

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Head Boy gains Black Belt in Taekwondo

We are all very proud of Drew Hutchinson, Year 6 pupil and Head Boy, who recently passed his Taekwondo black belt grading. It has taken him 7 years of dedication, determination and hard work to reach the top award in Taekwondo. An incredible achievement at only ten years of age! Well done, Drew!


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Virtual Reality Space Exploration

Our Junior and Infant pupils recently blasted off into space for an exciting virtual reality journey exploring the universe.

After putting on their virtual reality goggles pupils waited in the docking bay in anticipation of take- off. Our Year 5 and Year 2 astronauts were quickly launched along a very realistic, fast moving, gravity defying track before floating into deepest, darkest space.

Using the virtual software our astronauts journeyed to each of the planets within our solar system and picked up many interesting facts along the way. They visited some of Jupiter’s many moons and observed the giant storm known as The Great Red Spot.

This incredible experience enhanced this term’s work in Science on the topic of Space and helped bring the universe to life. Orbiting the sun and comparing the atmosphere and composition of each planet was a wondrous experience.

For the full photo album please visit our Facebook page by clicking here.

For the full photo album please visit our Facebook page by clicking here.

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Visit from Master of the Merchant Taylors’ Company

We were privileged to welcome Old Boy and former Governor Mr Peter Magill back to the Schools in his role as Master of the Merchant Taylors’ Company. Peter was in Liverpool in his official capacity as Master to attend the Senior Boys Prize Giving, and visited all four Schools beforehand to meet with pupils and staff, accompanied by his wife Pam.

During his visit he spoke to our current Upper Sixth pupils, sharing his working experiences, and offered his advice to them as they prepare to enter University. He stressed the importance of being open to change and noted the increasing prevalence of technology and automation in all industries. He encouraged the pupils to seize opportunities and to treat these changes as a chance to both make a mark in their chosen fields, as well as to be a gateway for new experiences. He also fielded questions from the students, and encouraged them to remain an active part of the Schools’ alumni community, as well as discussing the role the Merchant Taylors’ Company plays in the life of the City of London.

We would like to thank Peter and his wife for their time, and their continued support of the Schools.

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Celebrating Success

Merchant Taylors’ Schools recently celebrated the success of its students at two prestigious Prize Giving Ceremonies which took place at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall.

The Senior Girls’ School welcomed Guest Speaker and former Merchants’ pupil, Clare Lilley, who is the Director of Programme at Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP).  Clare gave an inspirational speech to the girls, staff and parents in which she encouraged everyone to “Embrace responsibility and give to something bigger than yourself”.

Former right-hand man to Lord Sugar on BBC’s The Apprentice and current host of Countdown, Nick Hewer, was the Guest Speaker for the Boys’ School celebration.  He entertained the audience with a witty speech about his time at school and varied career in television.  He told the boys to recognise all the opportunities available to them, say yes to everything and always try something new.

Click on the links below to view videos of the ceremonies.

Girls’ Ceremony

Full Ceremony

Chair of Governors’ Remarks

Headmistress School Report

Clare Lilley’s Speech

Boys’ Ceremony

Full Ceremony

Vice Chair of Governors’ Remarks

Forbidden Planet Excerpt

Headmaster’s Report

Head Boys’ Address

Nick Hewer’s Speech

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Magical Maths

Following the success of our previous Magical Maths Clubs with Key Stage One, we are pleased that Professor Poopenshtinken and his team have returned to Stanfield this term. Our Year Three and Four classes have enjoyed the opportunity to join this club’s exciting and informative sessions.

This week was Mathletics week which meant our Olympic Mathletes were at MTPS. We had a parachute, some beach balls and even some football. It was an unbelievable week!

This week everything was sports related as we took our maths adventures to a whole new level! Our Olympic Mathletes came dressed in their sports gear…these guys are so sporty they make Jess Ennis and Mo Farah look like a pair of pensioners who brought stilettos instead of trainers to a work-out!

A note from Professor Poopenshtinken:

Here’s what the children did:

Parachute Games

After hearing “parachute games”, the children were very relieved to find out they weren’t going to be jumping out of a plane this week. (Our ‘Magical Maths Plane’ is currently undergoing repairs…maybe next time!)

Rather, they’d be holding an edge of our giant parachute and answering maths related questions.

We have many activities that we play with this. The first is numbering the children with certain numbers (these can be small if we want an easier game, or larger for a harder game). We then ask the group questions, and if your number is the answer you must run under the parachute to the other side!

We then add in large foamy dice to make things more interesting, and play a ‘number patterns’ game where we number the children in a pattern, they close their eyes while one child goes under the parachute, and when they open them they decide as a group which number is missing.

We have quite a variety of activities to make sure they are appropriate for each year group.

Great stuff!

Beach Ball Maths

Standing in a circle, a beach ball is thrown into the air. Children must catch it, and then see where their thumbs land on the ball. There are different numbered regions on the ball, so the activity leader will then shout an instruction and the child must answer it.

It could be as simple as “add your numbers together”

or, it could be harder “multiply your numbers together, and subtract the number of legs on a cow”

or, perhaps “subtract your numbers, and name a shape with that many sides”

As always, questions are appropriate for all ages. Reception children get more basic questions than the year twos, and Key Stage 2 get different questions again.


We had a (foot)ball with this game today! The children have to split into pairs to play a football based board game against each other. They pick teams, roll the dice and have to solve the sum given to them in the top corner of their board. Each correct answer gets them closer to their opponent’s goal…and they player with the most goals at the end wins.

Key Stage 2’s must recall and use multiplication facts for the times tables up to 12×12. For those mini maths genius’, we have goal boards with multiples of 13, 15, 20 and 50. 

It was a tense game for each year group, but our final winners did mathemagically well. Well done guys!

It was an absolutely cracking week this week  and we are all looking forward to next week. 

If you have any further questions, contact Mrs Bonner at [email protected]

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Stanfield support Liverpool ‘Pyjama Party’

The School Council at Stanfield have been busy accepting donations of pyjamas this week to support a local charity called ‘Pyjama Party Liverpool’. In total they collected 149 pairs of pyjamas which will be distributed to children’s centres, hostels and shelters in Liverpool in time for Christmas. By supporting this charity over 140 children and young people will fall asleep on Christmas Eve in a new pair of pyjamas.

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Year Four Finish Purple Mash Project

Y4 boys finished their 2code project on Purple Mash this week. Each boy got a certificate to show how much of a coding genius they are! In this 2code project, the boys have successfully coded a traffic light system, a background switcher, a splatty bug game and a unit converter to name just a few. The boys have tackled some difficult tasks in their project and they’ve all worked extremely hard to earn their certificates!

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