Old Boy becomes President of Michigan Intellectual Property Inn of Court

William Abbatt left Merchant Taylors’ in 1962 to study Material Sciences at Imperial College London. He stayed a further year to take a Masters course in Production Engineering and Management. Having worked for many years in this field, he decided to study Law, the profession in which he has made his name in the following forty years. Working as a patent attorney, Mr Abbatt has dedicated himself to ensuring that clarity is maintained in all patent disputes, and to protecting the interests of businesses small and large. He has worked for Michigan-based law firm Brooks Kushman since 1986 and has received several commendations for his work, including being named as a ‘Top Lawyer’ in DBusiness Magazine’s 2016 edition and being listed in Intellectual Asset Management’s 1000 Recommended Individuals list for 2014/15.

The Michigan Intellectual Property Inn of Court is a philanthropic organization of judges, lawyers and legal educators that seeks to promote fair and ethical practice amongst junior lawyers and law students. Mr Abbatt helped to found the Inn five years ago and was enthusiastic about moving into a leadership role stating, “As President of this Inn, I have an opportunity to give back to the profession which has treated me so well”. Patterned after the English Inns of Court mentoring system, the Inn looks to provide best practice advice to those new or less skilled in the profession, in part through the educational programmes written by its one hundred plus members. The Inn is currently in the process of organising several outreach programmes which will aim to assist fledgling entrepreneurs in their practices. Mr Abbatt will look to take the organisation forward, while staying true to its initial goal of promoting excellence in advocacy amongst those it mentors.

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Merchant Taylors: Life outside the Bubble

23rd June, 2014. 3 days after my final exam at MTGS and I was on a plane to Cambodia. My parents were beside themselves!

I had never been abroad without adult supervision before and 6 weeks of teaching in the remote village of Bakod lay ahead. The days at the school flew by and before I knew it I was travelling the coast of Vietnam! I reluctantly returned home later that summer and began to look for a job for the next year whilst applying to University. I started working at MerseyCare Julie Ann, a domiciliary care agency, and frequently came back to Merchants’ where Mrs. Copley and Mrs. Doyle were my saviours in helping with my UCAS application. Once the invitations to interviews started coming through, I was once again back at Merchants’ to get interview practice with Mrs. Custard. Really, these women are the reason I am in medical school today!

I worked until the following summer and before I knew it I was in Thailand. I did 3 weeks of teaching there with the same company that placed me in Cambodia. I travelled around Thailand for a while, returned to Cambodia and finished the trip up in Laos. I then started at Hull York Medical School in September 2015. We started on the wards from the 3rd week of placement, which is great clinical exposure for seeing real patients. Fast forward to present day and I’ve just started my 3rd year (our holidays get shorter each year… but it’s worth it). The workload is plentiful but definitely manageable.

As I enter phase 2 of medical school, I will be based at the hospitals now for all of my teaching. This means daily ward rounds and lots of practical skills being learned! I am currently being immersed into clinical life, and will be learning lots of new skills within the next few weeks.

And I suppose that concludes my time since I left MTGS. In just three short years I would say I’ve done a fair bit! Where I am now all stems back from the skills and confidence I got from being at MTGS, as well as the tremendous support I received from the Old Girls’ Association. Not only did they support me throughout sixth form, they made it possible for me to attend events like Medsin which enhanced my UCAS application. They even assisted me when it came to my interviews, helping me with trains, flights and accommodation.

The OGA have played a huge role in shaping my life both at and after MTGS. I have so much gratitude for them and hope that others in my position know that they are always there to help students. They are an integral part of the Merchant’s family and I am honoured to be able to call myself an Old Girl.

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Rowing Success

Congratulations to Sophie Gillbanks of MTGS and her partner Georgia Shirley (St Mary’s School, Northwich RC) for their outstanding achievement upon winning their seventh national rowing title together last month in Nottingham, at the British Rowing Junior Championships 2017.

Sophie and Georgia once again achieved the fastest time in the Time Trial on the Saturday, comfortably winning their Semi-Final on the Sunday morning with a time of 08:19.19. They then went on to win the Final to gain another gold medal for their third consecutive year, with a time of 08:14.24 in the Women’s Junior 16 Double Sculls.

Sophie’s sister Lucy (an Old Girl of MTGS), also represented GB Universities at the European Championships, held in Serbia, the same weekend Sophie was competing in Nottingham. Lucy brought home two silver medals, one in the Women’s Lightweight Quad and another in the Women’s Lightweight Double.

The girls have thrived due to their outstanding levels of commitment, hard work and focus and have all performed incredibly well. We hope to see more great successes in the years to come.



British Rowing Championships. (2017). 2017 British Rowing Junior Championships.

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Merchants’ Students on Cloud Nine with GCSE Results

New Government reforms at GCSE, designed to toughen up specifications and cut down on the number of students achieving A* grades, have reinforced Merchant Taylors’ position as the top performing school in the area. Over two thirds of all GCSE results are at the highest possible grades of A* A, 7, 8&9 (OFQUAL’s top grade band), a significant improvement on last year’s figures.

This year, students have been marked under the new system with grades one to nine for English Literature, English Language and Maths, whilst the rest of their subjects have been marked under A* to G grades. Nationally the number of students achieving the new level 9 (A** distinction equivalent), reserved for exceptional performance, is lower than students gaining the top marks in previous years but at Merchant Taylors’ an outstanding number of results were achieved at this new standard. Across the Schools twenty two students achieved the highest possible grades in every subject and forty seven students passed GCSE Further Maths, some having taken GCSE Maths a year early. Over three-quarters of them gained the very top marks. Success at Merchant Taylors’ Schools is much more than about exam attainment, the focus is very much on the whole person, and one such example is Amber Cook who has just celebrated her achievement of the top grade in every subject whilst out in Uganda on a voluntary programme to help orphaned children in the war torn area. Headmistress of the Girls’ School, Mrs Louise Robinson said ‘I am delighted with this year’s results and proud of all the girls’ achievements. Amber is a great example of many of our girls who manage to balance their academic work with a wide range of extra-curricular activities and personal interests. Our focus at Merchant Taylors’ Schools is on the rounded individual and the development of personal character.’

Headmaster, Mr Deiniol Williams commented ‘Our boys have done well across the board and many have achieved the highest possible grades under the new system. The exam reforms have presented their challenges but our students and staff have stepped up to the plate and demonstrated their excellence in both knowledge and commitment. On behalf of both Schools I would also like to thank all our parents for their support, we must not forget that this is a memorable day for them too.’

Results have been achieved in 24 different subjects ranging from the core subjects to Art and Computer Science. Whilst the Schools set a demanding curriculum and high standards, offering the most rigorous choices that top employers and universities value, the focus on pastoral care and a varied extra-curricular programme are paramount and just as important as academic success. This aspect was recognised as outstanding in recent Inspections.

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Children having lots of fun at Summer Holiday Club!

Activities have included cookery-making delicious Rocky Road, butterfly cakes, cookies, cheese, tomato & basil pizzas & much more tasty bites!
A trip to the local cinema to watch the latest films, Streetdance, movie-making, a variety of ICT workshops, Eco Workshops, Art workshops, sport, swimming, a trip to the local park, Modern Foreign Languages workshop and much more!
Next Holiday Club October Half Term Monday 23rd-Friday 27th October & Monday 30th-Friday 3rd November 8am-6pm daily.

New to our programme is Children’s Yoga!

For the full album of photographs please click here. 

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A Level Results 2017

This year’s outstanding A Level results once again reinforce Merchant Taylors’ Schools’ position at the top of the local league tables.  With a pass rate of 100% at the Girls’ School and 99.9% at the Boys’ School, over two thirds of all exams were achieved at the highest grades. Many students have gained their first choice University course to study a diverse range of subjects from Medicine, Law and Physics to Engineering, Mathematics and Classics.   All three Oxbridge offer students have had their places confirmed. Jessy Li and Leon Reason are both going to Cambridge; Jessy to study Engineering and Leon to study History. Shenghao Zhou is going to Oxford to read Mathematics.

Merchant Taylors’ is committed to providing scholarships and two students, Andrew Park and Samantha Jones, have benefited this year from fully assisted places, co-funded by the School and the Ogden Trust.  Andrew, who plays basketball for Wales, has achieved all A*/A grades and will study Medicine at Newcastle.  Samantha has opted for a different path and will be taking up her award of a three year Aerospace Engineering Apprenticeship with BAE Systems.

Today’s results are particularly notable as they are the first of the new linear A Level system introduced by the Government in 2015, designed to make exams more challenging.  With this added pressure, Merchants’ recognise the importance of strong pastoral support, an area in which it was rated as ‘Outstanding’ in the recent Independent Schools’ Inspectorate Inspections.

All this success comes in a year of numerous extra-curricular achievements in sport, music and drama.  The schools also reached two national finals with the Girls’ athletics team and the Boys’ cricket team.

Headmistress of the Girls’ School, Mrs Louise Robinson, praised the girls for their achievements, she said ‘I am delighted that the hard work and perseverance, supported by the excellent specialist academic staff, have been rewarded by fantastic results.’ Mr Deiniol Williams, in his role as Headmaster of the Boys’ School said ‘I am very proud of what our boys have achieved over the last two years – they deserve every success. Today’s results are just reward for the efforts which have been applied by students to their academic studies. Of course, none of this could have been achieved without the dedication of our subject-specialist teachers and the support of our parents.’

Jess Offlands and Sophie Orr are both scholarship girls on full assistance. Jess is going to St Andrews to study Medicine and Sophie to Royal Holloway to study History.

A full album of photographs is available here on our Facebook page

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MTGS 2017 Team Kit Orders

Orders for Team Kit can now be placed with our Kukri MTGS Team Kit Shop 

The Kukri MTGS Team Kit Shop will be open until 14th August with a delivery time of 8 weeks. Players should receive their new kit by the October Half Term break. Please take care when ordering as once placed, the order cannot be changed!

Any girls who represent MTGS in any sport including swimmers, athletes, cross country runners and badminton players as well as our hockey and netball players, can have items from the Team Kit Shop. For Hockey, the only compulsory items are the home and away hockey socks and the team shirt. For Netball, the only compulsory item is the team shirt. Girls should only order team kit once they are regularly playing for a team.

Optional items available in the Kit Shop include a Gortex Fleece Lined Jacket and a compression base layer which do help to keep players warm. Girls may also buy track pants, hoodies and skorts which have their team number (hockey players) and name on them. These are the same design and colour as the standard PE Kit and therefore it is your choice whether to purchase these as a replacement or as an addition to their PE Kit. Team Shirts MAY NOT be worn in PE lessons but can be worn at training sessions as well as during matches. All other items in the Team Kit Shop can be worn in lessons as well as for training and matches.

The hockey socks are a stock item at Kukri and therefore have to be ordered separately and will arrive much earlier than the rest of the kit which is bespoke and made in China for us. Please make sure that you quote the code given on the sock ordering page so that you are not charged for delivery of the socks.

Girls ordering kit for the first time should email Mrs Moore using the following email address [email protected] to check on their team number for hockey.

Please click here to take you directly to our MTGS Team Kit Shop at Kukrisport.

Please click here to take you directly to the MTGS Stock Items Shop (for hockey socks) at Kukrisport 

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Stanfield Summer Concert

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MTGS 2017 Team Kit Orders

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OGA Summer Luncheon 2017

Saturday, 24th June, saw the annual OGA Summer Luncheon as our Old Girls returned to MTGS for the chief social event of their calendar.

Over 60 Old Girls, current pupils and staff attended the Luncheon, which will unfortunately be Louise Robinson’s last as Headmistress following her decision to leave the School this coming Spring. Guests were treated to a three course meal, after which there was a short speech from OGA President, Anna Gervasoni, about School News and changes to the association. Following a recent committee meeting, it was decided to update the OGA’s constitution and increase the term Presidents of the Association serve from one to two years. Anna will therefore now hold this role for two years, as will all subsequent incumbents.

Among those present were Anna’s sister and Vice-President, Marie-Claire, along with her mother Dorothy who came as a guest. The event was also attended by OBA President Jeremy Myers and Chair of Governors/Old Girl, Beverley Bell CBE. This year there were three large cohort group reunions from the years 1957, 1967 and 1982, with the 1967 reunion in particular being very well supported.

Our thanks to all of those who attended and helped to make the event such a wonderful afternoon, in particular OGA Secretary, Sheila Duncan, for handling all the bookings and organisation of the event.

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