OBA Cambridge Dinner 2017

With faint whiff of final exams looming over the University, thirty Old Crosbeians and their guests gathered in the Upper Hall of Peterhouse. Our number included those from East Anglia plus some who had extricated themselves from the demands of London to meet with school friends and a contingent from Merseyside, including our newly induced OBA President, Jeremy Myers. There was a hearty cluster from the more recent years, particularly 2008 and 2011.

After a fizzy reception, there followed good food and wine. Cries of “Most delicious – the best yet” and “The Chef has out done himself” were heard afterwards – and indeed he had. The School Song was rendered with some tuneful singing. Our former President, Dave Holroyd, Director of Music, would have been proud of the legacy that he has left behind in Cambridge or perhaps it was the high proportion of youthful attendees?

The speeches gave an update on the School and its good health. Simon Sutcliffe, History teacher and Head of Cricket, representing the Boys’ School, gave a fascinating history of the School, dwelling on the dark ages of the early Victorian period. At one point, there were only 4 pupils, all of them children of the headmaster and three of them girls! Who knew that one of Headmasters from that period had a wife aged 17 years old? Fascinating – it certainly piqued my interest in reading Luft’s history of the School!

Arthur Meadows, Cambridge Dinner Organiser, 1988 Leaver

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Sheila Clayton MTGS 1945 – 1952 In Memoriam

Sheila was born in Scarborough with extended family living near her. Her father, who had been in the Merchant Navy, gained employment with a firm who became part of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company. The family moved to Crosby, and Sheila became a pupil at Merchant Taylors’ School in 1945. The School had a massive impact on her life, not just for her education, but in forming lifelong friendships. She has always been particularly close to the Leigh family (Joyce Ewbank).

Academically she excelled; she also loved singing in the school choir, and was keen on sports – especially cricket. MTGS with its wonderful ethos meant much to Sheila, and her schooldays were always remembered with pleasure, gratitude and affection. Whilst at school, her heart remained in Yorkshire, and each summer she returned to Scarborough.

In 1952 she went to Gypsy Hill College. After training, she taught for a short time in Liverpool, but then relocated to London. She had met Pat at college, and whilst living together in Streatham, they worked in a variety of schools in the area. Sheila’s qualities as a natural leader soon became apparent, and she eventually became headteacher of a large school in Brixton which had huge social issues. She dealt with them confidently and with great skill.

After many years of working in London, Sheila and Pat decided to relocate to Yorkshire in 1974. Pat became headteacher of a school in Bridlington and Sheila headteacher of the Flamborough School. Their journeys to school were a vast contrast to those in London. They bought the beautiful St Mary’s Cottage, which was in need of much renovation. Sheila lived there for the rest of her life.

Very sadly, in 1979 Pat died unexpectedly. This was a difficult time, but Sheila was supported by new friends in Ebberston. Some years later Sheila was forced to take early retirement on health grounds. She then began (on a small scale) to breed cattle, at first Friesians and then Limousins. This became a big part of her life for many years. Fortunately, she sold her last cows before the devastating foot and mouth epidemic in 2001.

There were so many aspects to Sheila’s life. She was devoted to St Mary’s Church, where she served for many years as Churchwarden. Recently, she was responsible for liaising with surveyors and craftsmen when developments and renovations took place at the church. The result is a fitting memorial to her vision and devotion. She served as lay chair for the deanery and was a member of the diocesan synod for many years. Her involvement with the local Conservative party included more committee work, electioneering and fundraising with friends. She loved theatre and music (Opera North and Ryedale Festival), lectures and tours with NADFAS, RSPB, John Lewis, gardening and growing many fruits and vegetables. The Archers and Any Questions were among her favourite radio programmes, listened to probably with a glass of malt whiskey in her hand.

Her mother lived in her own home near Scarborough until she was 99 years old. She died only shortly before her 100th birthday. One or two years later Sheila’s brother Stuart died from cancer. It was with great sadness that she realised she had no living relatives.

Sheila was always fully committed to all she did. She could be forthright and independent but was also passionate, thoughtful, very caring and generous. Her faith was resolute and trusting – she bravely faced the devastating news of her cancer. Her demeanour was a shining Christian example to us all. Sheila was hugely loyal to all her friends who have been privileged to have known and loved her. We are left with so many happy memories.

Barbara Guest (Shoesmith)

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Old Crosbeians Wessex Lunch 2017

Two Bank Holiday weekends left just two other Saturdays in May’s calendar this year. The usual competitive bids from family occasions and holidays for those two dates meant that recruiting attendees for this year’s Wessex Luncheon proved to be rather more difficult than usual. Fortunately it all worked out very well in the end with those Old Crosbeians returning from previous absence more than compensating for those members who were unable to join the party. The May weather proved rather less reliable although it didn’t rain and the Hampshire countryside was, as ever, at its freshest and greenest best.

This year we were especially delighted to welcome Jeremy Myers in his office as the Association’s President since we have had his company on two previous occasions as the guest who has travelled the farthest. A man who certainly deserves some recognition as ever willing to brave the uncertainties of the British national railway network on a weekend.

Others present were Richard & Shirley Cropper (fortunately managing to miss any traffic jams this year !), Norman Dixon, Steve & Gisela Duckworth, Michael & Barbara Durham, Keith & Ann Evans, John, Robert & Mary Goble, Bill & Lynne Hacking, Michael Purse, Michael & Maureen Sharp and Alfred & Isabel Witham. Unfortunately, Sylvia Scott had the distinction of being the sole representative of the Girls’ School this year but we continue to attempt to raise awareness of this OC event with their local alumni.

Jeremy Myers took advantage of the occasion to repeat the salient points of the recent decisions made by the Schools’ Governors and to remind us that the quatercentenary of the School’s foundation was already the subject of extensive planning ahead of 2020. He also took the opportunity to affirm that his successor as President, David Cairns, would be looking forward to attending the Wessex Lunch in 2018. Finally, after both the Loyal Toast and that to ‘The School’ he led the customary choral finale to a reasonably competent rendition of ‘Crescat Crosbeia’ before the company departed on their homeward journeys after yet another thoroughly enjoyable OC Occasion.

Always a good sign, a table of empty plates! Our President, Jeremy Myers is talking to Shirley Cropper and Michael Purse, a Past President, seems well contented with his lunch.

Hugh Parkman and Sylvia Scott take a break from recalling some breaches in the ‘Berlin Wall’ social restrictions that existed between the two Crosby Schools during the 1950’s.

Four more satisfied lunchers : Michael & Barbara Durham (right), Keith & Ann Evans (left).

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RIP Neville Hymus

RIP Neville Hymus – our lovely lollipop man who very sadly passed away on Tuesday. Always helping the community of Crosby and selflessly fundraising for others. We are going to miss him! Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time.
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Success for Year 8 Physicists at Merseyside Science & Technology Challenge

A group of twelve year 8 boys recently attended the Merseyside Science and Technology Challenge day at Liverpool John Moore’s University. The boys worked in teams competing against other schools and took part in various challenges, such as programming a robot to complete an obstacle course and designing and assembling a battery powered vehicle.
Several boys were on the winning team for a particular challenge and won a plaque – these were: Daniel Owen-Setty, Varun Premakantha, Joe Fell, Krishna Gowda, Aaron Adair and Oliver Ball.
Special Congratulations to Daniel Owen-Setty and Varun Premakantha who were the overall winners for the whole event and each took home a trophy. They will now take part in the North of England finals next year.
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Harry is Selected for Royal Birkdale Golf Team

Well done to Harry in Year 5 who has been selected for the Under 16 team for Royal Birkdale Golf Club. At only 9 years old, this is a fantastic achievement with the next youngest being 12.

Harry has been playing golf for just 18 months and is already making great progress. He enjoys the challenge of playing Royal Birkdale and has played in competitions against 16 year olds from Southport Old Links. Harry particularly likes golf as there is no contact involved, unlike football and rugby and also enjoys the refreshments at the 19th hole after he has played!

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Silver for Sophia at the North West Junior Fencing Series

Well done to Sophia Neophytou of Y6 who won silver in the first event of the 2017 North West Junior Fencing Series which was held at Liverpool College on Saturday 20th May. Sophia competed in the under 13 girls epee and started well, fighting against older competitors in the mixed poules. In the direct eliminations she excelled, having to win against seed in the girl’s semi-final against Stephanie Currie to progress to the final which she lost despite putting on a good performance against a Y7 girl. It is worth noting Sophia finished above girls ranked higher than her in the national rankings.


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Cadets Put on Outstanding Inspection

We were delighted to welcome Old Boy, Brigadier Matthew Lowe MBE to return to School as the Inspecting and Review Officer of the Combined Cadet Force for Inspection Day this year. After leaving in 1981 and following a career in the Army he has successfully achieved a Rank of Brigadier in the Parachute Regiment and has held outstanding appointments all over the world.

Brigadier Matthew Lowe was commissioned into The Parachute Regiment in 1984. He has served in all continents less Antarctica and has been deployed on operations to Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan. He has been: an exchange officer in Australia; an instructor at Sandhurst and the Joint Services Staff College; the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment; and the Deputy Commander of London District during the Olympics. He is currently responsible for controlling the Army Cadet Force and the Combined Cadet Force. In his spare time he is a trustee of the Parachute Regiment Charity, a rugby referee, and an enthusiastic user of good quality chainsaws.

The Brigadier was welcomed back to the School by Mr Cook, Mrs Robinson and Contingent Commander Colonel Mike Slemen, then introduced to a large gathering of N W Military who were supporting the special event.

There was a Lunch for all the guests and on completion the programme commenced with the Brigadier inspecting a Guard of Honour. Three Senior Tri Service Cadets then escorted the Brigadier round the various stands before the 260 cadets formed up and marched on for the Final Parade. A large gathering of guests and parents also enjoyed touring the activities.

Following the Final Parade the Brigadier presented awards to cadets including prestigious Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards and a Memorial Trophy was presented to the Outstanding Cadet Recruit, Tom Dixon.

The Brigadier finally expressed a “Thank You” for being invited back and he praised all involved including Officers and proud parents and then wished the Cadets every success in the future. Brigadier MP Lowe then received ‘Three Cheers’ to complete the successful Inspection.

In the evening the Brigadier was the Guest at the Dining Out Night, as many of the Senior Cadets now go on to Universities. At the Dinner it was announced that the Best Cadet of the Year was Regimental Sergeant Major Jacob Foster and he was presented with a Trophy. He was then given the task of presenting an engraved Tankard to the Brigadier to remind him of his day back at his Old School.

Brigadier MP Lowe added:

“I was delighted to return to Merchant Taylors’ as the CCF Inspecting Officer on 5 May 2017. Lt Col Mike Slemen, my erstwhile rugby coach, had organised a brilliant day: lunch with both Heads, Contingent Officers and supporting staffs; a Guard of Honour; a range of activity stands; a section attack demonstration; a parade with awards; and a dining out for the senior cadets in the library-all executed with great panache and style, and widely supported by families.

Cadet Forces are my job and I’m delighted to report that Merchant Taylors’ is one of the very best. Having Altcar Camp for shooting, RAF Woodvale for flying, and sailing water nearby helps enormously, but it’s the quality of the leadership opportunities that the schools’ CCF officers devise that really makes the difference. I was very impressed by the style and confident manner of many of the cadets I met, with the three Section heads and the NCO instructing on medical techniques being especially inspirational young people.

CCFs aren’t just about recruiting for Defence. They are about preparing young people to assume leadership positions in all aspects of national, and increasingly international, life. Academic achievement is highly desirable but it isn’t everything. Universities and employers want young people who can recognise a context, understand the goal, assess the resources available, make a plan, allocate tasks and inspire others.

I finish with a very personal thank you to Mike Slemen, his Contingent Officers and the three Section senior cadets for a wonderful day. I had a happy foray down memory lane, but much more importantly saw the next generation of our national leaders, and the future is bright!”

For the full album of photos of this event please click here

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Promising Start to MTBS Cricket Season

Merchant Taylors’ cricket teams have had a promising start to the 2017 season. The 1st XI has registered two convincing wins in the NW Merit League, defeating Bolton School by 41 runs and RGS Lancaster by 92 runs. They also defeated Myerscough Cricket Academy in the first round of the Schools Cricket Magazine Cup, and won friendlies against Nottingham High School and Formby Cricket Club. Several players have turned in notable performances in these matches.

Leading the way have been Isaac Lea who scored an unbeaten century against Nottingham and Alex Rankin who recorded a century against RGS Lancaster. Kunal Mahambrey hit a flawless 75 against Formby and Ben Aitchison has been a model of consistency with scores of 45, 62, 61, 54 and 32. As well as hitting big scores the bowlers have been able to dominate their opponents in most matches. No individual bowler has dominated, but Arav Soin is the leading wicket-taker with 8 wickets and Tom Hartley has the best economy rate.

The Merchants’ Under 15 team has represented Lancashire in the national 40 over knock-out and last week registered a superb 7 wicket victory against Sedbergh School, the Cumbrian champions, putting them into the northern semi-final. In this match Robert Rankin batted exceptionally well to score 58, following on his excellent form from the Kirkham game in which he scored a century.

Merchants’ players have been to the fore in representative cricket. 1st XI captain George Lavelle has already played several games for Lancashire 2nd XI this season and three boys from the U15 team, Robert and Harvey Rankin, and Oliver Green have had trials for the North of England. Several others are likely to be playing for county age group teams this season. Jack Carney from Year 7 has been warming up for the county season by scoring a century for the School U12 team against King’s Chester.

Head of Cricket, Simon Sutcliffe, has been pleased with the start the Merchants’ players have made so far, commenting – “The fine weather has been matched by some very fine cricket from our teams in the early part of the season. To have four boys with centuries under their belts already is unprecedented, and it has set a standard to which all our young players can aspire.” Mr Sutcliffe is equally keen to stress that the School’s recreational cricketers have also been looked after. “It is very important that our B teams at every age group have the opportunity to play the game, and while it has been great to be doing so well in cups and leagues one of the most enjoyable matches I have watched this season was our Under 12 B team’s nailbiting win against King’s Chester last Saturday!”

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BAE Apprenticeship for Samantha

Congratulations to Upper Sixth student Samantha Jones who has been awarded a three year Aerospace Engineering Apprenticeship with BAE Systems subject to her achieving the requisite A level grades. Having made it through the highly competitive application process, consisting of an online test, Samantha was invited to attend an interview in Preston. Following a timed dexterity test where she was tasked to build the basic structure of a typhoon, Samantha was offered one of only 50 places on the apprenticeship scheme.
This alternative to university will allow Samantha to make valuable contacts and learn hands on about the industry whilst getting paid to do so. She will spend her first year learning together with other apprentices before specialising in her second and third years. With potential to secure a career with BAE Systems following completion of her three years, this promises to be a rewarding and successful further education route.
Samantha joined Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School in Sixth Form as an Ogden Scholar and chose to study Physics, Maths and Art at A level. She thoroughly enjoys the diversity of her subjects and hopes to combine them in a creative role in engineering design in the future. STEM subjects are extremely desirable to employers and are very popular amongst students at Merchant Taylors’. As more women are being inspired into scientific careers, Samantha is proud to be entering this industry. She added “BAE Systems is an amazing company and I am thrilled to have been given this opportunity. I would like to thank Mrs Copley for suggesting it as an option for me to pursue.”
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