Shamal’s Garden Shines at Southport Flower Show

Torrential rain did not dampen spirits last Friday, when Shamal Harave and his family attended the Southport Flower Show to see his winning garden design brought to life and on display for thousands of visitors to admire.  Shamal won the Show’s Schools’ Design-a-Garden competition.  His creation took 10 days to build and was the work of Greg from Myerscough College.  A project that is part of his level 3 agricultural course assessment.  English garden designer,  journalist and television personality Joe Swift presented Shamal with his award.

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Exceptional GCSE Results

Pupils at Merchant Taylors’ Schools are celebrating an outstanding year of GCSE results with over 30% of all marks attained with the top A* grade.  This is the highest percentage for 7 years. This year’s results are the outcome of a major GCSE reform that, for most subjects, meant they have moved from modular assessed courses to a linear 2 year structure with one exam at the end and no resit opportunities.

At the Girls’ School 66% of all grades were A*/A marks and 28 girls achieved these top marks for all their exams.  There was a 100% pass rate in the sciences and the highest achievers were Georgina Beechey and Charlotte Cheshire with 9A* grades.  Georgina also gained an A in Further Maths.

Charlotte achieved 9A*

Charlotte achieved 9A*

Mrs Louise Robinson, Headmistress of the Girls’ School, said “I am delighted with this year’s results and I would like to congratulate all our girls and their families.  The new linear structure for GCSE courses is much tougher for students so to gain a higher percentage of marks overall indicates how hard they have worked, supported by a dedicated staff.”


Both Boys’ and Girls’ Schools achieved highly in the STEM subjects with A*/A grades at 72% in Biology, Chemistry and Physics demonstrating academic rigour. The Boys’ School can also boast of 76% A*/A grades in Maths and a large number of boys gained in excess of 7A* grades. Vyas Burra came out on top with 11A* grades.  As well as focusing on his exams Vyas, who eventually hopes to study medicine at Cambridge, has been heavily involved in volunteer work this year and committed time to several organisations including a charity shop, library and local care home.

The Headmaster of the Boys’ School, Mr David Cook, also congratulated the students.  He said “We have a demanding curriculum and expect much of the boys in terms of balancing academic rigour with a wide and varied extra-curricular programme.  They have done well across the board and I am very proud of their achievements.  I would also like to thank the parents and our staff for their support and commitment in the helping the boys to reach this high standard.”

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The SaxPac at Lytham’s Annual Wartime Festival

Saturday 13th August was a fantastic day for SaxPac! Who had been invited to play a half hour slot at Lytham’s Annual Wartime Festival.
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Unfortunately, 3 members out of our 6 member group could not make the event, but this wasn’t a problem for us! Rachel Burnett, one of our talented alto sax players, played soprano sax, and we brought in Toby Maitland to play the baritone sax for us.
We had one extra rehearsal prior to the event with everyone being on different instruments, then we were ready to take to the stage.
The day was yet another great success for SaxPac. We had fantastic fun busking earlier in the day in Lytham Square, before taking to the stage for our half hour programme of music. We had people up dancing and one of our most popular tunes (Glenn Miller’s, ‘In the Mood) went down a treat!
SaxPac’s upcoming events include daily performances at Southport Flower Show, a recital at Ormskirk Moto-Fest (August 28th) to name a few!

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Sara Domville (née Evans, class of 1984) – Life After Merchants

Life has an interesting way of twisting and turning to craft a journey that I would never have imagined when I joined  MTGS in 1977.  As I look back from my home in Cincinnati, Ohio surrounded by my 4 sons, having survived cancer and an exhilarating media career, I am reminded fondly of my time at the school.  There I made great friends, with whom I am in constant contact thanks to Facebook, was educated to the highest level, but most importantly, I was given the opportunity to aim high and thrive. The unquestioning ability to be the best version of yourself instilled on me by my inspiring teachers is an attitude that has stayed with me from these early impressionable days and allowed me to prosper in the professional world.

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I ‘graduated’ in 1984 and went onto Lucie Clayton’s College, London where I discovered the publishing industry. Happily I found my sweet spot by combining financial acumen and creativity and thrived.  I initially joined Penguin, went on to Macmillan, worked for the Tolkien Estate whilst at Harper Collins before being made a Rights Director for Reed Consumer Books at 27.  There I worked with the top children’s authors and licensed properties in the world including Thomas the Tank Engine, Winnie the Pooh and specialized in negotiating deals as I  became a frequent globetrotter!  Wanting to learn more, I decided to expand my expertise into Adult books and joined David&Charles in 1998 in the West Country as their International Sales Director responsible for adult and children’s books. I soon became the Publisher, progressed to Managing Director as we created a global publishing programme and transitioned the company.  With a new distribution deal in place, I then sold the business to F+W based in Ohio but with 18 offices around the US, became the President of F+W Book Division in  2005  and subsequently the President of the whole company. It became imperative to continue to transition and use change as a competitive advantage as we evolved the business from a print company to a content and ecommerce company employing 800 people worldwide and focusing on four key pillars ‘content, community, curation and commerce’.  After 17 happy years, I have just left F+W and as a new American citizen have just started my own media business, Domville Media LLC so a whole new learning curve as a new chapter is just beginning…


MTGS taught me so much more than how to pass exams, they taught me to live to learn and never stop trying to be the best version of who you are. Find your passion and follow it, treasure your friends and family along the way and embrace the challenges you encounter as they will help you grow and will enable you and others to fly.

Sara Domville (née Evans, class of 1984)

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Reverend Canon John Ratings In Memoriam (1957 Leaver)

Reverend Canon John Ratings – Old Boy (1957 Leaver) 

On leaving the Sixth Form in 1957 John completed two years of National Service before reading Theology at St Peter’s College, Oxford followed by two years at Cuddesdon Theological College. He served his first curacy at All Saints’ and Martyrs’ Langley in the Manchester diocese under the inspirational guidance of Canon Whitsey, followed by a second curacy at St Michaels’ in Easthampstead, Berkshire.  He was selected to attend the Graduate School of Ecumenical Studies in Bossey near Geneva in 1969/70.

From 1971-2008 John was Vicar of Wargrave also in the Oxford diocese. In his book “Lost and Found in the Pulpit” he recalls with a mix of anecdotes, personal reflections and challenging ideas, a lifetime of service. Births, marriages and deaths were the stuff of his everyday ministry, but he was known throughout the area as someone who never passed an opportunity to be controversial and innovative.

John’s length of service made such controversies inevitable – whether it was selling off land earmarked for a graveyard or challenging the local British Legion about the way the annual Remembrance Day was marked. Yet he was everyone’s vicar, whether they attended church or not.

His greatest legacy was establishing the Wargrave Village Festival which grew from three days into a biennial bonanza lasting over two weeks encompassing over forty events. He had responsibilities for local schools and was involved in educational matters at diocesan level. In 2000 John was appointed Provost of Lancing of the Woodard Corporation (Southern Division). He valued his many years as a Senior Selector to the Bishop assessing prospective ordinands into the ministry.

He thoroughly enjoyed his time (1991/92) as Chaplain to Peter Theobald, Master of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors. In 2001 he was the guest of honour at the School Speech Day. On that occasion he gave the school a cheque for £135, the then equivalent of the 12 guineas given to him in 1957 by his Headmaster TJP York. Mr York was most surprised that he had gained a place at Oxford and been accepted for training as a priest as he had observed none of the qualities needed for either. John loved his school and all the opportunities thereafter.

Reverend Canon John Ratings

Mrs Barbara Ratings



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4-7 Holiday Club Gym Work Pictures

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Another Year of Outstanding A-Level Success

This year students at Merchant Taylors’ Schools have been rewarded for all their hard work and effort with an outstanding set of A Level results.  Over three quarters of the year group, at both the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools, have achieved A* to B grades.  It is expected that the majority will be awarded their first preference place at some of the UK’s top universities.  Academic subjects are the mainstay of the top grades reflecting the personalised teaching environment and small class size advantage of the Sixth Form.  This achievement is significant at a time when standards are being tightened and grade inflation is being prevented.

Merchant Taylors’ is particularly proud of the accelerated progress students make throughout the senior years.  National data from the A Level Performance System (ALPS), a student focused system which collates data from over 1500 schools, colleges and FEs, demonstrates that students are making the best possible progress through Key Stage 4 and 5 curricula.  Headmaster of the Boys’ School, David Cook, said “ALPS results place our Schools in the country’s top band for value added teaching and learning.  With one of the lowest fees in the UK this is an outstanding measurement for a northern based school. These results, which consistently year on year place us as the leading the school in the region, demonstrate the value and excellence of the education we offer. ”

Headmistress of the Girls’ School, Louise Robinson, is also delighted with the results; she said “I am very proud of the girls’ academic success and impressed by their ability to balance a demanding curriculum with important extra-curricular interests.  We encourage students to enhance their academic achievements through Extended Project Qualifications and a wide range of extra-curricular activities such as sports, drama, music and Duke of Edinburgh awards.”

Top achievers this year are Laurence Duncan and Lydia Seed.  Lydia, with 4A* grades, has gained a place at St Andrews to study medicine.  She balances her academic study with a passion for music and drama.    Talented musician Laurence, who has achieved Grade 8 for trumpet, flute and piano, will go to Warwick to study Maths after achieving 4 A* and 1 A grade.

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It’s a busy summer for our Gold DofE groups.

Five U6 girls from MTGS and two U6 boys from MTBS joined forces in mid- July to complete their D of E Gold expedition in the Yorkshire Dales. Their aim when they set out from Stainforth on 11th July was to complete an independent  four-day walking and camping journey, looking at tourism in the Dales and analysing the group dynamics and leadership styles within their own team. Walking more than 8 hours each day they explored 3 long-distance footpaths – the Pennine Way, the Ribble Way and the Dales way, as they navigated around Pen-y-Ghent, Ingleborough , Whernside, through  Dentdale and over Harter Fell to finish in Ravenstonedale on 14th July. As the photographs show, we were all able to enjoy some stunning views of the Howgills and Cautley Spout as the team journeyed north. This was a fabulous team of young people who supported each through the highs and lows of their 4-day venture. Thank you to the support team -Mr Jones, Mrs Robinson, Mr Price and Mrs Southworth – and huge congratulations to Aphra, Avani, Georgia, Jess, Mike, Oishi and Roland!

And there’s more still to come.

Two of our U6 girls, who were unable to do the July expedition, are looking forward to making new friends, as they start their Gold qualifier in the Lake District in mid-August with an Award Approved Provider, and later in the month a further two teams of Lower 6 girls and boys set off on their Gold expedition in the Yorkshire Dales with Mr Slemen and staff from the Boys’ School. We wish them all fair weather and a successful venture.


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4-7 Holiday Club’s Trip to the Park

Here are some photos of the Holiday Club’s recent trip to the park.

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Happy Holidays

As Holiday Club comes to an end the children have had a busy day with sporting activities, cross stitch and the most tasty of all Chocolate Chip Cookie making, which went down a treat.

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