French Day at the Boys’ Junior School

French Day at the Boys’ Junior School was a lively affair. The boys and staff dressed for the occasion in french inspired outfits or in red, white and blue. Lunch had a french theme too and the boys had the opportunity to sample some authentic french food. In the afternoon, the Junior Hall was converted to a french café. The boys sampled pastries and croissants and spoke french with some helpful boys from the Senior School who played the part of waiters. It was a truly memorable day and allowed Junior School pupils to experience France without ever leaving Crosby!
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MTGS Girls Win the Salters’ Chemistry Competition

A huge congratulations must go to four Year 8 girls; Hannah Byrne, Emily Bangs, Ellie Topping and Chloe Wilson-Moore, who fought off serious competition from 25 schools to be crowned Salter Chemistry Competition winners of the North West which was this year held at Liverpool University. The Salters’ Festival has been partnered with the Royal Society of Chemistry since 2005 with the aim to provide the opportunity for students to spend a day in a university department to take part in practical fun chemistry activities. The girls performed exceptionally well and were a credit to the school.


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The Report on the Final of the Lancashire Cup

The Report on the Final of the Lancashire Cup

On Monday 20th June Merchant Taylors under elevens cricket team travelled to Blackburn to defend their Lancashire cup trophy. Our opponents were St James Primary School. Merchant Taylors won the toss and Jack Carney the Merchants’ captain chose to bowl.

It was a wet pitch so the ball did not bounce much making runs rather difficult as the ball didn’t travel very far.

Ethan Howard was the opening bowler, followed by Matthew Hennessy, Jacob Millar and Ben Jackson. On the second over the pair got run out and lost five runs from their score. After that over Rhys Davies bowled and took two wickets.  Max Whitehurst then bowled and captured one wicket. Most wickets were taken due to the low bounce of the pitch. Oliver Raw then bowled a tidy but wicketless two over spell.

 St James made a fair score of forty one runs for seven wickets in 12 overs.

When Merchants batted the first two pairs reached the score of forty two and all the last two pairs had to do was to defend the score. Unfortunately, Matthew Hennessy was bowled because of a ‘shooter’. Thankfully Merchants were still in front. The last pair came in and safely kept the score with Jack Carney hitting several boundaries. Unfortunately a further five runs were lost when Rhys Davies was dismissed bowled.

At the end Merchant Taylors had increased their score to 69 to take the trophy by 28 runs, winning the Lancashire cup for the second time in a row. Well done to all the boys for this achievement.


Reported By Ben Jackson and Matthew Hennessy

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The Boys’ Junior School welcomed Year 2 boys who are starting in September.

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MTBS GCSE Art Exhibition 2016

Last Saturday, during the MTBS sports day, the art department opened their doors to allow parents and pupils to view the exciting creations, created by this years GCSE art students.


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French Play

On Wednesday, years 5,6 and 7 had the chance to watch a fun an interactive French Play. The girls were treated to a wonderful show depicting what to do and how to deal with a real life situation if they ever ended up stuck in a French hospital! They girls had a lovely time, volunteering and participating with the production and were a credit to the school.
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MTPS Year 5 Cycling Proficiency

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The year 5 class at MTPS have recently been practising their cycling skills in order to pass their cycling proficiency.

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Scouting with 32nd Crosby Troop

Richard Moss 1945-52

In December 1945 I joined 32nd Crosby one Saturday evening.  It conducted its affairs in Mr Hugh Whittaker’s Upper IIB classroom: the hut adjacent to the Armour Building.  Hugh was the skipper and NEJ Wylie his 2/IC or UNC as we called him.

There were four Patrols in my time and I started in the Bulldogs under the worthy Batson and later ended with the Eagles with “Dagwood” Jennings. The troop leader was Ken Brown, to me a remote Olympian figure.  Looking back I think I was something of a disappointment to my superiors as I never moved beyond the IInd Class badge much preferring the games especially British Bulldogs.

Anyone who has been a scout will know these and there are some which stick in my mind.  Wide Games including Flag or Lamp Raiding over the full extent of the school grounds on dark Saturday nights; crawling behind the cricket pavilion, close to the boundary of Harrison House borders where I was accosted by Mr I. Butler-Wright wearing, what I took to be, pyjamas beneath an oilskin mackintosh with wellingtons, sou’wester, and holding a hoe.  He asked me what I was doing and seemed satisfied with the reply that I was trying to capture a mad scientist with a secret weapon.  I was later informed that ‘Bugs’ suffered from chronic insomnia.

The 32nd Troop was a very competitive one.  I recall our winning a 7-A-Side football competition, First Aid competitions, and others in the area.  The same rigour and expectations were evident in our camps.  None of us were allowed to lie idle in tents on wet days creating a fug – all were hustled out in shorts and plimsoles to compete in the wet.  Rope bridge building was on the menu and so was cleaning porridge Dixies in cold water.  Spud peeling and latrine construction were useful grounding for National Service.

Due to the success of this troop, another MTS Scout Troop was established when the 32nd became full.  This troop was led by Mr “Prof” Roberts.

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Churchtown Primary School Win Kwik Cricket Festival


Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School was delighted to welcome over 100 Year 5 pupils from 11 local primary schools to take part in a Kwik Cricket Festival in Crosby.

Kwik cricket is a high-speed version of cricket aimed at encouraging children to take part in the main sport.   Many of the rules are adapted from cricket and can be altered so that virtually any number of children can play in the time available.  For this festival each school brought 10 players – with 8 per team on the pitch at one time.

Each team played 4 games and had a great day of cricket.  Sarah Clarke, from Belvedere Preparatory School, commented that “the children thoroughly enjoyed it.  We look forward to doing it again soon.”

The Festival winners were Churchtown Primary School from Southport and their PE teacher, Mr Matthew King, said that “today was good experience for all involved.    From a teaching perspective, it is also really beneficial for our sports teams to be able to compete with different schools outside of the Southport area.”   Coincidentally, Mr King is an Old Boy of Merchant Taylors’ and was returning to familiar surroundings.

Waterloo Primary School beat Ursuline RC Primary School in the Bowl competition with Great Crosby defeating Trinity St Peter’s Primary, Formby, in the final of the Plate.

David Cook, Headmaster at Merchant Taylors’ was delighted to welcome so many enthusiastic cricketers to school.  “Currently we have 8 boys from various year groups who have been selected for Lancashire Cricket teams and one pupil, George Lavelle, was named as the recipient of the Sir Jack Hobbs Award for the Best Young Cricketer in England last year.   It is excellent to see so many boys and girls taking part in today’s festival –  the future of the sport looks to be in safe hands”.

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MTJBS Science Visitor

Our Dinosaur Visit

On Tuesday we were delighted to welcome some very special  visitors to the school, which included a small dinosaur and a T Rex called Milly, who was 3 years old.

   As they walked into the playground watching us we were all silent, still and could not believe our eyes.
The man told us dinosaurs have over 20 teeth which I now know, are sharp because they kept biting me.
Ben, there owner was like Owen from Jurassic Park, he feeds them, keeps them safe and exercises them.   I’m not sure our school can cater for these beasts but it was a great experience anyway.
By Harry Staines

 by Joseph Bigley

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