Grace Barr at the Shetland Pony Grand National

Grace Barr at the Shetland Pony Grand National

Devon Show 2016 3

Year five pupil, Grace Barr, recently competed at the Devon Show in the Shetland Pony Grand National on the 24th May 2016. Grace competed on Nix Nadine during the event and placed an impressive 2nd and 3rd in a range of events across the day. Grace had a wonderful day out and is looking forward to competing again in the near future.

Devon Show 2016

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MTS CCF Success at the County of Lancaster Cadet Target Rifle Competition 2016

The County of Lancaster Cadet Target Rifle Competition (run by the County of Lancaster Rifle Association) is the NW England cadet forces competition using the L81A CTR (7.62 calibre) weapon. A specifically designed weapon for Target shooting using the Vernier scale sight system, this weapon is very accurate up to distances of 800m.  In order to enter a competition a cadet must first complete a thirty lesson course, pass a weapon handling test and have a practice shoot. Cadets from all three sections of Merchant Taylors’ Combined Cadet Force recently entered this competition and were extremely successful.

15 teams competing from the MW England (42 Bde) entered the main competition with firers shooting at 300m and 500m.

MTS  won the 8 man competition for the third year in a row and they were placed 2nd and 3rd in the 4 man competition, 2nd in the pairs competition and 2nd in the aggregate shoot.



Team members were: Tom Cope, Andrew Bowen, Tom Fitter, Cameron Puddifer, Joe Taylor, Dom Hodkinson, Andrew Beveridge, Harper.

Aggregate team also included: Emily Blythe, Stables, Bostock

Butts assistance (hard work and effort all week-end): Puthuran and Mannicham

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In Memoriam: A 2010 Interview with Old Boy Tony Barrow (1947 Leaver)

Last month we were informed, along with the world, of the sad passing of Tony Barrow an Old Boy of the school who was also the Press Officer for the Beatles. Tony was born on May 11th 1936 and attended Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School in the 1940’s.
The article below is an interview with Tony Barrow produced by our pupils for a school magazine which was produced and edited by Tim Quinn in 2010.  It was part of the School’s weekly Gifted and Talented Extension (GTX) programme. The boys wrote the questions, and Tim carried out the interview with Tony via email. Tony himself provided the photographs.
Tony passed away on the 14th May 2016. Our thoughts are with his family.
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Callum Davidson Selected for the National Team Championships

Year 7 pupil, Callum Davidson, has been selected to represent the North West Area at the National Team Judo Championships in July.

This follows recent success at the London Open 2016 competition, where he took a well deserved bronze medal in the Under 38kg category.

Currently ranked fourth in the UK, he recently fought at the Venray International Judo Tournament in Holland which saw 1400 participants from all over the world compete.  Callum finished a credible fifth in his category.

Callum said ‘I’m really pleased with my recent performances and very proud to be selected for the National Team Judo Championships.’

callum davidson

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Junior Boys’ Music Workshop

The Junior Boys recently had the pleasure of participating in a music workshop.
The workshop was organised by Mr Richardson and was carried out by 16 PGCE students from Manchester Metropolitan University.
The whole Junior Boys’ School were involved with many different musical activities using instruments and voices. The PGCE students worked with every year group.  All had a great time.
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Old Crosbeians Wessex Lunch: Saturday 4 June 2016

Old Crosbeians and their guests arriving at our Wessex Luncheon venue were reassured to see the sun umbrellas being placed ready on the outside tables. Sadly, they were to remain furled since the day was one of those that have characterised this year’s June, even in normally warm and sunny Hampshire. However the grey and chilly day was invisible from the interior of The Fox at North Waltham where the party enjoyed both the meal, the venue’s welcoming hospitality and the customary sociability that marks this occasion. As ever, a summer Saturday causes competitive demands from holidays and family occasions for many OC’s but we still managed to occupy our usual three tables.

The rural charm of the surroundings must have made a striking contrast with those at the Paris Dinner, an event that caused this lunch to move from its usual date in May. Yet it was apparent that our President, Phillip Marshall Q.C., enjoyed this sole OC daytime event. In his address that followed the traditional toasts, he remarked on the longevity of friendships and good memories that he had heard about that day from Old Crosbeians. It also gave him the opportunity to remind the company that preparations are already underway to celebrate the School’s quatercentenary in 2020. To conclude, those male voices present then provided our small recognition of that history by a reasonably tuneful rendition of ‘Crescat Crosbeia’.

This year Amanda Hassell and Sylvia Scott were our ‘Old Girls’ representatives whilst the ‘Old Boys’ and their partners comprised David Anderson, Norman Dixon, Steve & Gisela Duckworth, John, Robert & Mary Goble, Stan & Barbara Holden, Jeremy Myers, Michael Purse, Michael & Maureen Sharp, John van Gelder and Alfred & Isabel Witham. Unfortunately, Richard & Shirley Cropper found themselves stranded within one of those traditional lengthy A 31 traffic jams and had to join us in spirit as they lunched near Salisbury instead. For most of us, this venue is just a comfortable drive away so thanks are due once again to Jeremy Myers who accepted the challenge of making the long rail journey down from Merseyside. John van Gelder was our most intrepid traveller, however, finding his way albeit within other visits from Germany’s Land Nordrhein-Westfalen. A tribute to those map-reading skills learned from his military apprenticeship in the CCF in Crosby, no doubt.

(L to R) : John van Gelder, Amanda Hassell, Jeremy Myers and Phillip Marshall

(L to R) : Gisela Duckworth, Sylvia Scott, Mary Goble and Steve Duckworth

(L to R) : Barbara & Stanley Holden, David Anderson

Alfred & Isabel Witham

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British Biology Olympiad Results 2016

The British Biology Olympiad is a highly prestigious, national, Biology Competition, run by the Royal Society of Biology.
This year we had a number of our Upper Sixth students, who preformed extremely well, amongst the thousands of entries for this award.

Biology Olympiad 2016-001

In addition to the girls success below, one of the bronze medalists, Victoria Mason, has bee awarded a very prestigious award, which was based on a written biology scholarship paper. As a result she has been awarded the top scholarship available, the Bangor Excellence Scholarship for 2016-2017, congratulations Victoria.

Our success this year are as follows;


  • Shika Nishith
  • Sarah Goldstein
  • Laura Park
  • Alex Corlett
  • Laura McGuckin

Highly Commended

  • Florence Wilkes

Bronze Medals

  • Mishelle Fernando
  • Victoria Mason
  • Lydia Seed
  • Oishi Sikdar
  • Corinne Molyneux


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Jack Carney is Selected for the U11 Lancashire Cricket Squad

Congratulations to Jack Carney who has been selected for this years U11 Lancashire Cricket Squad.

Jack who was also selected for the Lancashire U10 Cricket Squad last year, was invited to attend the County’s Winter development programme which was spread across nine weeks prior to the start of the season. Following the conclusion of the programme, Jack was invited to participate in the final County Trials along with 23 other players.

A few days after the trial, the good news came from Lancashire informing us that Jack had be selected for the main squad for a second season running.

Following the completion of another training session, the team are now preparing for eight matches against other counties from around the UK during June and July, finishing off with the National Cricket Festival in August which will be held at Kings College Taunton.

Jack loves representing his school and county, and this season already he has managed to score two centuries, one for the school and one for the Sefton District Team.

jack carney

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Edward Jones In Memoriam (Leaver 1983)


Ed Jones (“Eddie”) and I grew up literally around the corner from each other in Crosby and ran along parallel paths at school from the age of 5 at Forefield Lane through our time at MTS leaving in 1983.  We shared many experiences through school and outside and it was amazing to see the old photos on display at Ed’s 50th birthday do at Twickenham last year including one of he and I as Laurel and Hardy at a VSU concert (guess who was whom – we were not VSU members but were persuaded to take part as penance for some schoolboy misdemeanour).   Ed was the scorer for the MTS first XI and mastered the Bill Frindall method which gave a pretty good pointer to his eye for detail and numbers that would serve him well in his career in IT.  Being part of the school Cricket team meant lots of long away games, great times spent together, lots of laughs and a pretty negative impact on our A-level results (I have never understood why exams are in the Cricket season!).  Ed took all this in his stride and went on to have a stellar career at Logica/CGI where I know he was held in extremely high regard.  I have very few regrets in life but one is that Ed and I lost touch for a number of years only to reconnect fairly recently when in catching up he told me of his illness.  I have been amazed by the positivity and total focus that Ed and his wonderful family have shown in battling through, the incredible work done to raise not just money but the profile of brain tumours as an under focused area of medicine.  This is a horribly cruel disease that no-one could have fought harder than Ed.  When we met up again he asked me if I was surprised how far he had gone in his career in running the public sector business at CGI.  I was not surprised at all having seen his determination at close hand in taking on many challenges and all with a unique sense of humour.  A truly great lad that will be sadly missed.


Laural and Hardy

From Ian Kerr 1977-83


I met Ed “Eddie” Jones on my first day at school and we became friends throughout our schooldays, lost touch for a while after school and reconnected, to my great pleasure, later in life – in Ed’s case, sadly, towards the end of his life. Whilst at school we had many happy times around the cricket pitch. I say “around”, as neither of us was particularly gifted in the cricket playing department, but at least Ed was helpful, by acting as scorer, compiling impressively detailed and accurate statistics about each game. I was 12th man, which mainly involved watching the game.

Ed and I also enjoyed hitting golf balls in my back garden. On one occasion, he hit the sweetest 7 iron, which flew down the garden 150 yards and landed on the greenhouse roof, miraculously without breaking anything. It must have hit the frame. It was probably the best 7 iron Ed ever hit, but the one he enjoyed the least. As we walked those 150 yards, all the colour drained from his face and he was very relieved to that no damage was done.

The nicest thing Ed told me when we reconnected was that his successful career in IT had been inspired by attending talks by my father at the Merchants Computer Club in the early 1980s. My father is still passionate about electrical engineering and computers and was absolutely delighted to discover that this passion had inspired a successful career.

Although Ed was taken from us too soon, it was a privilege and pleasure to know him and to be one of his friends.

From Jon Bond 1977-83

The pictures below were provided by Edwards family.

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Cheshire Book Quiz Finalists

A huge congratulations and good luck to the Book Quiz Team, who have made it to this years Cheshire Book Quiz Final, which is to be held on the 14th June at Lymm High School in Chester. The girls were the third top scoring team scoring a magnificent 192 points, and are looking forward to the challenge ahead. The team consists of  Jenni Jackson, Freya Cumine, Becca Caudwell all of whom are year 8 and Roshini Brown who is in year 7.

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