Junior Girls’ Swimming Success

Merchant Taylors’ Junior Girls’ swimming team have been celebrating a successful season. The girls travelled to Darwen on the 20th April 2016, for the AIJS Swimming Championships. The girls had great success at the event, reaching all the finals and coming away with five gold medals. The under 10 Individual Medley was won by Evie Warnock (who swam two years up), the under 10 Breaststroke was won by Ashlyn Warnock, who also set a new record in this event and in the Under 10 Butterfly, Hannah Neave was the winner. Both the Under 10 Medley and Freestyle Relay teams came first and a new record was set by the girls for the Medley Relay. The team consisted of Grace Barr, Ashlyn Warnock, Hannah Neave and Elizabeth Wake.


Full AIJS Team photo, from left to right; Victoria Woodier, Ashlyn Warnock, Niamh Scott McCormack, Elizabeth Wake, Harini Sethuraman, Evie Warnock, Hannah Neave, Grace Barr, Isabella Green, Maya Ravindran and Grace Maciver.


As well as this the Junior team also qualified for the English Schools Swimming Association National Primary Schools Relay Finals, which will be held in Sheffield on the 18th June. The girls qualified in both the Medley and Freestyle Relays and are looking forward to the challenge ahead. The team consists of Maya Ravindran, Niamh Scott McCormack, Ashlyn Warnock, Hannah Neave, Grace Maciver and Isabella Green.


The English Schools National Finals Team, from left to right; Ashlyn Warnock, Niamh Scott McCormack, Maya Ravindran, Hannah Neave, Isabella Green and Grace Maciver.

Well done and good luck to all the girls who are involved.

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Rowing Success

Rowing Success

The rowing team having been celebrating a successful season so far with wins in both the Merseyside and Shrewsbury Regattas.

There were five wins overall at the Merseyside Regatta, with Sam Roughly and William Tait winning the under thirteen double sculls and Sophie Gillbanks and Georgia Shirley (St Mary’s School/Trafford RC) winning the under fifteen double sculls. Sophie went on to win the under sixteen double sculls with Ellen Murgatroyd. Sarah Dryden and Maddie O’Connor Manson secured first place in the under fifteen second double scull event. Ellen, Sarah, Maddie and Sophie also went on to win the under sixteen quadruple sculls.

 The Merseyside Regatta finished on a nail-bitingly close race, with Robert Thorpe, Owen Harrison, Ryan Carney and Harry Scott missing out on first place, in the under seventeen quadruple sculls, by a distance of three inches!

The Shrewsbury Regatta saw a similar score sheet, with four wins overall for the team. Ross Almond won the under fourteen single sculls with a dominating performance. Sophie Gillbanks and Georgia Shirley (St Mary’s School/Trafford RC) again won the under fifteen double sculls and Sophie and Ellen put on a great performance in winning the under sixteen double sculls. Ellen put on a defiant performance in the under sixteen single sculls race, fighting off some tough opposition to win.

Similar to Merseyside Regatta there were some close races against some very skilled opponents; Robert Thorpe and Owen Harrison were narrowly beaten by a top class Shrewsbury School double. Ryan Carney raced extremely well in his single scull and Harry Scott raced into the semi-finals but was beaten due to an unfortunate equipment failure!

James Carew

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One Day Without Shoes

Boys’ at the Junior Boys’ School,  have been taking part in the One Day Without Shoes event today! The event is organised by the shoe brand TOMS, who are giving a pair of shoes to a child in need, for every barefooted picture that is posted on social media today! Feel free to get involved by posting your own pictures and tagging  @tomsuk with the hashtag #withoutshoes.

Take a look at some of the great pictures taken of our boys today!

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The Head Girl Team Handover

This morning the Head Girl Team, as well as the Sports and Music Captains’ of 2015, handed over their badges and responsibilities to the Head Girl Team of 2016.


The back row, from right to left, we have; the new Music Captain, Sophie Orr, the old Music Captain, Lydia Seed, the new Vice-Sports Captain, Poppy Yip, the old Vice-Sports Captain, Eleanor Buxton, the new Sports Captain Ellie Church and the old Sports Captain Rebecca Dunne.

The front row, from right to left, we have; the old Deputy Head Girl, Oishi Sikdar, the new Deputy Head Girl, Kate Abramson, the old Deputy Head Girl, Sarah Goldstein, the new Deputy Head Girl, Milly Cadman, the old Head Girl, Laura McGuckin and the new Head Girl, Rosie Solomon.


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Joint Schools’ Saxophone Ensemble – 8th May 2016

Joint Schools’ Saxophone Ensemble


On Sunday 8th May 2016, the Joint Schools Saxophone Ensemble put on a wonderful performance outside  ‘The Atkinson’,  prior to the John Hallam Trios Lunchtime Concert and Afternoon Tea. Old Boy Edward Thornley, came to lend a hand when his brother Lewis, who is a member of the ensemble, was unable to attend, proving that there is an everlasting love of music and the saxophone!


From left to right; Edward Thornley, Sophie Orr, Ranajay Singh, Harry Gascoigne and Ehren Agarwal.

To watch a snippet of the performance please click the link.

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Silver Medal in the Primary Maths Challenge – Hemanth Bheemireddy

The Primary Maths Challenge is a mathematical challenge based in the United Kingdom, for pupils in the years five and six. The Challenge was taken by 72,000 pupils, from 1800 different schools in 2016. Out of the 72,000 pupils that completed the challenge, 1554 pupils achieved 21 or more out of 25. Hemanth achieved an impressive 23 out of 25.

The 1554 pupils who achieved 21 and above also completed a bonus round. 33 out of the 1554 pupils scored 23 out of 25 in this round and received a gold medal. Hemanth narrowly missed out on a gold medal, falling one mark short and received and equally as impressive silver medal. Congratulations Hemanth.


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Hemanth Bheemireddy

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Flt Lt Mike Rankine (Leaver 1998) – Charity Bike Ride “On Yer Bike – Mike!”

On Yer Bike – Mike!

Old Boy RAF Policeman, Flt Lt Mike Rankine, has set off on an epic 2700 mile solo cycle ride that will take him from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus, to RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire and he is hoping to complete this epic journey of 9 countires, unsupported in just 14 days. The ride is named ‘Super Trooper’, which mirrors the route taken each work by the RAF’s ‘Trooper’ service between the UK and Cyprus. Mike is undertaking the challening to raise funds for SSAFA Cyprus, a charity that supports serving and ex-serving members of the Forces community in times of need.

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MY EARLY YEARS AT MERCHANTS – Derek Rolinson (1949 – 54)

To escape the war damaged city centre of Liverpool and with my Father returning from active military service, my family moved to Maghull in 1946.  I continued my primary education at Maghull Church of England Infants School and was fortunate to have the inspirational Miss Beck as my teacher.  Prior to this point, conversations regarding secondary education were non-existent in our household for, neither of my Parents, Aunts or Uncles had any significant secondary education rather, gaining employment, was considered of greater importance to education.

This attitude changed with guidance from Miss Beck who, in 1949, was able to achieve the great success of gaining entrance to Merchant Taylors Boys School for four of her pupils namely Messrs  Anson, Fairley, Vibert and myself.

The Cotton Exchange in Liverpool where my Father was employed, had been Nationalised and he was not happy with the changed format so he was very responsive when approached by a Company in Texas USA, who offered him employment at a senior level.  Upon accepting, he left for Texas in 1950, to be followed by my Mother the following year.  Upon my return that year from spending my Summer Vacation in Texas, I entered Harrison House to become a Boarder which to me was a most enjoyable experience.

For the following three years, and with the permission of NEJ Wylie, I left School upon completion of exams, travelled to Gladstone Dock on the Mersey, went aboard a U.S. registered freighter bound for a port in the Gulf of Mexico, to spend an extended summer holiday with my Parents.  I was allowed to return in the first week of the new academic year in order to extend the time with my Parents, it being the only time in the Year that I could enjoy their company.  Unaccompanied trans-Atlantic travel in my early teenage years was certainly character forming and complimented the benefits of Boarding and education at MTS.  Any attempts at academic excellence were wasted on me but Boarding life, sporting and extra mural activities including CCF featured greatly.

Employment and the outside world beckoned, so at the first opportunity, having gained four mediocre “0” levels, an Engineering Apprenticeship was accepted at Rugby in heavy engineering.

On completion of the Apprenticeship at the age of 21 I was made a Foreman in a section of skilled men, followed by promotion to Machine Shop Superintendent some three years later.

I firmly believe that this was due to the education and character development gained at MTS which more than made up for the limited academic achievements.

A spell as a Management Consultant in the North West, led into a variety of Directorships in engineering, culminating in setting up my own Engineering Company in 1980, which was sold when I retired in 1996.

I look back upon my time at MTS with great affection and was so impressed that my three sons followed the Independent route at Silcoates in Wakefield, two Grand Daughters went to Wakefield Girls’ High and I enjoyed a stimulating period as a Governor to Rishworth School in West Yorkshire.

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The Royal Northern College of Music Trip

Bright and early on Sunday 24th of April, a group of budding musicians (woodwind and brass) from MTBS travelled with Mr Lock for a special event at Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM).
They attended the first ever Wind Orchestra Day,which hopefully now will become a yearly event. The RNCM is one of top to Music Conservatories in the UK and the world – it is also the best place for Saxophone tuition.
The day was split into three sections, first was the large scale Wind Orchestra rehearsal conducted by the Head of Saxophone and Deputy Head of the School of Wind, Brass and Percussion (WBP) Rob Buckland. Within the ensemble (ranging from high school students to people well into retirement) were several RNCM tutors (John Miller-Trumpet and Head of WBP), Nick Cox (Clarinet) and members of the John Wallace Collection, an international Brass Ensemble.
After the rehearsal the Wind Orchestra broke up in to its instrumental sections and went for a Creative and Technique Class with leading tutors of the RNCM. Every student enjoyed the session and seemed to come away from this class having learnt something.
The final section of the trip was watching a Performance by the ARKensemble conducted by Rob Buckland. This was outstanding and really showed the students what standards higher level education students can achieve.
The day was a great success and a real eye opener to many – it enabled many students to realise that music is so much more than what happens in school. It also allowed them to see what a Music College is – as it is not like a University and just how much fun music making is even when your performances are being assessed for your degree!
I look forward to return to the RNCM with more students to next year’s Wind Orchestra trip and the Saxophone Day in November.
Shaun Lock
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MTOBA – Crosby Dinner 2016

Whilst other events in MTOBA’s calendar may be in more intimate or more exotic locations, the Crosby Dinner is the essence of our Association’s work because it is at the heart of the MTS site. It is always a fascinating experience for Old boys to wander around the main building to make comparisons with their own time and to glean an idea of MTS’s activities from the notice boards.

Recent leavers kicked off the day of the dinner with an informal match on the School field during the Saturday afternoon. A variety of rugby, soccer and hockey matches in recent years have been vital catalysts in attracting groups to the dinner.

One hundred and thirty two people sat down for Dinner in the Williams Hall. It was particularly good to see that there were a Year and Academic Subject groups who had planned together to attend. As ever, the eclectic mix of Old Boys were joined not only by their own guests but by many members of the Merchants Community from Academic and Administrative Staff. Our kindred organisations of the Merchant Taylors Company, Old Merchant Taylors Northwood and the Old Wulfrunians (Wolverhampton Grammar School) were present as usual.

Those present heard a very comprehensive update on MTS’s academic, sporting and cultural activities from Head Master David Cook, and the supporting speech by Head of School Tom Cope confirmed  the vital links being fostered by the Association with soon to be Old Boys. Philip Marshall QC proposed the Toast to the Guests.

Our then President, David Holroyd, spoke warmly of his time as an Honorary Member of MTOBA by virtue of his role as Head of Music. David secured a much esteemed chief Guest, with whom he had studied at Birkenhead School, Capt Hugh Dalglish, who entertained diners to a discreet but witty recollection of stories from his time as commanding officer of Royal Yacht Britannia.

I look forward to seeing as many as possible of our Members who can attend the Crosby Dinner in 2017.

Jeremy Myers

Senior VP and Crosby Dinner Organiser

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