U13 Boys narrowly miss out on a place in the National Final of the English Schools Table Tennis Competition

Max (Year 8) and Rhys Davies (Year 6) and Nicholas and Christopher Moustaka (Year 7) represented Merchant Taylors’ at the Zonal finals of the English Schools Table Tennis Competition in Blackburn on Saturday 19th March.   They started with a 7-1 win against St. Joseph’s college, Ipswich before an emphatic 8-0 win against Silverdale school.   This set up a final against Longfield Academy from Darlington who fielded a very strong team and had won both their other matches 8-0.

The first 4 matches went with rankings as Each No.1 beat the opposition’s No.2’s and likewise with the No.3’s beating the No.4’s. These were far from easy matches but it meant that Merchant Taylors’ was tied at 2-2 before the pivotal contests.   However we eventually lost out 5-3.

Our congratulations to all the boys who performed well with Rhys winning 5/6 matches, Max 4/6, Nicholas 4/6 and Christopher 5/6.    As runners up in one of the four Regional Finals we can safely place the team somewhere between 5th and 8th in the Country.  Hopefully they can have another go next year!

The boys received their certificates and a Headmaster’s commendation each from Mr Cook who was delighted with their achievements.English Schools Table Tennis Champions

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Parent Careers/Work Experience Survey

Dear Parent(s), Guardian(s),

Please follow this link to take you to a short survey on Parent Careers/Work Experience.  We have kept it concise to avoid ‘survey fatigue’ and are extremely grateful for you taking the time to fill it in: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6WJYZGR

The information, needless to say, is fully confidential and will not be shared with any other party.   It is purely to help us to continue to engage with our parent body and ensure we are providing your sons and daughters with the careers support and advice they need as they prepare to enter a constantly evolving and competitive work place.  This is not only for the older pupils – our pupils start making subject choices from Year 8 onwards – and these choices will be directed by ideas of what they are interested in and inspired by at that age.

Please can you complete this over the Easter break and we look forward to collating the information at the start of next term.   To all those of you who fill out a survey you will automatically be entered into a draw to win a bottle of champagne!


Yours sincerely,

DHCsig                                                                                                                         Louise Robinson

D H Cook                                                                                                                         L A Robinson

Headmaster                                                                                                                     Headmistress

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British Schools’ Modern Biathlon Championships

The boys travelled to London by train to attend the British Schools’ Modern Biathlon Championships at Crystal Palace Sports Centre. It was an extremely enjoyable day – all boys perform

ed well, cheering each other on and encouraging each other. Results to be published shortly.

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Eleanor Nominated for BAFTA Award

Some outstanding news for Year 10 pupil Eleanor Worthington-Cox who has been nominated for a BAFTA following her performance in Sky Living’s The Enfield Haunting. Her nomination is in the Supporting Actress category. Eleanor is the first child to have been nominated by BAFTA in the adult TV awards. We’ll keep our fingers crossed during the ceremony on the 8th May, televised on BBC1.

Eleanor Worthington-Cox in The Enfield Haunting Credit: Sky Living

Eleanor Worthington-Cox in The Enfield Haunting Credit: Sky Living

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Physicists Visit CERN in Geneva

Just before half term four of our sixth form Physicists enjoyed a memorable trip to the home of the largest science experiment in the world – CERN! Along with other pupils from the Liverpool Ogden Trust Partnership we were treated to guided tours of many of the departments, met a number of different scientists working on cutting edge research, and saw some of the sights of Geneva. The highlight of the trip had to be going 100m underground to view the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) detector. The trip gave a wonderful insight into the exciting world of physics and the importance of collaboration within the scientific world, it also produced a number of amazing facts. For example did you know that if all of the cables used in CERN were placed end to end then they would reach the Sun and back over 5 times!!L6 Visit to CERN, Geneva

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RAF Easter Camp Cyprus – Daniel McKay

During the Easter holidays I spent 10 days near the summit of Mount Olympus in Cyprus at RAF Troodos. This was my second CCF RAF camp in Cyprus inside a year having attended camp at RAF Akrotiri last summer. During camp I took part in various activities over the length and breadth of the island of Cyprus, ranging from the mountains of Troodos, the port of Paphos, RAF Akrotiri and the capital Nicosia.

Danny McKay
This camp was completely different from my previous Cyprus camp not only because we were accommodated at altitude at RAF Troodos compared with sea level at RAF Akrotiri, but because this time I was a Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO) and the senior cadet on camp.  My role had changed completely and I now held a position of responsibility and, amongst other things, it was my job to make sure cadets enjoyed themselves and showed their best potential.

On the first morning I was introduced to the other cadets as Camp Warrant Officer by Sgt Graeme Bell who provided a humorous ice-breaking moment by informing the cadets that “I was already standing.”  I was very grateful for this moment as it removed the tension I felt standing in front of 52 cadets I’d only met the day before.

On the second day, we spent time down at RAF Akrotiri, a warm and welcome change from the chill air up in the mountains.  At Akrotiri cadets were split into groups and took part in a series of leadership exercises to test teamwork and initiative under the guidance of RAF Akrotiri’s Force Development staff.  As CWO, I wasn’t involved in the exercises but assisted the directing staff on the ‘Sheep & Shepherd’ stand briefing cadets and maintaining safety.  On the stand one of the cadets was nominated as shepherd and the remaining cadets were his/her flock of sheep.  The shepherd’s task was to guide the flock through a series of gates and back home.  Sounds simple enough but the cadets were blindfolded and the shepherd was not allowed to speak and could only communicate with the flock through sounds.  Watching the approaches of different group leaders to the problem of guiding blind sheep without speaking was interesting and at times very amusing.  They variously used claps and whistles to guide their flock through the gates.  The training area we used was very close to the runway and I was able to watch many different types of aircraft as they landed including Tornados, Voyagers, Sentrys and a certain USAF reconnaissance plane which must remain nameless.Danny McKay2

During the week we took part in many water based activities.  Sailing and Scuba Diving were the two highlights and both were new experiences for me.  Sailing took place at Tunnel Beach, aptly named as you have to pass through a long tunnel through the cliff side to reach it. The beach was picturesque, the water crystal clear, and the sun blazing down. After initial training, we were put in a boat and left to sail on our own.  At one point, my boat was nearly horizontal but other than that all went well.  Later we went out on a powered boat but unexpectedly whilst whizzing across the waves the engine cut out and would not restart, then to compound things the sky darkened and it started to hail – yes hail in Cyprus!  We were eventually towed back to shore, totally drenched with what seemed more water on us then there was in the sea but it was actually quite good fun.  Scuba Diving was a tremendous experience.  To be under water with the sun’s rays glistening onto the shoals of fish and casting eerie shadows over wrecks of helicopters was incredible.  I will keep the memory of those images in my mind for many years to come.

We also had the privilege to explore the UN Green Line Buffer Zone in Nicosia.  In the 1990s war raged between Turkey and Cyprus after the Turks invaded the island and occupied most of the northern area.  Following the intervention of the UN a truce was agreed and a Green Line was drawn across the island separating the opposing Greek & Turkish forces.  In Nicosia the Green Line runs through the middle of the city and the UN is responsible for patrolling a buffer zone between the Greek and Turkish lines.  Visiting this heavily guarded area was a thoroughly memorable experience and one not available to tourists.  We were escorted by UN troops through dilapidated streets, passing houses which still had the remains of washing on the line, with rusting cars left in the driveway, clearly demonstrating the urgency of evacuation by the civilian population as war raged around them. It was an eerie sight, one likened to Chernobyl.  We also visited the former Nicosia International airport, where we saw the old air traffic control tower and the terminal building which had bullet holes still visible in the inch thick glass at the side. Neither the buffer zone nor the old airport are open to the general public and it was a unique opportunity and privilege to see them that wouldn’t have been possible if I wasn’t a cadet.

Probably the most memorable part of my camp was a flight with 84 Squadron in a Griffin helicopter. These helicopters are primarily used for Search and Rescue missions.  Flying up and out of Akrotiri, around the bay and as far as the amphitheatre at Curium was brilliant. Looking down over the ancient ruins and seeing my peers as small as ants was a sight to behold. My fellow passengers were as delighted as I was with this wonderful opportunity to get an aerial view of RAF Akrotiri and the surrounding area.

Other activities at camp included Karting, Clay Pigeon Shooting, 10 Pin Bowling and visits to the bomb disposal and Fire sections.

Danny McKay3On the final day we travelled to Paphos for a boat cruise along the coast towards Coral Beach aboard the Wave Dancer.  This was an excellent way to end the week and it was wonderful to lie back, relax and top up our tans.  The music and food were excellent and everyone had a smile on their face especially when we moored off the coast near Coral Bay where we were able to dive off the boat and swim in the warm and crystal clear water…

This trip also stands out emotionally for two reasons.

Firstly, the sun-bed next to mine was occupied by a young British man whose left leg had been amputated below the knee.  A very sombre pride came over me when as we spoke I discovered that he was a “squaddie” who had been injured on patrol in Afghan when his vehicle hit an IED.  He praised his colleagues, the RAF pilots and the medics back home for all they had done to rescue, evacuate and treat him after the incident.  He was intrigued by the cadets and wanted to know where we came from and what training we received. He told me he was very impressed by the cadets and their good behaviour.

Secondly, I spoke with an elderly couple who too were interested to find out more about the cadets and they told me that as they boarded the boat and saw “all you kids” they thought they wouldn’t get any peace and quiet, adding they were completely wrong and that the cadets were brilliant and very well behaved.

The comments of the injured soldier and the old couple made me very proud to be the CWO in charge of cadets.

I thoroughly enjoyed my camp thanks to the support of the adult staff on camp and the excellent behaviour of cadets, some of the best cadets I’ve ever met.



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RAF Section Report – Sqn Ldr Charlie Ryan

RAF Section Report

Charlie Ryan
Sqn Ldr RAF VR(T)

For a relatively small section we have achieved very much over the past year and MTS RAF cadets have taken the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of activities both at home and overseas.

During the year MTS RAF cadets have attended three overseas camps; two in Cyprus (one at Easter and the other during the summer) and one in Gibraltar.  Sgt John Ball was fortunate enough to be given a place on an International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE) in Canada (see his report below) while I was delighted to be granted an IACE escort role in the USA. On the domestic front, our summer camp was spent at RAF Spadeadam in Cumbria.

The section continues to be blessed with cadets of outstanding calibre. It was a great honour and achievement for the section to have CWO George Apel selected for a De Havilland medal in 2014, and to have CWO Danny McKay reach the interview stage for the award in 2015.

Problems with aircraft have seriously restricted GIC places and gliding scholarships but this has been offset by regular AEF flights from RAF Woodvale.

The range of activities undertaken by cadets simply could not occur without the assistance and support of our RAF Area Training Evaluation and Support Team (TEST) namely Sqn Ldr Roger Taylor and Sgt Graeme Bell.  We are also indebted to staff at HQ Air Cadets – Wg Cdr Robert Chalklin, Sqn Ldr Graeme Johnston, Administrative Officer Sarah Hobster and Rachael Rich in Flying Administration for their help, guidance and diligent hard work on our behalf.

Nor could the opportunities afforded to cadets have occurred without the input and commitment shown by my fellow RAF Section Officers Sqn Ldr Mark Stanley, Flg Off Helen Scott and Flt Lt Jonathan Green and I thank them sincerely for their invaluable help in providing training for our cadets.

Flg Off Helen Scott assumed command of the RAF Section in September and I wish her every success for the future and urge cadets to give her the same level of support, enthusiasm and commitment they gave me.

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1st XV Lancashire Plate Winners

Match report by Mr King:

The 1st XV were scheduled to play the final of their Lancashire Plate competition on Wednesday 2nd March at Liverpool St Helens Rugby Club but this was postponed due to waterlogged pitches and the match had to be arranged for Wednesday 23rd March. A coin toss was made and Bolton were the winners meaning that the final would now be played at Bolton School. The squad went into the final having not played a competitive fixture in 6 weeks but confidence and motivation was high as 11 of the squad would be playing their final fixture in a Merchant Taylors’ shirt. 

The lack of match practice was clear to see in the first half, silly mistakes, a lack of discipline and inaccuracy resulted in Bolton having the majority of possession in the opening 20 minutes. Luckily for Merchants, the Bolton side could only turn this possession into one penalty kick resulting in a 3-0 lead with only 10 season. Merchants finally started to enjoy more possession towards the end of the first half which resulted in Head Boy, Tom Cope running a fantastic line off Max Hodkinson and he ran straight through the defence to score the side’s first try which was converted by Charlie Harrocks allowing Merchants to have a slender 7 points to 3 at half-time.

Accuracy, discipline and speeding up the tempo of the game were the half-time instructions and the boys took these on board almost immediately when the game resumed. Bolton secured a penalty from the kick off and were successful to bring the scores to 7-6 but it was clear to see that Merchants were now controlling the tempo of the game and were gaining a lot more possession. From a penalty the side kicked to the corner were they set up a driving lineout which resulted in captain Will Gilby controlling the ball at the back of the maul to touch down for the sides 2nd try which was once again converted by Harrocks and gave the side a more comfortable 14-6 lead. Another well created and well deserved score by Charlie Harrocks gave the team a 19-6 lead and the game started to look a lot more comfortable for the team which allowed the side to make a few substitutions to give Year 12 and Year 11 boys experience of playing on this type of stage. 

Tom Barker-Weinberger, one of the Year 11 boys side stepped his way to the try line which was also converted to give the team a 26-6 lead moving into the final 5 minutes of the game. All credit to the Bolton side who battled the whole way to the final whistle and deservedly scored a consolation try right on the final whistle which was celebrated by the large number of home supporters who were out to support their team. This left the final score of the game 26-13 in favour of Merchant Taylors who were crowned Lancashire Plate Winners 2015-2016. It was a great way to end the season and to end school rugby for 11 of the senior boys who will all leave for university in the summer. Mr King would like to thank the school leavers for their services to rugby and wish them every success in the future. For the Year 11 and 12 boys, training starts immediately after the Easter holidays in preparation for their upcoming tour to Hong Kong and Australia in July 2016.

Squad – R.Behl, J.Gorman, T.Shorrock, M.Millen, B.Kelly, T.Cope, H.May, W.Gilby, M.Hodkinson, J.Owen, C.Leece, C.Harrocks, L.Jones, J.Rawlinson, B.Aitchison, J.Boyce, M.Fletcher, M.Zaki, C.Millen, T.Barker-Weinberger,  G.Poli

lancs plate lancs plate 2

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MTGS Music Competition

On Tuesday, 22 March the Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School hosted its 2016 annual Music Competition in front of a full and appreciative audience.   Four weeks ago thirty five girls participated in the preliminary auditions from which the final nineteen musicians were chosen. Dr Alberto Sanna – professional violinist, musicologist and music lecturer at Liverpool Hope University was the guest adjudicator. Dr Sanna in his closing remarks commended the girls on their preparation and musicianship, and even went as far to say that some of the performances would surpass the standard of some undergraduates such was the quality!

The winner of the Middle School was Rachel Burnett [saxophone], and the Senior School competition was won by Chloe Jones [flute].

MTGS Music Competition 2016-001 MTGS Music Competition 2016-002 MTGS Music Competition 2016-007 MTGS Music Competition 2016-011 MTGS Music Competition 2016-014 MTGS Music Competition 2016-015 MTGS Music Competition 2016-018 MTGS Music Competition 2016-020 MTGS Music Competition 2016-022 MTGS Music Competition 2016-026 MTGS Music Competition 2016-031 MTGS Music Competition 2016-032 MTGS Music Competition 2016-033 MTGS Music Competition 2016-036 MTGS Music Competition 2016-038 MTGS Music Competition 2016-039 MTGS Music Competition 2016-040 MTGS Music Competition 2016-042 MTGS Music Competition 2016-044 MTGS Music Competition 2016-046 MTGS Music Competition 2016-048 MTGS Music Competition 2016-050 MTGS Music Competition 2016-053

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Easter Holiday Club

The children have had fun playing outside, making chalk drawings and baking chocolate plant pot muffins. More photos to come as the week progresses!

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