Merchant Taylors’ girls celebrate GCSE success

Pupils at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School have achieved outstanding GCSE results this year.

More than half (53%) of all results were awarded at grade 7 to 9, the equivalent of a former A or A*, and 89% of the year group achieved those higher grades.

Meanwhile, more than a third (34%) of all GCSEs were graded 8 or 9, surpassing the levels achieved in 2019, when the last set of formal external examinations were taken prior to the pandemic.

Among the many individual success stories are Eeva D, who achieved eight grade 9s and one grade 8, and Jess B, who attained eight grade 9s and three grade 8s.

Other notable successes include Eleanor C (seven grade 9s, two 8s and one 7), Erica W (seven grade 9s and two grade 8s), Mitisa N (six grade 9s, two 8s, one 7 and one 6) and Daria D (five grade 9s and five grade 8s).

Students enjoyed a strong showing across all subjects, including Latin and PE, where around two thirds of all grades were 8-9, while more than half of all Religious Studies and Art grades were at the highest level.

Bridget Ward, Head of Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, said:

“Our girls can be incredibly proud of their achievements at GCSE this year and it is especially pleasing to see so many achieving the highest possible grades.

“This year group had its two years of GCSE study disrupted by the pandemic and this is the first time that public examinations have taken place since 2019, so their achievements this summer are even more remarkable.

“They have displayed tremendous resilience and character to retain their focus and realise their individual goals.

“Special thanks must go our excellent team of staff, who have offered unwavering academic and pastoral support to girls throughout this period and they should also be very proud of the positive impact they have had.”

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A Level success across Merchant Taylors’ Sixth Form

Sixth Form students at Merchant Taylors’ are celebrating a year of excellent A Level results.

In their first experience of external examinations, having missed their GCSEs due to the pandemic, the year group has shown great endeavour to achieve an impressive set of grades.

Almost half of all grades were recorded at A* or A and there was a 100% pass rate across the entire cohort of 129 girls and boys.

Three pupils attained an incredible four A* grades, while a further five achieved three straight A* grades. Remarkably, a further 26 Sixth Form boys and girls attained grades that were exclusively A* or A.

The majority of students will now go on to their first-choice universities, including Oxbridge and a host of Russell Group universities across the UK including Imperial College London, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Warwick and Bristol.

Claire Tao, Executive Head at Merchant Taylors’, said:

“Academic performance is an important part of a Merchant Taylors’ education, so we are thrilled to see our boys and girls achieving excellent grades again this year. Given the challenges they have faced over the past two years, they should feel very proud of how they have acquitted themselves in all aspects of their lives.

“This year group has faced an incredibly challenging time and this has been their first real taste of external examinations. A pass rate of 100% is testament to their resilience and the unwavering support and guidance of our staff.

“High attainment at A*- A reflects an excellent performance by those students and demonstrates that boys and girls can benefit from an ethos of academic excellence, coupled with bespoke pastoral care and co-curricular opportunities, to scale the greatest heights at Merchant Taylors’ Sixth Form.”

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Pre-loved uniform

We have hundreds of items of pre-loved uniform, sportswear and accessories for girls and boys of all ages, kindly donated by our families across Merchant Taylors’.

This stock is available every day throughout August, beginning on Tuesday 1 August, from 9am to 3pm, in the old gym located at the Boys’ School.

Any families who wish to take advantage of this service are welcome to do so free of charge and without prior appointment. All we ask is that families continue to donate their own pre-loved items and support this service into the future.

**We need your pre-loved items of uniform and other schoolwear to support families within the Merchants’ community. If you have any items to donate, please do leave them in the donations box in the old gym when you visit us.**

Any surplus items, including dated stock, is donated to the Ashinaga Foundation to support children in Uganda and other parts of the world. You can read more about their work and our partnership with Ashinaga here.

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External Examination results arrangements

The results of GCSE examinations will be published on Thursday 25 August. Results will be sent electronically at 8:00am on the day via email to each pupil’s school email account.

Pupils and their families are also welcome to come into school from 8am to speak to staff about any specific exam related questions they may have, as well as see their friends and share in each other’s achievements.

Please click the following links for further details on the respective arrangements at the Boys’ School and Girls’ School.

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MTGS Choir Italy Tour

The Girls’ School choir recently enjoyed a trip to Italy following the conclusion of the summer term. President of the School Music Council Sophie kept us up to date with all the highlights of the trip:

Day One

We arrived safely in Verona after a flight with a scenic view of the Alps. Immediately hit with 30 degree heat, we made our way straight to the pool (in our very stylish swimming hats) to cool off and then finished the day with a lovely dinner at the hotel where the girls tried traditional Italian foods like polenta and caprese salad. We then had our first rehearsal and a well deserved sleep in our new rooms.

Day Two

We started a jam-packed day with a rehearsal at the hotel and then headed off on the coach to Venice. We were put into groups and given a photo challenge and a scavenger hunt to complete whilst we explored. After lots of friendly competition and gathering for pictures in various famous sight-seeing spots, we made it to our concert venue: St Marks Basilica. The choir gave an outstanding performance at Mass and we are all extremely proud of ourselves and grateful that we got the opportunity to sing in such a prestigious venue. There was then a quick turn around to an up-close and personal performance of ‘The Barber of Seville’ at ‘Musica a Palazzo’, which was an exciting end to our day of experiencing Venetian culture. Tired but fulfilled, we made it back to the hotel at 1:30am to get some well-deserved rest ready for our next day of the tour.

Day Three

On Monday morning the choir embarked on an adventure through Molina Waterfall Park. We took in the stunning views and some of us shared the magical experience of singing a piece of our concert repertoire in a cave with a beautiful echoing acoustic. The zip wire and a swing over a waterfall were also highlights of our trip.

We then went back to the hotel to partake in a pizza making workshop where we had fun making our own lunch (and then eating it!)After lunch, we went on a shopping trip in Lazise as well as stopping for gelato, fruit and to dip our feet in the lake.

We then arrived at our concert venue, the Villa Ducale, and enjoyed an outdoor buffet. The choir shared a really special moment at the concert, with many of the choristers and even staff left in tears at the raw emotion that was expressed in our performance. We left the venue feeling extremely proud of ourselves and ready to tackle our next day in Venice.

Day Four

Our final full day had finally arrived and so we made our way into Venice on our private boat to seize the rest of the time we had left in this beautiful city.

We started with lunch in a restaurant on the waterfront with a beautiful view. After our meal of pasta and panna cotta, we had some time to buy some souvenirs and then we made our way to a mask making workshop.

At Ca’Macana we learnt about the mask making process and the rich history behind the beautiful Venetian carnival masks which are still worn around Venice today. Then we were able to paint our own masks in whatever style we wanted, with some of the girls producing some fabulous works of art.

Our final concert took place at the Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paulo. We gave an amazing final performance and many tears were shed as we sang ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, a reminder of home, of how far we’ve come and of all of the hard work we’ve done.

We were then all treated to pizza, which we ate on some steps as we took in the facade of the beautiful church we sang in. We followed our pizza with some gelato and then started to walk back to our boat. As we walked, we sang some of our concert repertoire for people sat in nearby restaurants and on balconies. The residents came out of their apartments to wave us off as we walked for the last time through the beautiful streets of Venice and boarded our boat.

When we got back to the hotel, we finished our evening with thank yous to all of the staff that have helped us on this amazing journey. There were lots of tears of pride, happiness as well as sadness that this special trip with what we would consider our second family has come to end.

We would like to express our gratitude to Mr and Mrs Tao, Mrs Mayne, Miss Howard, Mr Barton and, of course, the amazing Mrs Gervasoni, who has made this entire experience possible and is always pushing us to do our best. Not many people can say that they have the ability to change lives but the school music department and all the staff in it have really been able to make a difference for so many people and we will always be grateful for the memories that we have created because of them.

Day Five

The tour choir finally landed back in Manchester on Thursday after a safe flight with Jet 2.

Thank you to the staff at Jet 2 for allowing us to sing to one of the passengers on our plane who was celebrating their birthday. It was wonderful to finish off our tour with one final song in yet another unique and memorable venue! #Jet2View

We have also included recordings of some of our other performances in Italy, including ‘City Called Heaven’ (featuring soloist Mary) and ‘May It Be’ in the Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paulo as well as the very special ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, performed in the Villa Ducale.

We are all so thankful for the opportunities that this tour has brought to us and every single member of the choir has brought home memories to last a lifetime. Thank you to everyone who has kept up with reading our blog whilst we have been away; we are so glad that we could share this experience with you.

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CCF Army Annual Camp

After several years of disruption due to COVID, the Merchant Taylors’ CCF Army section returned to their first annual camp since July 2019. This year saw our first visit to Altcar Training Camp for an annual camp, a place we know very well as due to its close proximity to school. Over 200 cadets from various schools gathered for a weeklong camp delivered by Headquarters North West Cadet Training Team.

The training was split into three parts, as Maj. A Saunders (OC HQ NW CTT) said, the three F’s: Fieldcraft, Firing and Ph(F)ysical. The fieldcraft phase saw our cadets put through their paces on two of the hottest days on camp, carrying out reconnaissance patrols, harbour drills and a platoon attack. The firing side led to all the cadets successfully firing the L98A2 cadet rifle with Cpl McCarthy achieving his marksman qualification and the school’s Best Shot on camp. The cadets also got put through their paces with the paintballing close contact drills. Finally, the physical phase gave the cadets the opportunity to sample several different activities including the gun run, obstacle course, archery, and laser clay pigeon shooting.

Several awards went out and camp: Best Recruit – L/Cpl Stockell, Most Improved Recruit – Cdt Jeyanaythan, Best NCO – Sgt Davis and Most Improved NCO – Sgt Clark

The camp was a huge success, and a special thanks must go to all the volunteer staff who made the camp happen, Capt H. Parker, Capt. M Taylor, 2Lt. C Rudd and AUO. S Owens.

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School shortlisted for innovation award

Our digital learning strategy has been shortlisted for a prestigious accolade by Liverpool Chamber of Commerce.

The Innovation in Business Awards recognise those businesses and individuals who have driven their organisation forward throughout the year.

We are proud to have been shortlisted in the Skills & Employability category, primarily for our 1:1 Devices Strategy, which will see all pupils in Years 7 -11 receive their own individual Microsoft Surface Go 3. This phased rollout begins in September 2022, when pupils in Years 7, 9 and 10 will receive their devices, and will be completed by September 2023.

Each award category presents a traditional award to an outstanding business in the field, alongside a supplementary special award for an innovator that has modernised to the advantage of their business, team and wider community.

The aim of this new approach is to further enhance the digital literacy and skills of all Merchant Taylors’ pupils in a world that demands flexibility and supports our efforts to become a Microsoft Showcase School in the coming years.

Developing these skills will challenge us as a School to develop our curriculum model and how we deliver our lessons in the classroom and beyond.

To vote for us in the Innovation in Business Awards, please visit the Liverpool Chamber website.

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Anniversary service at Liverpool Cathedral

A service of celebration was held at Liverpool Cathedral to mark the 400th Anniversary of Merchant Taylors’ School.

Pupils aged four to 18 were among the 1,400 attendees at the service and they were joined by former pupils of the school, as well as former and current staff members, parents and governors. Notable guests included the Mayor of Sefton, Lord Mayor of Liverpool, the High Sheriff of
Merseyside and Deputy Lord Lieutenant for Merseyside.

Canon Myles Davies, former Canon Precentor at Liverpool Cathedral and an ex-pupil at Merchant Taylors’, led the service, while another Old Crosbeian, Mark Stafford, Chaplain of Pusey House at Oxford University, delivered a sermon.

A specially-arranged community choir of current pupils, staff and alumni performed Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria, two pupils from Stanfield Preparatory School recited poems written specially for the service and there was a rousing rendition of the National Anthem in the year of the Platinum Jubilee.

The school was founded in 1620 by John Harrison, a citizen and Merchant Taylor of London. The Cathedral service was scheduled to take place in July 2020, but was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Merchants’ girls walk in memory of Freya

Pupils and staff at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School took part in a sponsored walk to raise money for a youth cancer charity.

The event raised more than £4,750 for Young Lives vs Cancer and was held in memory of former Merchant Taylors’ pupil Freya Kelly, who sadly passed away in 2020, when she was in Year 8.

More than 500 members of the school, many in fancy dress, walked the 11-mile route from Liverpool Road in Crosby via Lakeside Adventure Centre to Hightown, before returning to school.

Mrs Claire Tao, headmistress at Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School: “The sponsored walk was the idea of Freya’s friends and it really was a fitting tribute to her life, with so much laughter and support between the girls, plus, of course, a tinge of sadness along the way.

“We are really pleased so see how the collective efforts of the whole school community can be used to transform lives and I know there were a lot of sore feet in school the next day.

“We are also delighted to have raised such an incredible amount of money to support the vital work of Young Lives vs Cancer, which does so much to help children with cancer and their families.”

If you’d like to donate to this cause, you can still do so by clicking HERE.

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Culture Week

Last week we celebrated Culture Week at the Girls’ school, with lots of activities taking place in and out of lessons which provided pupils with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of cultural diversity. The week was dedicated to highlighting the variety of backgrounds in our community and showing how we can have great fun bringing out the best in all of us, together.

Throughout the week in each of their lessons pupils enjoyed learning about different cultures, for example in English they enjoyed reading and performing dub poetry, which originated in the West Indies. The girls enjoyed film sessions in which they watched ‘A Hundred Foot Journey’ which features integration and cultural conflicts.

In their languages lessons girls explored different countries, discovering what their traditions and customs were. On Friday the girls enjoyed listening to a guest speaker, Dr Sharmila Gopisett, who works in the NHS as she spoke about cultural diversity and discrimination.


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