Merseyside Young Analyst Competition

The Merseyside Young Analyst competition was held at Liverpool University on Saturday 5th March.
Teams of 3 Year 12 students from schools and colleges in the Merseyside area competed.
The girls who represented MTGS were Grace Wilson, Hannah Roughly and Midi McNulty

The girls carried out a number of different analytical techniques including titration and infra-red to analyse the content of soft drinks
Unfortunately we narrowly missed out on the top prize however the girls were fantastic and had a great day.Young Analyst 2016

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Merchant Taylors’ Company Associated Schools’ Concert

This weekend Liverpool became the host city to 11 schools from across the UK. Over 300 pupils joined together for a magnificent public concert at the Philharmonic Hall. The schools, which represent 9,000 pupils, are all associated to the Merchant Taylors’ Company in London and many of them were founded hundreds of years ago by this great Livery Company’s members, including Merchant Taylors’ Schools in Crosby where the original Boys’ School was founded by John Harrison in 1620.

The concert was a result of many months of meticulous planning and organisation. During the first half each school performed their own piece uniting together in the second half to perform Puccini’s Messa Di Gloria which was ably conducted by David Holroyd, the Director of Music at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School, Crosby. Rehearsals for Messa Di Gloria had only begun the day before, when most of the schools arrived at Merchant Taylors’ Senior Boys’ & Girls’ Schools in Crosby on Friday morning, but the end result was spectacular and demonstrated a wealth of outstanding musical talent.

Mr David Cook, Headmaster at Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School, Crosby, said “we are extremely proud to have hosted, and participated in, this major event. I would like to thank the Company for choosing Liverpool as its venue. For many of the pupils involved this was their first visit to the City and I know from their reactions it has been a very positive one. It has been an enriching experience and immense achievement for everyone involved – one that I am sure they won’t forget. ”

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Katy Wallymahmed – Mental Health Volunteering in Sri Lanka

Mental Health Volunteering in Sri Lanka

 Last summer I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to go to Sri Lanka for a five week mental health placement with a company called Sri Lanka Volunteers (SLV). Whist in Sri Lanka I worked in a variety of different places ranging from mental health institutions to a drama and dance therapy group for people with special needs. We were also given the opportunity to teach English as a foreign language in schools. We attended various workshops; one on the trauma that Sri Lanka has experienced with events such as the civil war that only ended in 2009 and the tsunami in 2004, one on children’s homes in Sri Lanka and another on working with people with special needs.

Katy Wallymahmed

Katy in traditional Sri Lankan dress 

As a psychology student I found that all the experiences I had in Sri Lanka helped me understand what I had learnt in lectures in a much more practical way. Seeing the devastation caused by the tsunami and civil war really put what the people of Sri Lanka have been through into perspective for me in a way that I don’t think you can truly understand unless you see it in person. What struck me most was how kind people were and how much they were willing to help you even if it took them out of their way, and I think this shows how collectivist and appreciative Sri Lanka is as a country. This was especially highlighted once a project was finished because no matter where you’d been, whether it was a school or a day centre, everyone was so thankful to you for coming, we were told in our orientation that if you gave one child a high five at the end of a class you would have to give all the children one, and they weren’t wrong! It was lovely to be so appreciated as it made all our efforts seem worth it.

Katy Wallymahmed

Left: “A hand tree made at a special needs project to illustrate that although everyone is different we are still part of the same wider community and we should treat everyone equally.”

Sri Lanka’s health care system is not as advanced as the UK’s NHS, so it was a great contrast to what we were used to at home, however, if anything this made us want to make more of a difference. We would go to each project with our rucksacks full of all different kind of craft activities, ranging from feathers to paint to glitter; we would make all manner of things that matched with the theme of our session, for instance one day our theme was colour so we made rainbows out of paper plates, feathers and pipe cleaners. I wanted to learn more about the coping techniques used in Sri Lanka; creative therapy was a great outlet for the people at the sessions as even something so simple as colouring in can be therapeutic and for patients with mental health problems this was a great way of allowing them to express themselves in a safe and quiet way.

Katy Wallymahmed

Left: “This was made at a special needs project where we would
also teach basic English. Here we were teaching them about body parts.”


One day were given the opportunity to shadow one of Sri Lanka’s very few psychiatrists, we went with him to the hospitals and sat in whilst he saw the patients. This was my favourite part of the trip as we saw patients with a wide variety of mental health disorders, and even went on some home visits to see patients that didn’t attend the clinic. The home visits really highlighted to me the commitment of the doctor we were working with as he made the effort to go and make sure that these patients were alright, often travelling far distances for a five minute check up.

With all the work we did on projects during the week it was nice to have weekends off to explore the country and learn more about Sri Lankan culture. We travelled all over and did so much sightseeing, we did everything from whale watching, to climbing Sigiriya Rock which has an ancient fortress built on top of it. We were even lucky enough to be in Sri Lanka for the annual Buddhist festival known as the Esala Perahera which celebrates the Tooth Relic of the Lord Buddha, we saw about 100 elephants all dressed up in their finery and although the parade was long, lasting about two hours it was well worth the watch!

Katy Wallymahmed

The Esala Perahara festival

Katy Wallymahmed

Katy and friends at the top of Sigariya rock

My time in Sri Lanka was phenomenal and I learnt so much whilst I was out there, not just about mental health but also about different ways of life, I also even learnt a little Sinhala! I would definitely recommend the placement to any psychology student wishing to gain experience in mental health as every day is different and you’re constantly learning new things.  Although the placement was tiring, I could not have asked for a better place to do it, Sri Lanka is a beautiful country with a rich culture and amazing food, and I would love to go back and see more of the country!

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World Book Day Celebrations

As part of our World Book Day celebrations a literary quiz was held in the Junior Hall on Friday 4th March. Eight teams took part- each with a boy from Year 3, 4, 5 and 6. There were six rounds of tough questions on books for kids and the boys all enjoyed the competition hugely. After a close contest, Powerful Parker emerged as winners with 33 points. The winning boys, who all received a Dan Smith novel, were:
Thomas C Y6

Joseph C Y5

William C Y4

Joseph W Y3 IMG_0001


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World Book Day 2016

Some ‘novel’ outfits were on display yesterday when the children dressed up as their favourite book characters for World Book Day. We think they look fantastic.

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Author Visit from Dan Smith

Hot off the press is a report by Year 6 Junior Reporter, William B, on the recent visit of Dan Smith:

On Tuesday 1st March we were visited by Dan Smith, a famous author of a variety of books both for children and adults. He answered many questions asked by boys from different years and told us about his life and love for books.

The children’s books Dan spoke about were: Boy X, Big Game, My Brothers Secret and My friend the enemy.

Boy X has just come out and it is highly recommended that you read it. It is about a boy called Ash who wakes up drugged on a tropical island and his mother, a genetic scientist, was forced to create a deadly virus and is now trapped and infected with the virus. Ash goes out into the jungle realising he is faster and sharper than before. But why are all the animals watching him and how can he use the jungle to his advantage?

I can’t wait to read these fantastic books and really enjoyed meeting Dan Smith.

William B
Junior Reporter

Dan Smith2

Dan Smith with School Librarian Mrs Rea

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Medals for Brothers in Table Tennis Championships

Congratulations to Max and Rhys Davies who both picked up medals in the Merseyside Schools Table Tennis Championships! Max was runner up in the U/13s losing by the smallest possible margin, 11-9 in the deciding 5th set. Younger brother Rhys went one better winning the U/11s for the second year in a row without losing a single set. He will now represent Merseyside in the National Schools Finals at the end of April in Wolverhampton with a real chance of success! Well done to both boys on their achievements!


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New Library for Stanfield Children

We are pleased to announce that MTPS Stanfield now has a new library. We would like to thank the PTA for their generous donation, which has enabled us to buy some specialist library furniture. The children are all looking forward to using the new library and we are hoping to start Infant Story Club after the Easter break.
S.Garforth and S.Taylor.

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First Prize for Chloe in British Flute Society Competition

Congratulations to Chloe Ellen Jones in year 10 who performed in The British Flute Society 2016 International Competition in London. Chloe won First Prize in her class which was the Class B School Performer 14-18 years. This was an extremely competitive class with 27 performers competing this year coming from as far as Poland and Russia! This is fantastic news for Chloe who is truly delighted with the outcome after all her hard work and commitment. Chloe is now officially the top UK Flautist within this age bracket which is a superb achievement!

For the full article please click here


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World Book Day Visit by Dan Smith

World Book Day event

Visit by Dan Smith

Tuesday 1st March 2016


Dan, now a successful writer for both children and adults, was inspired by his early love of stories. His favourite film, Star Wars, which he saw when he was seven, made him want to be his hero Han Solo.  He loved everything about the film, and the action figures.  His childhood was spent travelling the world, as his family lived in many exotic locations following the jobs of his father, a chemical engineer.  For a long time Dan was home schooled, and enjoyed the freedom of living in places like Brazil, Indonesia and Russia.  However when he was sent to boarding school in England to continue his education, stories became his comfort and escapism when he was feeling homesick.  He started to make up stories as well as reading them, and when he was in his late teens he wrote them down.

The boys were enthralled by Dan’s tales of sitting in the crater of an active volcano, fishing for piranhas, contending with the most poisonous spider in the world in one of his childhood homes, and encountering snakes, scorpions, ants, armadillos and jaguars.  They were also intrigued by his description of the lawlessness of Brazil.  His family lived in a remote part of the country where the only policeman was usually drunk or asleep, and where guns were commonly kept by most of the workers his father employed. He has used this landscape as the background to some of his novels.

His advice to budding writers was to practice constantly and let your imagination have free rein.  It is also crucial to read widely.  Dan’s favourite books include The Road by Cormac McCarthy, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and anything by J K Rowling who he thinks is a wonderful writer.  He loves the freedom of being an author, and enjoys events in schools as children are so enthusiastic.  In the afternoon Dan inspired some creative writers with advice and fun activities, based on film clips from The Thing, and Children of Men, and extracts from the graphic novel Walking Dead.

His latest book Boy X, is set in a high tech research facility on a remote tropical island.  Ash must travel through the jungle to save his Mum and her colleagues who have been infected with a deadly virus.  The plot of Big Game was not his own idea, but was first a film script that he was asked to turn into a novel.  The film, which stars Samuel L Jackson, is about a plot to kidnap the American president after his plane Air Force One is shot down.  My Friend the Enemy was inspired by the wartime coastal defences.  His next book, which should be published early next year, is about a boy who goes to a training centre in the Antarctic.


Dan Smith2

Dan Smith


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