RAF Cup Winners 2016

RAF Cup Winners

The RAF cadets have shown tremendous commitment to the section this year and entered the Air Squadron Trophy at RAF Cosford (near Wolverhampton), getting up at a really unearthly hour to make the two hour trip down to RAF Cosford to put their skills against other schools from the West TEST Area of the CCF. Activities on the day included: drill and turnout test, aircraft recognition, RAF Knowledge, Fitness Test, Command Task and the DCCT Shoot. Our cadets were ably led in the Command Task element by Cpl Apel who led the team magnificently to first place and securing the Command Task Trophy for the section.

Following on from the success at RAF Cosford, the RAF Section entered into the Crosby Combined Cup, which followed a similar format to that of the Air Squadron Trophy. The Cup was held at Merchant Taylors in February organised by RSMI Simon Brett. The RAF Section used the experience of Cosford to win three shields and the overall Cup.

The Crosby Cup Winners 2016

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James Bamber – Cheque Presentation

Back in February, our very own James Bamber, was announced as the winner of the Atheneaum Writing Prize. As well as winning £1000 for himself, he also won £100 for the school library and the picture below is of James himself presenting Mrs Rea with the £100 cheque. Well done James.

James Bamber

For the full story please click the link.


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Biathlon Success for Years 4 and 5

On Thursday 4th February, year 4 and 5 visited Rossall School to compete in a biathlon. Firstly, the year 4s went to the swimming pool to do their swim. They did very well considering there were very good teams competing. Over 15 schools took part which involved 230 children! Then the year 5’s did their swim, they achieved very good times as well. Then the Y4s went for their run; Monty ran like the wind and came first in his heat and second overall! Amazing! The year Y5’s completed their run and Ollie Raw came 3rd overall. The results concluded in both teams coming 2nd overall! We were all so happy and had a great day!Rossall Biathlon (7)

Rossall Biathlon (6)

Rossall Biathlon (5)

Rossall Biathlon (4)

Rossall Biathlon (2)

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Old Boy’s Sci-Fi Trilogy – John Standingford 1956-64

Do you remember Image? It was the School’s first magazine for creative writing, the brainchild of English teacher Chris Price. He joined the school in September 1961 and Issue No.1 was published in November 1962. Image was run by an Editorial Committee of six: four modernists, a scientist and a classicist. Mr Price and fellow English teacher Mr Woodland were Editorial Advisers.

One of the modernists was John Standingford (aka Standingford, J R K), who contributed a poem and a very short play to the first issue. He went on to read Economics at Cambridge and follow an international career as a consulting economist, spending much of the last 23 years in the former Soviet republics. He lives in Australia with his wife, Mary.

John just turned 70 and is easing out of consulting into authorship. “I remember being shocked when Mr Price told us he liked science fiction,” he told us, “because we solemn sixth-formers didn’t consider that a serious literary genre!” But Mr Price’s words echoed down the decades, and John’s first published work is a science fiction trilogy.

It’s called The Eeks Trilogy. The three books are ‘Eeks’, ‘Speeks’ and ‘Squidgies’. They are available only as e-books, through all the main e-book retailers.

The hardest question to an author is “What’s it about?” An honest answer might be “Life, love and death,” but that’s not a good sales pitch. A more informative answer usually turns into a summary of the plot. John’s answer is “Human nature, relationships and adaptability. Robots and aliens help to create situations that demand human responses, and provoke questions about euthanasia, religion, colonialism, racism, sexuality and our long-term survival as a species.”

John has a blog too (http://stroppygit.com) where he expresses his sometimes controversial opinion about issues of the day.

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A Level Art Trip to Edinburgh

A Level art students enjoyed a specialist photolitho workshop at the world famous Edinburgh Printmakers with studio director Alastair Clarke. The process involved enlarging an image onto acetate and then exposing it on a light sensitive plate using a darkroom. The plates were then washed out revealing the image. Images were printed using a litho roller and oil based ink on a motorised press. The results are fantastic & the girls loved the process. Unfortunately massive rail disruption meant the visit to the British Art Show was cancelled. At least we now have a new generation of lithographers eager to try out stone lithography on the Art Dept’s historic Mailander Press – the only such facility in the North West of England!




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Year 8 Trip to Manchester Museum

Many thanks to Mr Yates for this great video recording Year 8’s trip to Manchester Museum to take part in a Human Evolution workshop.

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Merseyside Cross Country Championship

Congratulations to the five Year 7&8 boys who competed in the Merseyside Cross Country Championship held at Arrowe Park on the Wirral. Despite the grueling conditions underfoot the boys ran well, with Ethan Horspool (7C) finishing 6th in the Year 7 race. Ethan will now represent Merseyside against Cheshire next month.
Ethan Horspool
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Hot off the Press! Welcoming our New Junior Reporters

The newest recruits to the Junior Reporters’ Club, Year 3 pupils, Shamal, Joe and Sebastian, have just sent in ‘copy’ of their latest news! We hope you enjoy reading their newspaper reports.

Junior Reporters Club

Rugby by Junior Reporter, Sebastian, Y3O

Recently Year 3 went on rugby tournament to Manchester Grammar School. It was lots of fun! We did fitness first with the First Team coaches. We did ball control to start off then we followed this with running with the ball.
Next we played some matches: we played against Manchester Grammar, Yorkshire and City of Liverpool. We won a lot of games. I think we won them all!
Then we had lunch. I had tuna sandwiches – it was absolutely delicious! Finally we went back to school, exhausted but happy. I had a really great day!


Crosby Hall Educational Trust by Junior Reporter Joseph, Y3O

Recently Year 3 went to a place called Chet. Our favourite place was the adventure playground. We did rope swinging where we held onto a rope, jumped up and swung. We had a competition to see who could swing the furthest. We also did den building! I had my mum on my team and we also had Mr O’ Shaughnessy. The first thing we did was we went orienteering where we went into the forest and tried to find leaflets which were labelled. We had to find the colour orange because our colour was orange. It was a really good day. I hope I can go there again soon!

CHET by Joe

Cricket by Junior Reporter Shamal Y3W

Cricket is an amazing sport to play!
If you play cricket you need a lot of skill and the main thing is that it full of fun!
You can train at Ian Robinson Sports Centre at Merchant Taylors Boys School in the evening.
A few years ago the best cricket player of all times was Suchin Tendulker!

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Harry Potter Book Night

Children in Years 3 & 4 from around the area arrived for a thrilling Harry Potter themed night last week. MTGS was transformed into Hogwarts for the evening with classes in Herbology, Divination, Astronomy, Potions, Quiddich and much more! We hope everyone enjoyed the night!

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A ‘Dramatic’ Visit from Actor and Old Boy Arthur McBain

Students rehearsing for the next major joint schools’ production, “Our Day Out”, received some professional acting advice when Arthur McBain revisited to deliver a Drama master class.
Willy Russell’s musical play will be performed in the Williams Hall at MTBS from 16 to 19 March at 7.30pm. Tickets can be booked online here:www.trybooking.co.uk/MY

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